@bcoyle Greetings! I've been reading this thread and watching for sometime in hopes of a solution appearing sooner than later. I started a 24/7 local weather channel for Southern Tennessee and North Alabama last year. We've grown leaps and bounds and have even been picked up on a couple of local cable companies, all with by using a combination of OBS and Wirecast.
So here's my setup for "Tennessee Valley Weather" (
www.tnvalleyweather.com)... Wirecast has been running as my primary "log" on a continuous loop unless there's severe weather, then we break in and go wall-to-wall. I've got Wirecast's form of a playlist, called "shots" set up in this fashion... Our Recorded Weather Show, Spots, Promo, Spots, Current Conditions, Spots, Forecast Images, Spots, all on the aforementioned loop. From there, the programming leaves via NDI to another machine running OBS and joins with our "L Bar" and then goes out to Restream.
This has worked "ok" for us but we're outgrowing what we've got, but still on a budget, and OBS is a really reliable too. It also handles our live weather cams really well, most are RTSP while others are brought in via M3U8 or YouTube for some national feeds we've got rights to or pick up from public sources.
I would LOVE to be able to schedule things hourly or, better yet, just be able to enjoy the reliability of OBS and have a good rundown for our various inputs. So I've been watching this thread religiously. haha. :D
Check out what we've got and let me know what you think. We built this out from a radio station I manage. We've been blessed... use a Baron Lynx backbone and even have our own app and doppler radar... yes, it's a real doppler that serves our area. But our streaming backbone is OBS and the devilish Wirecast which I'd LOVE to move on from. Any tips or suggestions are WELCOME!
Thanks everyone!