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Free Animated Lower Thirds with Dockable Control Panel v.1.6


New Member
Good day NoeAL,

This is an amazing plugin. I'm testing it right now and I was wondering how this be used in conjunction with "Social Stream Ninja" plugin.
May I request any thoughts on that?

Thank you


New Member
can someone help me, ive copied the file path as it is on my sysyem and the control panel exactly as its labelled and i just get this


  • image_2024-09-04_152442795.png
    262.9 KB · Views: 73


New Member
Echoing the post about macOS, got it working wonderfully on macOS Sequoia.

Also, I'm able to import local fonts using the same import syntax as google fonts, except the font name only shows the first character under the list:



for example, in the above, under Font Family, I enter:
font-family: 'Hungry Hunters';

and @import url, I enter:
@import url('/Users/abbas/Pictures/cko 2024/livestream/cko_fonts.css?family=Hungry+Hunters')

I've tried some variations without quotes, etc, still only the first character displays.

Anyway, thanks for making this available, it's an awesome plugin.

It's funny that the description of the plugin says it doesn't work on Macintosh, I'm here on Mac, I had to do some "magic" but here's the plugin working perfectly without any kind of problem with MacOS Catalina and with version 29 of OBS.

Thank you very much Noe for the great work! Excellent resource for creating high quality content.


Es curioso que digan que no funciona en Macintosh, estoy aquí en Mac, tuve que hacer algo de "magia" pero aquí está el plugin funcionando perfectamente sin ningún tipo de problema con MacOS Catalina y con la versión 29 de OBS.

¡Muchas gracias Noe por el gran trabajo!, excelente recurso para la creación de contenido de alta calidad.

View attachment 107264

Dan Nanokha

New Member
First of all you need to have all the files and folders of the zip unzipped. "common" folder with "css" and "js" folders inside and "lower thirds" folder with de "html" files inside.

In the other hand, in your screenshot I don't see the "browser source.html" file added in the scene.

View attachment 60381

Watch the video tutorial again and follow the steps of minute 0:30. And the size has to be the same as your Canvas Resolution (1920x1080 or 1280x720).

I hope it helps

Dan Nanokha

New Member


i see this dialogue box whenever i open OBS and lower thirds fails to show. any help??

[lower-thirds_hotkeys.lua] Error calling script_load: [string "C:/Program Files/obs-studio/Animated-Lower-Th..."]:436: C:/Program Files/obs-studio/Animated-Lower-Thirds/lower thirds/../common/js/hotkeys.js: Permission denied

View attachment 109643
Try startin OBS with Admin privileges. Most probably you don't have the permissions to C:/Program Files. You should put those files somewhere where you can write them without admin privileges.


New Member
Wanted to ask if anyone has noticed the dollowing:

Something is off with slot 3 and 4, I mean some controls like "turn on/off borders in slot 3 affect slot 4 borders when it is on and vice versa.
and the buttons in slot 4 that must control font color, for some reason control the border color.

And there are 2 bottons for borders, but they turn on and off both at the same time - don't understand the purpose.

Tried to reset - same result.


New Member
Guys, is anyone could help me with this plugin? I need to scroll the info part of lowerthird. I mean there is too long text and its cant fit there. Also it would helpfull to setup the end of title area example max long 1550px. Also helpfull to setup to how long to wait before start to srcroll the text. and of course the speed of text. Anyone could do that changes in to these plugin? Many thanks!


New Member
Hello, Thank you for this plugin. It's really great for my church. I do have a request that would improve things.

Make it easier to update a slot. Currently, we click on the slot of bring it up, then we hold down on the slot to delete it, we make our edit to the text and then click the slot to re-save it. That's a lot for non-technical people to do. It would be nice if there was an easier way to update a slot's text.