Advanced Scene Switcher

Advanced Scene Switcher 1.28.1


New Member

Is there anyway to make the Idle command reset once OBS gets an SDK based command from a Loupedeck Live. Currently the macro won't reset and it will immediately switch back to my idle scene. This is for a marketing project where customers can interact with the device only and navigate throug scenes.


Active Member
First of all - I apologize for the delayed responses.
I was not able to reply earlier.


I have a macro which starts every 15min using 'timer'. But I want the 2nd macro to begin 15sec after the 1st macro and the 3rd macro another 15sec after 2nd macro etc

Any ideas how this can be done?

You can run other macros from within a macro so maybe something like this will work for you:


Will you also be adding an after & before time to the simple settings? I like the simple settings because I can easily select a certain day, as opposed to selecting a date, and then having it repeat every 168 hours. I have found that sometimes due to human error, I've selected a date in the past, and then it never gets updated. Or occasionally it doesn't repeat, perhaps because I don't open OBS on that particular date and so it never matches the condition and updates the date.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I will add it to the list.

My main concern here is just that some users might "before" and "after" to work differently.
For example, as the simple date condition is not fixed to a particular date, the "after Wednesday" condition could be interpreted to be true on a Tuesday, as of course there would of course be another Tuesday after each given Wednesday.

Hello! which version will work with OBS 21? does it have Sequences?
I'm stuck with an old Mac with 10.8.5. OBS 21 should work but I also need Advanced Scene Switcher with Sequences function
I think this very old version does still contain a version of the plugin that might work:


Is there anyway to make the Idle command reset once OBS gets an SDK based command from a Loupedeck Live. Currently the macro won't reset and it will immediately switch back to my idle scene. This is for a marketing project where customers can interact with the device only and navigate throug scenes.
There is not, unfortunately.
But maybe you can solve your issue by just pausing the particular macro containing the idle condition for a fixed amount of time before unpausing it again?


New Member
Do you mean the streaming category on whichever website you are streaming on?
If so that is currently not possible.

Assuming that both "camera 1" and "camera 2" are sources on a particular scene then something like this might do the trick:

View attachment 83416

This will show camera 1 and hide camera 2 for 5 seconds then hide camera 1 and show camera 2 for 5 seconds and repeat.
Let me know if you have further questions!
how can i add different transitions?


New Member
Hi Warmuptill! Thanks for the great plugin! This is absolutely one of my favorite OBS plugins!

Yet I have an issue that OBS will crash when I keep selecting and deselecting (selecting a different macro) a macro contains a video condition, even there is no set of a video source to the condition. It doesn't matter either the macro is paused or unpaused. It also crashed when I was streaming. There are no crashes after I deleted the macro. Is there anyway to solve this issue? I'm wanted to know if I can provide a crash log. I'm using MacOS Monterey, OBS 27.2.4 and Adcvanced Scene Switcher 1.17.5.

Please let me know what kinds of information do you need. I hope I can use the video condition more stably. Thanks!


Active Member
I'm wanted to know if I can provide a crash log. I'm using MacOS Monterey, OBS 27.2.4 and Adcvanced Scene Switcher 1.17.5.
Thanks for reporting the issue! I will look into it!
If you do happen to have a crash log that would be very helpful in tracking the problem down further.


New Member
Thanks for reporting the issue! I will look into it!
If you do happen to have a crash log that would be very helpful in tracking the problem down further.
Thanks for a quick response! I’m sorry, I meant I don’t know how to find a log that having a crash…

One more thing that I wanted to ask. It’s not related to the above.

I read this thread and I saw you were talking about variables. I’m very interested to have that feature, but I also understand that makes the looks of this plugin more complicated for many of the users.

I want to set a text sauce and image sauce which have the same file name at the same time. for example…

If a variable is APPLE, then set a filename for text sauce to be APPLE.txt and image file for an image sauce to be APPLE.png.


If a text file for a text sauce is BANANA.txt, then an image file for the sauce is BANANA.png.

I know that I can check or change a file by using a sauce setting condition and action. Yet is there any way to set both of the name to be the same? I have more than 100 files for each and I don’t know how to accomplished this by a one or few macros.



New Member
Has anyone else experienced very slight audio/visual stutters while Advanced Scene Switcher is turned on and tries to switch scenes? This problem occurs for me while I'm using the Sequence function of the plug-in. When I analyze OBS, it does not detect any problems with the stream, so I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Basically anytime my scenes switch, thats when the stutering occurs. Probably lasts for like .1 seconds. But because I have several scenes constantly rotating in a loop, it is annoying.


New Member
This plugin is really helpful with what I need to do! I also would like to ask where does the plugin save its settings/macros?


New Member
I seriously HATE the "new" look. How do I get back to whatever version the last before this change to Macro and other sh!t like that? I need the version with tabs at the top where one could chose Sequence and make simple Scene switching there. THANKS !


New Member
I dl the october 2021 version, hopefully this will be sorted in the future with a row of tabs on top like it should have kept being, so we can actually use the latest version again without having to have a degree in using it.


Active Member
This plugin is really helpful with what I need to do! I also would like to ask where does the plugin save its settings/macros?
The settings are saved as part of the scene collection.
So for example, they are part of the *.json files located at C:\Users\<your username here>\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio\basic\scenes on Windows systems.

I dl the october 2021 version, hopefully this will be sorted in the future with a row of tabs on top like it should have kept being, so we can actually use the latest version again without having to have a degree in using it.
The old tabs are still there.
Just uncheck "Hide tabs which can be represented via macros".


New Member

I have a strange issue that I can't find a solution for. When I try to set scenes in both the built in auto scene switcher and the advanced scene switcher, the drop down menu to select the scene only contains "Scene", not the other 5 scenes that I have built. Am I missing something?


Active Member

I have a strange issue that I can't find a solution for. When I try to set scenes in both the built in auto scene switcher and the advanced scene switcher, the drop down menu to select the scene only contains "Scene", not the other 5 scenes that I have built. Am I missing something?
That sounds very strange indeed.
Are you using a special fork of OBS or the "original" version?


New Member
Hi everyone!

First of all, thanks for developping this tool. It is a valuable ressource for me.

I am trying to perform the following task and so far I failed to succeed:

I've got a video that is looping.
I wanna trigger a scene switch when the looping video reach its end before looping again.

The problem is that as the loop option is ticked, it seems that the video, even if the counter show a end before the loop, does not have an end, therefore it is unable to detect the end of the video file.
So the scene switch never happens.

The only way I found in Advanced Scene Switcher 1.17.5 to perform this is in the Sequence tab, set as follow:
When "Scene 1" is active switch to "Scene 2" after "21.00" seconds using "Cut"
But I cannot trigger this, I don't want this to happen everytime I am selecting "Scene 1".

Any ideas?


Active Member
Hi everyone!

First of all, thanks for developping this tool. It is a valuable ressource for me.

I am trying to perform the following task and so far I failed to succeed:

I've got a video that is looping.
I wanna trigger a scene switch when the looping video reach its end before looping again.

The problem is that as the loop option is ticked, it seems that the video, even if the counter show a end before the loop, does not have an end, therefore it is unable to detect the end of the video file.
So the scene switch never happens.

The only way I found in Advanced Scene Switcher 1.17.5 to perform this is in the Sequence tab, set as follow:
When "Scene 1" is active switch to "Scene 2" after "21.00" seconds using "Cut"
But I cannot trigger this, I don't want this to happen everytime I am selecting "Scene 1".

Any ideas?
So you want to loop an unspecified number of times (practically infinite), and then set a flag so that the next end-of-loop moves on instead of looping?


Active Member
Hi everyone!

First of all, thanks for developping this tool. It is a valuable ressource for me.

I am trying to perform the following task and so far I failed to succeed:

I've got a video that is looping.
I wanna trigger a scene switch when the looping video reach its end before looping again.

The problem is that as the loop option is ticked, it seems that the video, even if the counter show a end before the loop, does not have an end, therefore it is unable to detect the end of the video file.
So the scene switch never happens.

The only way I found in Advanced Scene Switcher 1.17.5 to perform this is in the Sequence tab, set as follow:
When "Scene 1" is active switch to "Scene 2" after "21.00" seconds using "Cut"
But I cannot trigger this, I don't want this to happen everytime I am selecting "Scene 1".

Any ideas?
Have you considered using a macro setup similar to this one in combination with the hotkeys for unpausing macros?


Once this macro is unpaused it will wait for the end of the looping media source by checking the remaining time.
If the remaining time is below the specified threshold a scene switch to "Scene" will be triggered.
As final step the macro will "disarm" itself again by pausing itself.

The hotkey to unpause and thus enable this macro can be bound in the OBS settings menu.


Hope that helps!
This plugin is more than just a auto scene switcher. I been using this to trigger sources visibility on specific conditions.

There is however one thing that I wish you could explain is the run and arguments on Macro. I want one of my scene change to trigger a bat file to open, but it won't. When I put an exe program to run, it runs multiple instances of that program infinitely until I disable the Macro. I hope you could provide a little tutorial on that.
