Hi, I'm a new OBS user (Mac), and I'm not very familiar with the proper terms you would use, so bear with me:
I'm a musician who has been live streaming my performances. I have a setup that involves a video with a countdown timer in one scene, and my camera in another scene. I downloaded the Advanced Scene Switcher so I could automatically change from my countdown timer scene to my camera scene. The goal is to touch the computer as little as possible so when my camera is active, people don't see me messing around on the computer and I can engage them immediately. I set up the scene sequence to change from my countdown scene to my camera scene by inputting the length of my countdown video in seconds. And it works.
My issue is that sometimes, before streaming, I accidentally check the countdown scene before I'm ready. After switching to my camera scene to make sure everything looks good, I'll switch to my countdown scene, start streaming, and the scene switches to my camera early, cutting off the countdown. I realized that this is because the scene sequence timer doesn't stop ticking. I tried using Pause but the scene sequence timer will pick up where it left off.
Is there a way to stop the scene sequence timer completely, and reset the scene sequence timer when the countdown scene becomes active again? I'm trying to do this without hotkeys so I don't have to touch my computer.