That depends
entirely on the streaming service you use, as each has service (ex YT, FB, Twitch, etc) has its own process (other than relatively standard input streaming protocols, and even there they differed on preferred values/settings) there is NOTHING standard across free consumer 'broadcast' services. Then it depends on things like
- did you pre-schedule the video 'broadcast'? or is this 'ad-hoc'?
- or you going low-security route with persistent stream key?
- etc
Personally, all of my streams are pre-scheduled. And I change a handful of settings/values with each stream, though there probably over 100+ values I could be adjusting (from streaming services 'broadcast' setup portal). And those stream settings options have changed significantly over time
some people go simple... ad-hoc, same settings, no description, etc for every broadcast. Others are far more sophisticated. And that is ALL controlled at streaming service, and has nothing to do with stream being sent (there is no standard H.264/H.265/AV1 metadata for streaming services to grab such broadcast settings from). So, you have to set all of those stream details at streaming service, or the service has to have an flushed out API with all typical settings available (if API isn't complete, reliable, secure, etc, it will get ignored... see above comment on stream settings changing significantly over time). And then publish/advertise so that software developers (OBS Studio, 3rd party plugin authors like this ADvSS by the amazing
@Warmuptill, or other streaming related software) will support those APIs.
All of this to say, that is not a simple question. it actually gets complicated rather quickly, and this being the free, open-source world doesn't help. Especially when it comes to 'free' streaming services.
So, when considering that stream settings aren't static, and change rates vary by streaming service, and some manual input typically required regardless (stream title), whether one enters that in streaming service portal, or within streaming software, doesn't make that much difference. I see where it would be convenient... but I also see why streaming services have focused their efforts elsewhere for the time being.