Thanks for showing me the possibilities but it's not what I'm looking for.
I explain with an example
believe in a macro that says that if it is in scene 1 or scene 2, show dsk1.
but it turns out that I want to do a giveaway so I have to activate dsk2
If I do it, dsk2 remains above dsk1
then I need to be able to create a macro that if DSK2 is shown then DSK1 will be hidden
In other words I want to have the possibility that if one dsk is shown, another can be hidden.
The only way I see to achieve this is as an IF condition.
but currently it is only shown to create a hotkey, there is no possibility to choose. IF OBS SOURCE activate DSK2
disable DSK1
I attach an image so you can understand me better
View attachment 98515