I was evaluating this interface to add a microphone to my setup (MacOS, I know, not the default choice), not just for streaming.
I was wondering if it's possible to have separate channels inside OBS with it.
Ideally I'd like to have microphone, chat, and game sound all available to OBS, not just...
I just got a Scarlett 18i20 interface so that I can live stream the creative process of making music with multiple instruments on Logic Pro x. The problem is, only the first two inputs are reading in OBS when I need at least 5 inputs.
I have soundflower and my interface connected to a...
Hi there,
I am absolutely new to OBS and I made my first steps using it on a Mac - latest OSX.
Since I am a musician I use a high end audio interface from Metric Halo - it's the 2882 mobile IO and you can find info about it here.
The problem which occurs in connection with OBS is, that I can...
This is odd !
I run two audio interfaces on the same computer. I use them to DAW ( Digital audio workstation ), I record professional audio. My interfaces are a Focusrite Pro 40 and an old EchoAudio Layla 24. I run Sonar X3 as DAW, no problem ( I use only on focusrite ). When I use OBS, I need...
Heya, I am David Pixley theMuzzl3.
Here are (some) of my recent ideas. I'll have more, later. I encourage others to reply with further suggestions, based on what I've started.
I must say: I'm hopeful that the REAPER dev's & OBS dev's (or dev?) continue to work together, and grow the...
Hey Everyone! I've run into an issue with my Elgato HD60 pro and I was hoping you might be able to help me figure it out.
It might have to do with my setup, so here's how I have everything running into OBS:
I have a Scarlett 18i20 running multiple microphones into Reaper, and then I'm routing...
Hi everyone, so I recently purchased a Line 6 POD Farm Studio UX2 to use with my Audio Technia 2035 mic for Streaming and Recording but I can't for the life of me figure out how to have OBS detect my voice when talking. It detects audio (the detection on the main screen, audio level bar I...
This is an awesome software which I have used for over 6 months but there is a small problem that I havent found solution for yet.
The problem: I have my guitar in input 1 and mic in input 2 of my audio interface. OBS lets me choose stereo input (1-2) when both of those will get into same...
So windows volume goes from 0/100
volume 100 is normal to be recorded but not to listen. so for example if i were to record my iphone screen it will record at full volume so if someone else watches it they can listen to it at normal volume.
obs doesnt do that. it records at the volume you have...
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