I loved it, if there was something like this for event lists and goals that would be amazing too ♡
Thank you for your feedback Actually I am currently working on a feature for the next version, that the Chat Designer shows messages of new subs (and later bits too).

As soon as I fully understand how the responses from the Twitch API are built for each different event, an activity feed designer shouldn't be that difficult. But for that I still need some time
i love u why i was searching something like this so easy
Very nice script for setting up chats, writing everything by hand would take me much more than using this. The only few culprits I noticed are:
- Most buttons that are just icons have no tooltip or description of what they are supposed to do, so it's just trial and error.
- Animations in-out for messages don't seem to work outside of the designer. In it I see that the messages fade in (but do not fade out despite the entry in the Designer), outside they just pop in and out.
Excellent, highly customisable tool that's easy to use.