Advanced Scene Switcher

Advanced Scene Switcher 1.28.1

This is a wonderful plugin! It's so powerful. I actually do have a couple feature requests though. I wish we could pause specific switching methods instead of being forced to pause them all. It'd be super helpful to me since there are times I want one trigger to be present but don't want others to be.

Either way, thanks for keeping this up!
INCREIBLE! the only thing I would add is that in Media you can select a VLC playlist previously loaded in the scene, it would give a range of interesting options. From already Muchas gracias!
Incredibly useful and stress reducing when teaching online. Can't thank you enough. The built-in feature was unable to do so many things that this one can do that it wasn't useful.
This plug-in saves me so much effort (and stress) during a live stream, and @Warmuptill has been super-responsive. I've been saved by having the new Media tab (initially buggy but fixed super fast... and exactly what I want/need). Recent improvements (ex saving of settings) are really nice refinements / maturing of this impressive and immensely useful tool. And I'm looking forward to some of the upcoming updates
It's very good, although at the present release, there is not yet the way to edit a line, instead of to delete it and substitute it.
When you have few scenes, it's not an issue. But with a lot of scenes, it's cumbersome.
Thank you! :)

Editing the entries in place is definitively on the to-do list.
I just havn't found a way to implement it in a reasonable amount of work.
First of all, great plugin!
However I wish it could have:
- some basic help;
- in the Time tab: be able to change/edit and save the hour and a way to reorder the scenes instead of deleting and re-entering them.
- in the Sequence tab: be able to select between seconds, minutes or even hours instead of just seconds and be able to re-order the scenes instead of deleting and re-entering them.
Also, I would like a way to re-order the tabs. I know that this is not a priority, but for me it would be much easier to have Time and Sequence tabs before Transition.
Do you think that it's possible to have this in the next version?

Thank you!
This is fantastic. The built in automatic switcher is completely not intuitive.
One bit of info for Ubuntu 20.04 users with OBS Studio 25.x, the plugins directory on 64 bit systems is: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/obs-plugins/
Keep up this great work.
Tool itself works great, I have noticed an issue where a resource intensive game *Half Life Alyx for instance* will cause it to not properly switch back to a scene as specified in scene sequences. My friends has a lesser machine and runs into this issue more often, so limiting the amount of scenes seems to be the fix. This has given me the ability to have easier scene changes to highlight interaction or gaming moments to my viewers and have seen massive positive growth since using. Please keep working on and don't let this plugin get outdated. It's a god send.
Hey! Love this. Tampered alot with it, at it works great. Except one little thing.

"Write/read to file" cannot override from one Scene sequence to a second Scene sequence.

Scenario: I display a countdown in MM:SS format on a slate overlaying a video. It's displayed during a 3 scene sequence, showing different information in boxes poping up, each showed for 10s.

Then the "Read from file" detects the countdown when the text contain "00:01", and want to transition over to another 3 scene sequence.
But this doesn't work, it doesn't change to the second scene sequence. How can I make this work?
Plugin working less and less well through the updates, I don't know why but now it takes a long time (up to 15sec) to detect a change from a file (even if the "check delay" is still at 300ms)
Great resource and seems to work very well. However, is there any way to pause the scene switcher when the takbar is focused in the same way as you can do with Task Switching (alt-tab) and OBS? Also, it would be nice if the description at the bottom of the window title tab could also be on the bottom of the pause tab scince the same tags seem to work on each.
Is there a way to make it work on slobs or that's impossible?
Last time I checked the plugin was incompatible with SLOBS, unfortunately.
Thank you, it's beautiful.
Screen region in previous versions doesn't trigger at all, and Data directory is missing on latest releases. UPDATE: Resolved by taking the advanced-scene-switcher.dll from 1.4.0 and bundling with the Data directory in 1.3.3.
Please do not follow this advice - It won't have any effect
While the Advanced Scene Switcher occasionally breaks down, I've seen bugs get worked out with updated patches. My favorite feature is the SceneSequence tab.

This effectively allows the operator to create macros for timed transitions. That may sound like a simple thing, but it saves loads of time and circumvents user error for pre-timed things like commercial breaks and rapid-fire round trips across multiple scenes.

Would LOVE to see this gain official support and supplant the default Scene Switcher.
i have a problem witch the "transitions" both options do not work properly

-try 1
options above:
from "Scene 1" to "Scene 2" with "transition 1"
from "Scene 2" to "Scene 1" with "transition 2"
from "Scene 1" to "Scene 3" with "transition 1"
from "Scene 3" to "Scene 1" with "transition 2"
---Don´t Work - its only 1 transition

-try 2
options below:
when "Scene 1" then switch to "transition 1"
when "Scene 2" then switch to "transition 2"
when "Scene 3" then switch to "transition 2"
---Don´t Work -2 of 3 do not work. he does not even change to the other scene

hope you can help me.
it is otherwise a cool tool
I just have one problem, can you make it so that you can add OBS to the ignore scene switch list and Google Chrome as a whole rather than just specific tabs? Thanks so much, love it!
Works great for me! Thanks
Tnx for your work, but this plugin don't work for me... I've 3 scenes with videos and won't work
If you describe your problem in a bit more detail in the discussion thread I might be able to help you get it working or fix the potential issue. Thanks!
Overall great tool
I'm missing a feature, to keep one scene active while a window is open
e.g. - while game is running, keep scene active even if I alt+tab - do not switch to default scene
Ignore Windows and Executable based scene switching could work for this case.