New Member
(This post is a direct copy/paste of a post I made in the Linux Mint forums about a month ago that came to no avail, aside from changes to my screenfetch)
This has been one of the only major problems I've encountered on my switch to Linux. Overall, everything else has gone swimmingly, and I'm certain I'm pretty used to the workflow now.
However, although I don't publish videos of any type onto platforms such as YouTube, I do tend to record VODs of the games I play.
One of my most played games is Team Fortress 2, and I've discovered a bit of a problem when recording it using OBS 23.0.2 - As of writing this post, OBS Studio 23.1.0 has been released and the same issues occur. I'm using XComposite for recording, the "Mesa Workaround" just makes the recording go blank.
There seems to be a lot of issues with lighting in these games. In gameplay (playing them as normal) it looks fine, but OBS is receiving really messed up lighting and issues drawing other elements like the HUD.
I recorded a demo video showing off the situation a while ago, and it can be seen here.
As for system information, here is my screenchfetch:
I'm using the latest version of mesa from the padoka PPA, maintained by Paulo Dias. (19.0.1-3~b~padoka0)
This happens in all Source games, If anyone could supply an alternate recording workaround for OBS or a general fix (that won't impact performance as much as just screencapture) I would greatly appreciate it.
This has been one of the only major problems I've encountered on my switch to Linux. Overall, everything else has gone swimmingly, and I'm certain I'm pretty used to the workflow now.
However, although I don't publish videos of any type onto platforms such as YouTube, I do tend to record VODs of the games I play.
One of my most played games is Team Fortress 2, and I've discovered a bit of a problem when recording it using OBS 23.0.2 - As of writing this post, OBS Studio 23.1.0 has been released and the same issues occur. I'm using XComposite for recording, the "Mesa Workaround" just makes the recording go blank.
There seems to be a lot of issues with lighting in these games. In gameplay (playing them as normal) it looks fine, but OBS is receiving really messed up lighting and issues drawing other elements like the HUD.
I recorded a demo video showing off the situation a while ago, and it can be seen here.
As for system information, here is my screenchfetch:
MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+` Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.18.0-18-generic
MMd /++ -sNMd: Uptime: 3h 18m
MMNso/` dMM `.::-. .-::.` .hMN: Packages: 3633
ddddMMh dMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `NMm Shell: zsh 5.4.2
NMm dMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` dMM Resolution: 2960x1050
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM DE: Cinnamon 4.0.10
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM WM: Muffin
NMm dMM .mmd `mmm yMM. dMM WM Theme: Adapta-Eta (Adapta-Eta)
NMm dMM` ..` ... ydm. dMM GTK Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK2/3]
hMM- +MMd/-------...-:sdds dMM Icon Theme: Flat-Remix-Blue
-NMm- :hNMNNNmdddddddddy/` dMM Font: Ubuntu Light 9
-dMNs-``-::::-------.`` dMM CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K Quad Core @ 4x 4GHz [40.0°C]
`/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM GPU: Radeon RX 560 Series (POLARIS11, DRM 3.26.0, 4.18.0-18-generic, LLVM 8.0.0)
I'm using the latest version of mesa from the padoka PPA, maintained by Paulo Dias. (19.0.1-3~b~padoka0)
This happens in all Source games, If anyone could supply an alternate recording workaround for OBS or a general fix (that won't impact performance as much as just screencapture) I would greatly appreciate it.