Windows 11 OBS on laptop - Simulcasting encoder & optimization settings, High CPU usage, help requested


New Member

I would love some assistance in setting up obs to not destroy my laptop! Or just general advice to do what Im trying to do! It used to run pretty fine but since the windows 11 update, its been touch n go. I cant roll it back since I missed the time window and dont want to reformat. I simulcast to 4 streaming services using the multiple RTMP output plugin.

I have my core desktop PC which runs my vtuber model(s)/games/videos/drawing monitor and audio program
And my laptop which runs obs/twitch integrated throwing system/audio program+mic and stream deck (I dont have an audio mixer so I use software and a usb mic)
I use an elgato to screencap my games/main PC screen, The audio software for hearing stream sounds with my desktop headset and controling what goes into the elgato audio, and NDI to capture my model(s) I am using
I offloaded obs because it was so greedy with the resources and I thought this would be a wise move...but maybe I just suck at using obs
This is my desktop PC with everything but a game running

this is my laptop-which runs OBS with everything under load and a few extra programs im not normally using when streaming (snip tool and discord)

it(laptop) can turbo up to 4.2 or something but its been clocking temps in the 80s pretty normally so im worried about frying it...its running a touch better now for some reason but probably because im on my starting soon screen which doesnt have my ndi sources

ive also ran the compatibility troubleshooter on everything(laptop)

Im constantly tweaking these settings, but this is what ive been trying for my youtube stream settings. Currently the last time I changed it was lowering the preset to P4 and unchecking psycho visual tuning- but I also ended up having to cut the YouTube stream early for performance.

I multi-stream so these are my settings from the multiple rtmp output plugin;
twitch first; Currently I lowered the preset again to P4, changed profile to main, and disabled psycho visual tuning
twitch obs.png

kick (I have also since lowered the preset to P4, changed tuning to "Low Latency", profile to "main", and disabled psycho visual tuning.)

and vstream
(I have also since changed the encoder to NVIDIA NVENC H.264, lowered the preset to P4, changed tuning to "Low Latency", profile to "main", and disabled psycho visual tuning. I changed the encoder because I suddenly started getting encoder overloaded warnings the past stream)

im not sure if the number of sources/docks has an impact heres my obs how i use it im using version 30.0.2

I was trying SE.Live at one point but I thought it could be cuasing problems so I rolled back to just obs.
I try to stream at 1080p 30 fps, I really dont want to go down to 720p.

Also connected to my laptop, I have a 1080p external tv hooked up to the laptop as well so its a dual mointor setup (not sure if having a second monitor could negatively impact my performance in some way)
If there is anything youd like to see let me know! And if you cant help thats totally ok! Im just at my wits end.
Oh! and Ive tried adding "scale filters" to my souces since I read somewhere that can help- I put most to "point" but the vtube model and elgato are on "bicubic"
Ideally I'd like to keep obs on my laptop...but If its simply not possible I could try it on my desktop- but there was a reason I decided to offload it years ago and it had been working but now its not :c
Audio Software: Voice Meeter Potato
Also this is my setup (sorry for the mess):

Thank you for your time in reading this! I look forward to any advice/tips!
All of the best,


Active Member
Yep, all of those streams are the same so only 1 encode is needed.

There's some rendering lag in the 2nd log. Start with the low hanging fruit & most of that lag should go away. Update all of your multi-outs, Game DVR & HAGS should be disabled & SE is nothing but errors.


New Member
Yep, all of those streams are the same so only 1 encode is needed.

There's some rendering lag in the 2nd log. Start with the low hanging fruit & most of that lag should go away. Update all of your multi-outs, Game DVR & HAGS should be disabled & SE is nothing but errors.
Thank you so much! This never even occurred to me but in hindsight makes total sense! I thought if I matched all the settings it would be the same encoder- not a bunch of different ones ^^;