21:25:24.799: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 12614 (11.0%)
You're overloading your GPU.
20:53:27.649: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] preset: ultrafast
20:53:27.649: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] profile: main
20:53:27.649: [x264 encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
20:53:27.649: rate_control: CBR
20:53:27.649: bitrate: 14000
You're also using CPU encoding for local recording on a machine that is capable of using the new NVENC encoder, and using CBR rate control, which is better suited for streaming.
I'd suggest using NVENC-new, CQP rate control and a quality setting of 15 and see how that goes. Make sure lookahead and psycho-visual tuning are off, at least to start with.