What are the best settings for my PC?


New Member
CPU: i5 10400f 2.90GHz (4.30GHz Turbo), 6-cores 12-threads
GPU: RX 6500 XT (has no encoders, thus I record through software only)
RAM: 2x8 DDR4 Geil Evo Potenza 2666MHz
1920x1080@120Hz DisplayPort

I want to record short gameplays, at minimum 1280x720@30 FPS. So what's the best CPU preset/dowscale filter/bitrate in this case? Should I also lock the games to 60 FPS to reduce CPU stress? Thanks.

Current log: https://obsproject.com/logs/dUehlp54Pa900JsL


Active Member


That can give you a base to start with. Each PC will be different even if it had same spec. You will just have to honestly test and find what is best for you and the system can handle.


New Member
That can give you a base to start with. Each PC will be different even if it had same spec. You will just have to honestly test and find what is best for you and the system can handle.
Alright. That's what I was doing, so I'll keep trying settings out. Thanks for the reply!


Active Member
CPU: i5 10400f 2.90GHz (4.30GHz Turbo), 6-cores 12-threads
GPU: RX 6500 XT (has no encoders, thus I record through software only)
Good luck. Encoding takes a lot of work. If you can offload it to a GPU, DO!!!

I want to record short gameplays, at minimum 1280x720@30 FPS. So what's the best CPU preset/dowscale filter/bitrate in this case? Should I also lock the games to 60 FPS to reduce CPU stress? Thanks.
The less data you can make it churn through, the better quality you can have, especially with CPU encoding. Keep the resolution and frame rate as low as you can get away with, all the way through the chain.

If you get a GPU that does encode video (very good idea!), then you can turn the settings way up because it pretty much sits idle otherwise. (it might need to share with the game though, which I don't because I'm not a gamer)


New Member
CPU: i5 10400f 2.90GHz (4.30GHz Turbo), 6-cores 12-threads
GPU: RX 6500 XT (has no encoders, thus I record through software only)
RAM: 2x8 DDR4 Geil Evo Potenza 2666MHz
1920x1080@120Hz DisplayPort

I want to record short gameplays, at minimum 1280x720@30 FPS. So what's the best CPU preset/dowscale filter/bitrate in this case? Should I also lock the games to 60 FPS to reduce CPU stress? Thanks.

Current log: https://obsproject.com/logs/dUehlp54Pa900JsL
Alright, your PC is better than mine, so it's not impossible. I record using an i3-10105F and it's not bad, I can record in 1080p 60fps with these settings. CPU usage doesn't get too high, the only issue is that the files end up being too heavy, but you can compress them, so that shouldn't be a problem. If you have any doubts about the settings, I can explain them to you in more detail.


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