Question / Help VirtualCam not showing up in "Tools"


New Member
Please help! I have spent days trying to get VirtualCam to show up in OBS Tools. It simply does not, no matter what I do. I have searched and searched the web, forums, YouTube, everything I try, nothing works. It's driving me crazy. I see OBS as an option for Video in Zoom, but only get a grey image. I do see my NDI image from my iPhone in OBS, but again, I just cannot get VirtualCam to show in Tools. Can anyone please help. Please.


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Active Member
If it doesn't show up in the Tools menu, the camera plugin is installed in the wrong directory. Uninstall it and reinstall it into the same directory OBS is installed.


New Member
I am also in the same situation.
I downloaded OBS and Virtual cam for this specific plug in. I also registered to this site to ask this specific question...
I can't seem to get Virtual Cam to work... what do I need to do? All videos that I've seen make it look easy and flawless...?!?!
Also my menu box doesn't have what the original poster has.. See pic1 (Virtual Cam Tools).
Also, I believe that Virtual CAM is in the correct folder? see pic2 (OBS folder).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a great function that I would love to use.
PLEASE help! Thank you!


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Active Member
I am also in the same situation.
I downloaded OBS and Virtual cam for this specific plug in. I also registered to this site to ask this specific question...
I can't seem to get Virtual Cam to work... what do I need to do? All videos that I've seen make it look easy and flawless...?!?!
Also my menu box doesn't have what the original poster has.. See pic1 (Virtual Cam Tools).
Also, I believe that Virtual CAM is in the correct folder? see pic2 (OBS folder).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is a great function that I would love to use.
PLEASE help! Thank you!
You've placed the installer there in the OBS home directory, but have you actually RUN the installer and allowed it to install the plugin, while OBS is not running? You don't just drop the installer into the directory.


New Member
You've placed the installer there in the OBS home directory, but have you actually RUN the installer and allowed it to install the plugin, while OBS is not running? You don't just drop the installer into the directory.
Thank you for your reply. I actually did what you said before this post. Then I thought about maybe putting it into the folder...?
I've run the program several times, uninstalled it, reinstalled it.... Then I read the above post saying that it should be in the same directory as OBS...? So then I moved it, to where it it currently, and ran it again... Still nothing...?

I also did it each time when OBS was not running..

Again, any help is appreciated.

And as of this posting I'm doing it again...


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New Member
Just finished... I'm going to turn off my computer, wait about 5 minutes, then turn it back on... I'll post an update then.


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New Member
Well... I know I must be doing something super simply stupid... I'm not a computer person AT ALL...
I just would like this to work and I don't know what I"m doing wrong?
If anyone knows and could just walk me through it of what I need to do...
Please let me know!
But the below pic shows the same menu...?
Help anyone...?


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New Member
Hey Im was also having this problem. Im not sure exactly what I did to fix it, but I just uninstalled OBS and the Virtual Cam Plugin from control panel, deleted a folder in my Program Files(86x) folder called obs-studio and re-downloaded OBS and the Virtual Cam plugin. I installed OBS and Virtual Cam by clicking next a few times and then install, and it worked.


New Member
Before this I also tried installing older version of obs used in some tutorials I found, and using 4 virtual cameras (I actually only chose one in the install that worked btw) and that still didnt work


New Member
Before this I also tried installing older version of obs used in some tutorials I found, and using 4 virtual cameras (I actually only chose one in the install that worked btw) and that still didnt work
Hey Im was also having this problem. Im not sure exactly what I did to fix it, but I just uninstalled OBS and the Virtual Cam Plugin from control panel, deleted a folder in my Program Files(86x) folder called obs-studio and re-downloaded OBS and the Virtual Cam plugin. I installed OBS and Virtual Cam by clicking next a few times and then install, and it worked.

Which version of OBS did you download...? And did you have Virtual Cam option in the TOOLs menu, too? I'm going to give it a shot.. than k you! This is what my computer is showing...


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New Member
Before this I also tried installing older version of obs used in some tutorials I found, and using 4 virtual cameras (I actually only chose one in the install that worked btw) and that still didnt work

HOLY COW!!!! I did what you said...

I uninstalled EVERYTHING...
Then, I reinstalled it and now it works!!! IDK what that was about, but, yeah,,, NOICE!!!
I can now do my Google Meets and conferencing in a more enjoyable way!
@ElementO I thank you greatly!!!


New Member
Okay, so I uninstalled the OBS Studio, and the VirtualCam programs. I then went to C:\Program Files and deleted the OBS-Studio folder where the program previously chose to install itself. I redownloaded OBS Studio and installed it in c:\Program Files (x86) to prevent crossing failed dll files, then I downloaded VirtualCam and installed it. Now I get a DLL OCX Fail. I retried several times, nothing. VirtualCam does not show up in tools. I am seriously at a loss. I am not new to computers and I do not understand how this keeps failing. This should not be this hard. Please help... Please


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New Member
Okay, so after completely erasing OBS by way of re-cloning a backup of my c:\drive from about a month ago, I was able to install and get NewTek NDI HX tools and NDI Virtual Input to work. I would really like to have OBS as it seems a lot more user friendly with more capability when running, however if I cannot get it to run on ZOOM, but I can get a competitor product to work, sadly I guess that is what I am going to have to go with. When nobody on this forum seems to have a good grasp of OBS issues, with a just keep trying until you loose your mind attitude, the next best thing is to quit banging ones head against the wall and try something different. I tried for weeks, actually like a month, trying to get OBS to work with nothing but failures, and in fact it caused my computer to completely lock up with the black screen of death (thus the reason for the reimaging), and then to get NewTek up and running in (at most) a few hours, well the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and achieving the same (or significantly worse) results. I'd really like to try to get OBS up and running, but I am really afraid of the time loss and computer failure happening again, and perhaps even worse the next time. If anyone has additional information for me, to coax me back to OBS, I am listening. Thank you to all that did try to help me, I sincerely appreciate it! After all, I recently purchased a copy of Vegas Pro 17 and it would be nice to have some quality recording software.


Active Member
When nobody on this forum seems to have a good grasp of OBS issues, with a just keep trying until you loose your mind attitude, the next best thing is to quit banging ones head against the wall and try something different.
Everyone here helping is a volunteer. There are varying skill levels in that body, so the responses received will vary. Additionally, as everyone is a volunteer, people have their lives to attend to... your question might be posted at a point where no one with a deep knowledge of OBS is around, and be buried by the time they are.
Additionally, obs-virtualcam is a plugin, not base OBS, so the knowledge-pool for it is significantly smaller, especially for weird/esoteric issues and problem presentations... in many cases, only the plugin author themselves will be able to help at first.

I tried for weeks, actually like a month, trying to get OBS to work with nothing but failures, and in fact it caused my computer to completely lock up with the black screen of death (thus the reason for the reimaging)
There is no way that uninstalling/reinstalling OBS and the obs-virtualcam plugin through the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog on its own would cause a blackscreen system failure. One of your attempted fixes caused this. Not OBS.

I'd really like to try to get OBS up and running, but I am really afraid of the time loss and computer failure happening again, and perhaps even worse the next time. If anyone has additional information for me, to coax me back to OBS, I am listening. Thank you to all that did try to help me, I sincerely appreciate it! After all, I recently purchased a copy of Vegas Pro 17 and it would be nice to have some quality recording software.
No worries, man! Have a good one. OBS isn't a company. There are no employees, no metrics to meet, and so no need to try to 'win' users. If you do feel like giving it another go, I'd recommend starting at the obs-virtualcam plugin page, in the Discussion section:
Hopefully catxfish will pop back in and give an update since it's been a good six months or so... but again, they're a volunteer. Could just as easily walk away and never touch the plugin again, if they felt like it.

(edit) That said, also, PLEASE post a logfile of a recording session at least 30 seconds in length, any time you have a problem. Even if it's just of a blank scene. We'll be able to look at the diagnostics and be able to tell things like if the VirtualCam DLL was found on startup and there were issues with instantiating it, or if it was not found at all (installed to the wrong place), and be able to help far more effectively.
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Gimme Beats

New Member
Hey Im was also having this problem. Im not sure exactly what I did to fix it, but I just uninstalled OBS and the Virtual Cam Plugin from control panel, deleted a folder in my Program Files(86x) folder called obs-studio and re-downloaded OBS and the Virtual Cam plugin. I installed OBS and Virtual Cam by clicking next a few times and then install, and it worked.

Absolutely worked... facepalmed to the classic "uninstall-reinstall" trick, but yeah... do that..

1. Uninstall OBS Studio, Virtual Cam Plugin, and any other OBS Studio apps (ie. Streamlabs, etc.)
NOTE: Remember to uninstall presets, etc. when gives you the chance upon uninstalling OBS studio!
2. Re-download both OBS Studio and Virtual Cam Plugin
3. Install OBS Studio, THEN Virtual Cam Plugin
4. Bingo


New Member
Absolutely worked... facepalmed to the classic "uninstall-reinstall" trick, but yeah... do that..

1. Uninstall OBS Studio, Virtual Cam Plugin, and any other OBS Studio apps (ie. Streamlabs, etc.)
NOTE: Remember to uninstall presets, etc. when gives you the chance upon uninstalling OBS studio!
2. Re-download both OBS Studio and Virtual Cam Plugin
3. Install OBS Studio, THEN Virtual Cam Plugin
4. Bingo
banged my head over this for days and doing exactly whats in your instructions (not running obs before installing virt cam) it worked, holy shit


New Member
follow these steps to get virtual camera. and install virtual cam

after the installation it will ask for the number of virtual inputs . you can select either 1 cam or 4 cam.

after that you can open your third party streaming application and then select obs virtual camera as a input .

Note: The output of the OBS will be your input in the third party streaming server. without audio.


It will run only on windows 10, 64 bit


New Member
follow these steps to get virtual camera. and install virtual cam

after the installation it will ask for the number of virtual inputs . you can select either 1 cam or 4 cam.

after that you can open your third party streaming application and then select obs virtual camera as a input .

Note: The output of the OBS will be your input in the third party streaming server. without audio.


It will run only on windows 10, 64 bit


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New Member
1. install virtual camera. tools----> virtual cam
3. start virtual virtual camera which is under start recording.
4. open third party streaming app like zoom
4. select camera as obs camera

you will get the output..