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OBS-VirtualCam 2.0.4

Supported Bit Versions
  1. 32-bit
  2. 64-bit
Source Code URL
Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
MOD EDIT: This version of the plugin is currently deprecated and should not be used with OBS Studio v25. Please use this version instead:

We on the OBS team thank CatxFish for their hard work on this plugin.

This plugin provides a directshow Output as a virtual webcam .

How to use:
1. Selecting Tools -> VirtualCam
2. Press start button and close diailog
3. Open your 3rd party program and choose "OBS-Camera" as a Video input

1.Add a filter to the source you want to output to the camera
2.Choose a sink camera target then press start button
3.If this camera is not occupied , the start button will change to stop button .
4.Open your 3rd party program and choose "OBS-Camera" as a Video input.

How to Install without installer:
1.Go Github Release to find zip file
2.Unzip and put it to your obs-studio install folder
3.Run CMD as Administrator and register 32bit directshow source
ex: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\32bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"
4.Do it again to register 64bit directshow source
ex: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs-virtualsource.dll"

Register failed during installation
It's usually due to dependency reason . There's a chance you need to install visual studio 2017 redistributable package (2013 if the plugin version is 1.x.x ), also the directshow interface needs swscale-4.dll and avutil-55.dll in you obs install directory.

Is it necessary to install 32bit version?
Yes, there are still many 3rd party programs use 32bit directshow interface for the reason of compatibility.

Why resolution and framerate are not same as OBS output Setting?
If you open OBS and Start Virtual Output before using your 3rd party software, the virtual webcam will set the obs setting as a default setting .Otherwise the default setting of virtual webcam will be 1920x1080 @ 30fps

Is it possible to output with portrait resolution (like 1080x1920) ?
It depends on your 3rd party software , it might reject recommended resolution.
If your software is compatible , you just need to set the obs output setting to the resolution you want.

How to prevent the drop frame issue?
Maybe your PC is too busy ,try to set more buffer.

Is there a virtual microphone ?
This plugin provide a directshow audio source which can't be recognized as microphone , only some programs like VLC can use it.

Does this plugin support other platforms?
There's a Video4Linux version . But it only contains the sink part , you have to use it with v4l2loopback.
And there's no plan on mac version.

Is the driver-layer virtual device ( for microphone) development still going?
No, there are two reasons why I decide to make it pending.
1. The development is mess and painful, an error could cause blue screen.
2. Even you finish the code , you still need a paid certificate called EV code signing to distribute your driver.

Known issues
- Skype UWP edition don't accept directshow interface , please use Skype desktop edition.
- Unity Application can't get image from virtualcam , please use register batch (reg_path.reg) in release page to manually add dummy device path .(note: The registry conflict with skype desktop , you can use unreg_path.reg to remove it)

If you like my work on this plugin , you can donate via
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First release
Last update
4.65 star(s) 43 ratings

Latest updates

  1. OBS-VirtualCam 2.0.4

    - Change ffmpeg dependency for OBS 24 ( Don't use this version if you haven't updated OBS )
  2. OBS-VirtualCam 2.0.2

    Sorry for late update , the version 2.0.1 can't be register correctly with fresh installation of...
  3. OBS-VirtualCam 2.0.1

    Add virtual-cam filter for source output, inspired by ndi-filter plugin.(Only support obs-studio...

Latest reviews


I have no problem WHATSOEVER when using this with any other app or program, but as soon as I try turn my virtual camera on with Discord then it crashes Discord. I put up with it for so long, but I can't deal with it anymore, I always have to use CTRL + R to restart Discord in hopes it will work this time, but more often than not, it freezes ALL of Discord.

Works like a charm. Have enjoyed this plugin for many years on Windows. Thank you for your work. :)

Apparently, there is a new version for download.
Its Good when it works. Every time I turn it off and try to turn it back on, I get "Failed to start output" and have to uninstall and reinstall. apart from that it is good.
Interesting if it wasn't for the problem of video delay on audio. The virtualCam does not apply the delay changes on Audio-options-advanced.

Streaming without virtualCal is fine of course, of course the workstation is of the latest generation
Crashed OBS (25.0.0) when I tick the Global Horizontal Flip setting. Otherwise a perfect solution for conferencing and the lot.
Great plugin! Works OTB with OBS 64 bit. Tested on jitsi and Hangouts - perfect. Only 1 niggle - doesn't present your video conference software with a virtual microphone to select.
Excellent, i can integrated it with vMix too. Very useful Plugin Thanks.
And vMix can External Output too to OBS, just like this plugin does.
very useful plugin! thx!
anyway, can you support 90 degree rotate transform? as you already supported horizontal flip.
cause sometimes we want push stream with landscape view in to a mobile phone with a portrait view
Huge potential, excellent idea!
This would be so much better with a virtual microphone. It just isn't the same without one.

Other than that, this plugin is great and has worked flawlessly.