Tips and tricks for Lua scripts


really interesting but I can't get it to work I get :

[testClick.lua] Error loading file: [string "C:/Program Files/obs-studio/data/obs-plugins/..."]:31: unfinished long string near '<eof>'

does it needs any dependancies ( should I install LuaJIT ffi somehow ? )
Try to delete all comments, and put the script into neutral directory like: c/users/owner/documents. This seems like a syntax error. LuaJIT is builtin in Windows.



Rendering 3D models in OBS Studio.​

Although the newest version 30.1.0+ of the program now supports capturing textures with the alpha channel, it may
still be useful to work with geometry inside the program, e.g. creating a 3D logo, rendering sources to texture on the model etc.

So the first step is to set up vertex buffer data, it is a relatively slow operation and it is done at the initialization stage.
  S.gs_render_start(true) -- enters the render context
  S.gs_vertex3f, S.gs_texcoord, S.gs_normal3f -- functions to call inside that context

  data.my_buf = S.gs_render_save() -- buffer is saved

  S.gs_load_vertexbuffer(data.my_buf) -- loading geometry so we can draw it

  S.gs_draw(S.GS_TRIS, 0, vertex_num) -- this will do it
It can be finished here if we wanted some simple 2D graphics, but since that is not the case, several other
steps must be executed. The depth buffer testing, correct camera to Z, and clear color and depth buffers gracefully.
Sounds like a lot but it is actually just 4 lines of code.
  S.gs_clear(bit.bor(S.GS_CLEAR_COLOR , S.GS_CLEAR_DEPTH), clear_color, 0, 0)
  S.gs_ortho(0.0, data.width, 0.0, data.height, -2000.0, 2000.0)
Yes, but no, we skipped that depth buffer is not set as default for source rendering,at least inside Lua. Fortunately, there is gs_texrender_begin,
which can handle that if we pass the GS_Z16 flag. So we do the drawing inside of this texrender context, and finally we pass the texture to the output.
Here is the link to the script which can load and show .obj files.
A test model is also included. It utilises an undocumented method to obtain vertex IDs (place this inside vertex shader arguments input "uint id : VERTEXID"), and allows for setting one texture for the model.


New Member

No sure if this is the right place to post this, but I figured this might interest some of you.

I recently started writing lua scripts for obs, but I could not find anything related to support of obslua with the lua language server. I think that having this sort of support would make the overall development experience quite a bit more fluid.

I made a post for this on the obs ideas & suggestions website ( If you guys also think this sort of thing would be nice, feel free to upvote the post :)


New Member

Is there a way to perform HTTP communication in obslua?
I'm considering creating a script to retrieve statistics from OBS and send them via webhook.


DirectX C API access via ffi

Tested on OBS Studio version 30.1.0, but should work on earlier versions too.
OBS Studio Direct3D feature level is 11.0, and shader model version is 4.0.
Now, before we start, why even bother to writing raw DirectX at all instead of using libobs graphics wrappers?
While it is has an extensive list of supported features, it is mostly tailored to composition, filtering and capturing.
So if you want to do some effects that are outside of that paradigm, you may not be able to.
For example, you can't use Vertex Texture Fetch inside a vertex shader. Its resources are not set in the rendering pipeline.
But I will show you how I did it, the end result, without the important ffi bindings is only 4 lines of code in the rendering context.
  while S.gs_effect_loop(data.effect, "Custom1") do
    S.gs_load_texture(data.tex1, 0) -- sets pixel shader resource view
    data.PSGetShaderResources(data.pContext2, 0, 1, data.pRes)
    data.VSSetShaderResources(data.pContext2, 0, 1, data.pRes)
    S.gs_draw_sprite(nil, 0, 2560, 1440)
The tricky part is how to define these API calls. Actually it is very straightforward if we know the underlying model that DirectX uses.
COM - or Component Object Model is the main driving force behind it. I will not go deep into it, but here is a good 10/10 overview.
The other important link is related to modding old games, the solution there is done with LuaJIT ffi and DirectX version 9.
Similarly, libobs provides an almost identical function to get device pointer.
It is technically possible to load d3d11 and create a device yourself, the same approach would work in a standalone interpreter, but I digress.
I'll add correctly indexed and full vtables later, for now let's focus on the glue code.
  data.device = obsffi.gs_get_device_obj()
  data.pDevice = ffi.cast("struct d3ddevice*", data.device)
  data.GetImmediateContext = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, void**)", data.pDevice.lpVtbl[40])
  data._arg1 ="unsigned long[1]")
  data.pContext = ffi.cast("void**", data._arg1)
  data.GetImmediateContext(data.pDevice, data.pContext)
  data.pContext2 = ffi.cast("struct d3ddevicecontext*", data.pContext[0])
  data.Release_pContext = ffi.cast("unsigned long(__stdcall*)(void*)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[2])
  data.Release_pDevice = ffi.cast("unsigned long(__stdcall*)(void*)", data.pDevice.lpVtbl[2])
  data.VSSetShaderResources = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[25])
  data.PSGetShaderResources = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[73])
  data.VSSetSamplers = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[26])
  data._arg2 ="unsigned long[1]")
  data.pRes = ffi.cast("void**", data._arg2)
As you can see, it looks very similar to the DirectX 9 link approach, experimentally it is found that we must use index instead of a name in our vtable.
Now the routine is to find an interesting function, and write it's binding to the following template:

data.VSSetShaderResources = ffi.cast("long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[25])

data.VSSetShaderResources - this is a permanent location on stack that survives garbage collector

"long(__stdcall*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void**)" - return type, calling convention, first argument is vtable, the type and number of arguments

ffi.cast("...", data.pContext2.lpVtbl[25]) - the index in the vtable

GetImmediateContext - MSDN says this will increment the reference count, so we must release it when we are done with it to avoid a memory leak, this is done in the destroy callback.

I commented Release_pDevice because we did not create this resource, so I think it is not our responsibility to deal with it.

So this is basically it, the lost device case is left as an exercise for the reader.
From my tests, this final code does not crash during execution and at exit nor it does it leak memory, the gist features texture reading in vertex shader passing results to fragment shader, simple color cycle.
Looking forward to what you guys can do with all of this, some ideas :)
- Thread-safe texture reading from GPU to RAM
- Stateful particle system
- D3D11 clear screen, triangle

Vtables. I have found out the Odin programming language vendor sources to be a reliable and readable source of vtables information for DirectX,
Although you can find enum lists and indexes on the net, I think it is fair to include a full description here.

struct d3ddeviceVTBL {
  void *QueryInterface;
  void *AddRef;
  void *Release;
  void *CreateBuffer;
  void *CreateTexture1D;
  void *CreateTexture2D;
  void *CreateTexture3D;
  void *CreateShaderResourceView;
  void *CreateUnorderedAccessView;
  void *CreateRenderTargetView;
  void *CreateDepthStencilView;
  void *CreateInputLayout;
  void *CreateVertexShader;
  void *CreateGeometryShader;
  void *CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput;
  void *CreatePixelShader;
  void *CreateHullShader;
  void *CreateDomainShader;
  void *CreateComputeShader;
  void *CreateClassLinkage;
  void *CreateBlendState;
  void *CreateDepthStencilState;
  void *CreateRasterizerState;
  void *CreateSamplerState;
  void *CreateQuery;
  void *CreatePredicate;
  void *CreateCounter;
  void *CreateDeferredContext;
  void *OpenSharedResource;
  void *CheckFormatSupport;
  void *CheckMultisampleQualityLevels;
  void *CheckCounterInfo;
  void *CheckCounter;
  void *CheckFeatureSupport;
  void *GetPrivateData;
  void *SetPrivateData;
  void *SetPrivateDataInterface;
  void *GetFeatureLevel;
  void *GetCreationFlags;
  void *GetDeviceRemovedReason;
  void *GetImmediateContext;
  void *SetExceptionMode;
  void *GetExceptionMode;
struct d3ddevice {
  struct d3ddeviceVTBL** lpVtbl;
Device context

struct d3ddevicecontextVTBL {
  void *QueryInterface;
  void *Addref;
  void *Release;
  void *GetDevice;
  void *GetPrivateData;
  void *SetPrivateData;
  void *SetPrivateDataInterface;
  void *VSSetConstantBuffers;
  void *PSSetShaderResources;
  void *PSSetShader;
  void *SetSamplers;
  void *SetShader;
  void *DrawIndexed;
  void *Draw;
  void *Map;
  void *Unmap;
  void *PSSetConstantBuffer;
  void *IASetInputLayout;
  void *IASetVertexBuffers;
  void *IASetIndexBuffer;
  void *DrawIndexedInstanced;
  void *DrawInstanced;
  void *GSSetConstantBuffers;
  void *GSSetShader;
  void *IASetPrimitiveTopology;
  void *VSSetShaderResources;
  void *VSSetSamplers;
  void *Begin;
  void *End;
  void *GetData;
  void *GSSetPredication;
  void *GSSetShaderResources;
  void *GSSetSamplers;
  void *OMSetRenderTargets;
  void *OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews;
  void *OMSetBlendState;
  void *OMSetDepthStencilState;
  void *SOSetTargets;
  void *DrawAuto;
  void *DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect;
  void *DrawInstancedIndirect;
  void *Dispatch;
  void *DispatchIndirect;
  void *RSSetState;
  void *RSSetViewports;
  void *RSSetScissorRects;
  void *CopySubresourceRegion;
  void *CopyResource;
  void *UpdateSubresource;
  void *CopyStructureCount;
  void *ClearRenderTargetView;
  void *ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint;
  void *ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat;
  void *ClearDepthStencilView;
  void *GenerateMips;
  void *SetResourceMinLOD;
  void *GetResourceMinLOD;
  void *ResolveSubresource;
  void *ExecuteCommandList;
  void *HSSetShaderResources;
  void *HSSetShader;
  void *HSSetSamplers;
  void *HSSetConstantBuffers;
  void *DSSetShaderResources;
  void *DSSetShader;
  void *DSSetSamplers;
  void *DSSetConstantBuffers;
  void *DSSetShaderResources;
  void *CSSetUnorderedAccessViews;
  void *CSSetShader;
  void *CSSetSamplers;
  void *CSSetConstantBuffers;
  void *VSGetConstantBuffers;
  void *PSGetShaderResources;
  void *PSGetShader;
  void *PSGetSamplers;
  void *VSGetShader;
  void *PSGetConstantBuffers;
  void *IAGetInputLayout;
  void *IAGetVertexBuffers;
  void *IAGetIndexBuffer;
  void *GSGetConstantBuffers;
  void *GSGetShader;
  void *IAGetPrimitiveTopology;
  void *VSGetShaderResources;
  void *VSGetSamplers;
  void *GetPredication;
  void *GSGetShaderResources;
  void *GSGetSamplers;
  void *OMGetRenderTargets;
  void *OMGetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews;
  void *OMGetBlendState;
  void *OMGetDepthStencilState;
  void *SOGetTargets;
  void *RSGetState;
  void *RSGetViewports;
  void *RSGetScissorRects;
  void *HSGetShaderResources;
  void *HSGetShader;
  void *HSGetSamplers;
  void *HSGetConstantBuffers;
  void *DSGetShaderResources;
  void *DSGetShader;
  void *DSGetSamplers;
  void *DSGetConstantBuffers;
  void *CSGetShaderResources;
  void *CSGetUnorderedAccessViews;
  void *CSGetShader;
  void *CSGetSamplers;
  void *CSGetConstantBuffers;
  void *ClearState;
  void *Flush;
  void *GetType;
  void *GetContextFlags;
  void *FinishCommandList;

struct d3ddevicecontext {
  struct d3ddevicecontextVTBL** lpVtbl;