I am using Teeboard for me and a friend who sometimes streams on my channel. When I've streamed he always has to relogg into my Twitch account on his Teeboard. Same for me after he streamed. Is there any way I can work around this, so it still does an auto login when we start Teeboard for each of us? Maybe with multiple access tokens or something?
In the Authorize window, there is a hidden feature that will allows one to paste a (valid) access token.
So basically you'll have to do the following:
- Authorize your channel in TeeBoard.
- Once authorized, click the user icon at the top left (the one in the middle) to view the account and associated token.
- Click the "copy" button, which will copy the token to the clipboard.
- Paste the token in an email or whatever and send it over to your friend.
Your friend then needs to do the following.
- Open TeeBoard, click the Aurhorize button (top left)
- In the Authorize window, don't authorize with user credentials (username/password).
- If you see the Twitch login page, click "cancel" which will take you back to the TeeBoard info page.
- In the TeeBoard info page, hit "SHIFT + T" on the keyboard (you may need to click into the page to give it focus). This will reveal an input text field at the bottom.
- Paste the access token in the text field and hit the "submit" button.
You will now both have access to the channel, using the same token.
As a friendly warning, only share an access token with people you know and trust.
To invalidate the token, simple authorize the channel again using your credentials (username / password). This will invalidate the existing token and generate a new one (as you already discovered).