Ok, I appreciate the answer.
Btw, do you have any further plans with options for "chat" ? I really like options that "desert kharon" has, like oneline/multiline, different colors of names, and especially "fade out"...(which fades out line by line, not whole chat... )
Not sure what you mean with single/multiline. The way the Chat Widget works is it will wrap text if it reaches the end of the line, which is determined by the width of the widget. So if you want each message to display on a new line, simply make the widget wide enough (via the CLR Browser source properties).
If you mean by different name colours, the ones define by the user and as displayed on Twitch, then it's not very likely this will be added. This is for several reasons. One is that it slows down chat. Long story short, each user message becomes two messages instead of one. Another reason is that the order in which those two messages are received is often in reverse, meaning it's unreliable.
So a normal IRC message looks something like this:
:deezjavu!deezjavu@deezjavu.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channelname :the user message goes here
When activating a certain Twitch specific IRC feature, it looks like this (well, that's what it is supposed to look like):
:jtv!jtv@jtv.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channelname :USERCOLOR deezjavu #9ACD32
:deezjavu!deezjavu@deezjavu.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channelname :the user message goes here
Note that those are two separate messages, think of it as me sending you two emails and as mentioned earlier, the order in which they are received is unreliable.
So to fix that you'd have to store each user colour in a list and do constant lookups, which is time consuming and resource intensive. No big deal for small channels, but for big channels with 1000's of people in chat, it is. And IMO, it's just not worth it.
As for line by line fade out, that's not possible with the way the messages are currently being displayed in the widget.