
Free TeeBoard v0.1.5 beta


And I thought, comparing to all you have done already, that has to be "just a line"....

It is more or less. The "problem" (for lack of a better word) is that that information needs to be retrieved and for it to be accurate it has to be retrieved very frequently. TeeBoard already does quite a bit of that (followers, donations, subs, music info, chat). All of these are already on a short timer (except for chat which is a constant connection) and I'd prefer not to add another. The stream info, used to display viewers over time in the chart, which is also used to display the number of viewers at the bottom left, is on a rather long timer (5min). Bringing it down in between the music info and followers for instance, TeeBoard would then be pretty much spamming API calls.


New Member
Ok, I appreciate the answer.

Btw, do you have any further plans with options for "chat" ? I really like options that "desert kharon" has, like oneline/multiline, different colors of names, and especially "fade out"...(which fades out line by line, not whole chat... )


Ok, I appreciate the answer.

Btw, do you have any further plans with options for "chat" ? I really like options that "desert kharon" has, like oneline/multiline, different colors of names, and especially "fade out"...(which fades out line by line, not whole chat... )

Not sure what you mean with single/multiline. The way the Chat Widget works is it will wrap text if it reaches the end of the line, which is determined by the width of the widget. So if you want each message to display on a new line, simply make the widget wide enough (via the CLR Browser source properties).

If you mean by different name colours, the ones define by the user and as displayed on Twitch, then it's not very likely this will be added. This is for several reasons. One is that it slows down chat. Long story short, each user message becomes two messages instead of one. Another reason is that the order in which those two messages are received is often in reverse, meaning it's unreliable.

So a normal IRC message looks something like this:
:deezjavu!deezjavu@deezjavu.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channelname :the user message goes here

When activating a certain Twitch specific IRC feature, it looks like this (well, that's what it is supposed to look like):

:jtv!jtv@jtv.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channelname :USERCOLOR deezjavu #9ACD32
:deezjavu!deezjavu@deezjavu.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channelname :the user message goes here
Note that those are two separate messages, think of it as me sending you two emails and as mentioned earlier, the order in which they are received is unreliable.
So to fix that you'd have to store each user colour in a list and do constant lookups, which is time consuming and resource intensive. No big deal for small channels, but for big channels with 1000's of people in chat, it is. And IMO, it's just not worth it.

As for line by line fade out, that's not possible with the way the messages are currently being displayed in the widget.
I really like the tool but got one question: Is there a way that it remembers pollresults after a restart? Now it resets to 0 votes..would be awsome for me it remembered.


New Member
There is one simple and very popular feature missing in Teeboard, "custom commands", commands that gives auto response.. For example "!brackets" that gives you link

For now I am still using nightbots custom command, but it would be nice to have all things at one place (teeboard) :)
That's something I need to look into. Thanks for reminding me :)

I help you, you help me... :p

I agree with Bojan but to be honest: the more that gets implemented in your fine piece of sotware, the better! For instance:

-Loyaltybot: viewers getting points for viewing..maybe with a betting system included. ATM i'm using Modbot(free) but it's missing some features to make it even more fun.

-Auto-replying to random words bot.e.g: "you have a nice setup"-> shows all specifications. So not a command like !setup -> specs

-An option to make the chat show more 3D-ish..if you know what I mean(right part higher than the left part of the chat for example.

-Same fonts for every text.(I like font X in chat, but cannot find the same font in the notifications for example.

-Maybe an option to customize the .html css sources(colors/layout..)

-As for the poll to be reminded after restart, it would be nice that would also be applied to the chronowatch.(maybe an option as well to save the enable/disable voting & show/not show in stream for the next boot

Don't take this as criticism, because I really love your work this far!!Better than opening a dozain of applications.

Of course I am not expecting this all from you since you made completely free.(got more wishes but these ones seem they would satisfy me the most). So there's 2 options: you ignore all/most of this and keep it for free..Or you make a more expanded version of Teeboard that needs to be paid a fair amount for(unless you have an even bigger golden heart of course ^^)
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There is one simple and very popular feature missing in Teeboard, "custom commands", commands that gives auto response.. For example "!brackets" that gives you link

For now I am still using nightbots custom command, but it would be nice to have all things at one place (teeboard) :)

It is not missing, it is not there for a reason. TeeBoard connects to Twitch chat via IRC in read only mode, meaning it can not respond to commands like !brackets. TeeBoard is not a bot, it's a Twitch Dashboard.

With that being said, I might develop a separate chat bot type application at some point.
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-Loyaltybot: viewers getting points for viewing..maybe with a betting system included. ATM i'm using Modbot(free) but it's missing some features to make it even more fun.

As explained in the comment above, TeeBoard is not a bot. It is connected to Twitch chat via IRC in read only mode.

-Auto-replying to random words bot.e.g: "you have a nice setup"-> shows all specifications. So not a command like !setup -> specs

Same as above.

-An option to make the chat show more 3D-ish..if you know what I mean(right part higher than the left part of the chat for example.

That's something I been thinking about but haven't looked into yet.

-Same fonts for every text.(I like font X in chat, but cannot find the same font in the notifications for example.

The default (non html) Notification widget uses an embedded font and can therefor not be changed. You can use any font available on your system with the html/javascript version though.

-Maybe an option to customize the .html css sources(colors/layout..)

Because of the vast possibilities of css and javascript, this is pretty much impossible to do.

-As for the poll to be remembered after restart, it would be nice that would also be applied to the chronowatch.(maybe an option as well to save the enable/disable voting & show/not show in stream for the next boot

Both of those are technically challenging because of the way communication works between TeeBoard and its widgets. The widgets themselves (what you add in OBS) are not capable of saving data.


New Member
FEATURE REQUEST: Monitor selection for the notification widget. Custom location is nice, but I'd like it to disappear when it doesn't have anything new to tell me. Being able to select the bottom left of my second monitor would be nice.


New Member
Yeah there is. You can check for the type of notification and perform a different action for each. Right now, by default, it already does that, but only to swap to the correct image. The animation - TweenLite.fromTo() - is the same for each notification type.
So what you'd need to do is move the animation call and sizing of the image inside an if() statement.

Some pseudo code:

function teeboardNotification(type, msg) {
    //alert("notification: " + type + " - " + msg);
    var img = document.getElementById("notification-img");
    // set image depending on notification type
    if(type == "follower") {
        img.src = imgFollow;
    }else if(type == "subscriber") {
        img.src = imgSub;
    }else if(type == "donation") {
        img.src = imgDonate;
    // set the notification message
    var txt = document.getElementById("notification-msg");
    txt.innerHTML = msg;
    // animate everything onto the screen
    var div = document.getElementById("notification");
    div.style.visibility = "visible";

    if(type == "follower" || type == "donation") {
        // set size for follower or donation image
        img.width = "920";
        img.height = "250";
        // tween x position from offscreen (0 - width of image) to 0
        TweenLite.fromTo(div, 0.6, {x:-920}, {x:0, onComplete:hideNotification});
    }else {
        // set size for subscriber image
        img.width = "500";
        img.width = "300";
        // tween x position from offscreen (0 - width of image) to 0
        TweenLite.fromTo(div, 0.6, {x:-500}, {x:0, onComplete:hideSubNotification});

You'll then also need 2 separate "hide" animations. As you can see in the code above I specified a different "onCompete" call for each animation. They'd look something like this:

function hideNotification() {
    // animate everything back off screen
    var div = document.getElementById("notification");
    // tween x position from 0 to (0 - width of image)
    TweenLite.to(div, 0.6, {x:-920, delay:6});

function hideSubNotification() {
    // animate everything back off screen
    var div = document.getElementById("notification");
    // tween x position from 0 to (0 - width of image)
    TweenLite.to(div, 0.6, {x:-500, delay:6});

I added the scripts you gave me and adjusted everything so it looks great on the preview when I open the .HTML files on IE or Chrome. But it won't show up on OBS at all. Not sure if while adjusting the HTML, I may have removed something critical.


I added the scripts you gave me and adjusted everything so it looks great on the preview when I open the .HTML files on IE or Chrome. But it won't show up on OBS at all. Not sure if while adjusting the HTML, I may have removed something critical.

If it works in the browser, it should work in OBS / CLR Browser as well.

Make sure the folder containing your customized widget is under the TeeBoard folder in your User Documents.
Make sure you have the Flash player for "other browsers" installed.


FEATURE REQUEST: Monitor selection for the notification widget. Custom location is nice, but I'd like it to disappear when it doesn't have anything new to tell me. Being able to select the bottom left of my second monitor would be nice.

I'll see if this is doable.


New Member
Do you see the splash screen? --> http://i.imgur.com/pTVFX9x.png

If you updated from 0.1.4, it may (most likely will) get stuck trying to relaunch the app. Kill the process in the Task Manager and restart TeeBoard.
Let me know if that doesn't work.

Hey! Thank you for your response. I got it working. I can't remember if I tried killing the process. But I did restart my PC which is essentially the same thing. Thank you for your excellent work! Adobe Air seems to be very finicky with these updates.


Hey! Thank you for your response. I got it working. I can't remember if I tried killing the process. But I did restart my PC which is essentially the same thing. Thank you for your excellent work! Adobe Air seems to be very finicky with these updates.

A few patches ago, the update process started bugging out and I haven't been able to pinpoint what exactly causes this. I have somewhat of an idea, but it is extremely hard to debug, mainly because the update process isn't done by TeeBoard but rather by the Adobe AIR runtime. If my assumptions are correct though, the next patch should be smooth sailing.. fingers crossed :)


New Member
@DeezjaVu For some reason I'm having to restart Teeboard because my latest follower shows on screen. I get the notification that says "xxxxxx is now following", but the text file I'm showing on-screen won't update unless I restart the program.


@DeezjaVu For some reason I'm having to restart Teeboard because my latest follower shows on screen. I get the notification that says "xxxxxx is now following", but the text file I'm showing on-screen won't update unless I restart the program.

Have you enabled the "save to text" option in the Followers tab?
Hey will you be adding support to accept as audio for Misc. Widgets > Spectrum .m3u files? That's basically where I have saved my music playlists(all the songs in it are mp3 - but its hours of music in it :P).


Hey will you be adding support to accept as audio for Misc. Widgets > Spectrum .m3u files? That's basically where I have saved my music playlists(all the songs in it are mp3 - but its hours of music in it :P).
Not very likely. The Spectrum Widget isn't meant to be a replacement for a music/media player. It is mostly meant for intros or waiting screens, where only a handful of songs suffices.