Studio Mode - Text source updates on both preview and output


New Member
I'm using OBS 29.0.2 to stream church services with studio mode. I have a Text GDI source for a sermon title and date. If I type text into the box, whether it's from the properties window, or in the text box above sources when I've selected my text source, it will update the text on screen, both preview and output. Each character shows up on the output as I type and I don't like that effect.

Is there a way to display a text source so it does not update what is displayed on the output screen until I click Ok in the properties window or click on the transition button?
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New Member
Found the correct setting, duplicate sources in the transition settings allows me to edit the text and then transition it after I make changes. I was looking under settings for the text source



New Member
Hi, thos could be related and would like to know how to trigger text transition when i update the sourcetext file and saved it.

Only the content is reflected but transition is not showing.
