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I would like to say sorry for the bad feelings combined with such good work. It is a shame. New versions of OBS seem to have piled up here and the jump from 27 to 29 was very quick. I prefer the newer version but then I lose StreamFX. Can I ask if different parts of the StreamFX plugin are affected or not affected by the version change? The most important part of the plugin for me is the "Color Grading" filter. Are the filters separate from the encoding parts when it comes to compatibility? Just wondering.

I am happy to support but admit the open ended nature of alphas and betas are difficult. I use OBS on streaming jobs, so I guess it is easier to purchase a finished product. Maybe some more timeline information would help folks jump on board? Thanks.


New Member
Unfortunately, what has ultimately become a suite of features that streamers around the planet are now somewhat reliant upon, StreamFX has seemingly become a burden for its developer. I agree with Bassman (above) regarding the support of an open ended SLA. But I doubt it was ever Xaymar's intention of growing the tool just to strong-arm or hold it hostage for money.

As someone who is far from being a developer (me), I'm struggling with what seems obvious - it's open source. Is there a reason more developers can't access the source code to continue this work and help the author in working on the platform/plugin compatibility?


Ah well, time to remove StreamFX.

I do wish the developer well with their plans. People should be rewarded for their endeavours, I just disagree with the method for doing so (but it works for them).

Yes, I've given money to the OBS Project (and happy to do so) but if OBS Studio became a subscription model I'd probably move to one of the many alternatives instead (which are also subscription/paid, but come with professional support for customers).


New Member
Hi everyone, I try to install StreamFX for OBS 29 on macOS 13.1 (Apple M2).
- I downloaded the package
- I followed the extra instructions for installation (no ask for allowing access while click on the change directory option)
- I can't see the plugin in my OBS

I can see the folders Bin and Data in this path :
/library/application support/obs-studio/plugins/streamfx

I put access rights (r/w) on the StreamFX folder, for my usual user.

Any suggestion to make it work ?

Thanks a lot.


New Member
Such a model is not viable without other sources of monetization, and is unlikely to work with open source projects. It would require every StreamFX user to "purchase a license", which, as you can already see, is not going to happen.

Besides, Patreon has no minimum contract length or similar. You get the entire month (30.5 days) from the day you supported, so you can cancel the same day and the continue at any later point. This is basically a support contract that had no minimum length and can be interrupted/paused at will. Except on Github - not sure if i will keep Github sponsors around for much longer.

Right now is the first time in 5 years that I can spend time on StreamFX without having to worry about rent, electricity, heating or other bills. I'd argue this model is successful so far.
I would totally buy a license for StreamFX even if it costs 30€ (if future updates are included) - I (and I bet many others) just don't like the idea of paying 10€/month just to download the latest version of StreamFX.
The majority doesn't know how to build it themselfes and even for me it was a lot of trouble to get it working (on windows).


New Member
I would totally buy a license for StreamFX even if it costs 30€ (if future updates are included) - I (and I bet many others) just don't like the idea of paying 10€/month just to download the latest version of StreamFX.
The majority doesn't know how to build it themselfes and even for me it was a lot of trouble to get it working (on windows).

Oh, you don't actually have to pay anything to access the latest version. It's available right here: 0.11.1

Anyway, FWIW, with the amount of people who had trouble running the beta builds, despite repeatedly being told not to run them, I think Xaymar was right to pull them.

And its not that everyone needs to be able to build the software for themselves, but they probably should be able to if they are going to help test and improve a beta release. Otherwise they will (most likely) just increase the amount of unpaid work for the one-man dev team. At least this way, Xaymar is actually going to be compensated for providing the support.


New Member
Oh, you don't actually have to pay anything to access the latest version. It's available right here: 0.11.1

Anyway, FWIW, with the amount of people who had trouble running the beta builds, despite repeatedly being told not to run them, I think Xaymar was right to pull them.

And its not that everyone needs to be able to build the software for themselves, but they probably should be able to if they are going to help test and improve a beta release. Otherwise they will (most likely) just increase the amount of unpaid work for the one-man dev team. At least this way, Xaymar is actually going to be compensated for providing the support.
That's not the point that you can still download a version for an older build of obs.

I would happily pay money to have access to beta/alpha builds. But, like I said, I don't like the idea of paying a monthly fee for (beta/alpha) updates.

I get why Xaymar has done this but maybe it's not completely the right way.


Active Member
While your idea may work for a big company with a completed software, it will not work for a project such a this. There is active development going on, which will simply cease if there is no money to fund it - this was the situation up until the change to Patreon exclusivity for pre-built binaries. It is simply not possible to pay rent, buy food and drink, pay bills (electricity, plumbing, internet) with thin air and exposure. No matter how much Content Creators and Influencers wish that was the case, it is not possible. And no, I'm still not being paid by the OBS Project team - hope this rumor dies out at some point.

As for the monthly payment, you can immediately cancel it and still get the full 30.5 days. This has been a feature of Patreon since it was created by their founders, and I've mentioned it multiple times on here and on Discord.

The result of this experiment has been positive so far, with reports being far more in depth and reporters being much more reachable. It's a massive difference to before where most of the bug reports were people not understanding how to use a feature, or simply "DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!!" in every field. It's even helped track down a few heap corruptions that were previously undetected, and made the current in-dev builds significantly more stable than before. Even the Qt crash when closing a Filters dialog is gone, something I had given up hope on long ago.


New Member
This guy whines so much, I make like no money from what I do basically and I still do it cause i enjoy the challenge and the hobby.

Yo, everyone I'm gonna make a light weight version for blur box and anything else ya'll want. I'll be building it on twitch and youtube, keolamation on both those platforms. Tips are fine but, I'm not a psycho entitled twat like half the devs on the internet are becoming.

I'll be using my own code from scratch, using the OBS built in transform tools and just make another output module that will grab the pixels in the box radius and ad alpha over-lay of the adjacent pixels creating a blur/blend effect. [MOD EDIT: links removed]
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That's not the point that you can still download a version for an older build of obs.

I would happily pay money to have access to beta/alpha builds. But, like I said, I don't like the idea of paying a monthly fee for (beta/alpha) updates.

I get why Xaymar has done this but maybe it's not completely the right way.
Yo I reached out to him to say that he could have done this in a different way and maybe avoid backlash from the community and he didnt want to listen at all. Guess that he prefers to have people mad and have 800+ patreons. Recieving 8000€ a month now showed him another way to do stuff. Humbleness to me is a way to earn donations in my opinion. And he ran away from being humble at all now.

He says that all stable versions will be free, and I told him that he will always make sure that the obs29 version will never come out of "stable" on purpose. What a way to deal with this situation. Its like nothing is wrong, but there are people complaining everywhere.

Why would I release a stable version and loose my 8000€ forced donators?

He is treating donations as requirements. when donations should not never be asked but always appreciated.

Imagine me as a streamer having a pop out on stream telling that i only reply to messages with donations. I can do it of course. but then i need to deal with the backlash of my own greediness. I would ban everyone from chat and have a message telling that the only way to chat is through a donation. (Is this even allowed?) it seems so.
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