StreamCopilot for OBS/Android

Semi-free StreamCopilot for OBS/Android


New Member
TraceComplete submitted a new resource:

StreamCopilot for OBS/Android - A remote control for OBS Studio that works on your Android device

(Note: Currently Android-only. Working on an iOS version! Additional features also under development; please post with questions or feature requests.)

Download StreamCopilot for OBS on Google Play!

Whether it's on Twitch or YouTube Gaming or Mixer, you want to put on an awesome show and your followers expect the best. That's why you need StreamCopilot. Not that it's only great for...

Read more about this resource...


Community Helper
Nice work, this looks pretty cool.

Some feedback:
* It would probably be good to include in the main body of the post that it requires the obs-websocket plugin, before people go downloading it thinking it's standalone.
* Can you go into more detail about how the program is restricted in its unregistered form? What kinds of timing and upgrade restrictions are in place?
* It bugged me a bit that the password field didn't use ***'s but instead displayed plaintext.
* appears to direct to an unrendered XML page. I'm not sure if you have any plans for that yet.

Other than that, the little bit that I played with it seemed to work very well. Great job!


New Member
Hey, thanks for checking it out!
  • Agreed on mentioning obs-websocket directly. I'll update that. (EDIT: done.)
  • It shuts down a stream/recording after nine minutes. (There's a timer while running the app.) The timing is to discourage the use of it in the kind of monetized, one-take YouTube videos that are so popular--monetization starts at ten minutes. I'm not tied to this, however, and I'm open to suggestions around timing. (EDIT: I've been thinking about it, though, and I'm uncomfortable with shutting down a stream, so in 1.0.3 I'll be both increasing the timer to fifteen minutes and making it lock the controls rather than shut down a stream or recording.)
  • Password-in-plaintext was an intentional decision because obs-websocket's "password security" isn't meaningfully secure (and that's not a criticism--OBS should be running on trusted networks!) and I'd rather reduce the likelihood of mistypes. I'm ambivalent about considering things that aren't really "secure" with the window-dressing of things that are. Let me think about that one.
  • That's just an S3 bucket and I don't have a page yet. ;) setup.html, however, does work (edit: the landing page in general does now, although it's un-themed). This is a bit of a soft launch as I'm working on the iOS release right now, too.
Thanks for the kind words. This is my first mobile app in years but it scratches an acute itch I have. A few features to add to it, too, specifically a programmable deck a la a physical control deck or the vMix (my usual video mixer, though I'm moving away from it) web controller.
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We need to find a way for this to work on PC as well. I am testing this and this does address an issue for remote control that I have.


New Member
We need to find a way for this to work on PC as well. I am testing this and this does address an issue for remote control that I have.
When you say "work on PC", what do you mean? This isn't reasonably portable to a Win32 Windows application but there's a bit I can do as far as Metro goes.

The main concern I'd have is the time investment of a test cycle every time I want to push a release; Windows is a pretty niche platform for touch-based apps.


New Member
FWIW, I have a working iOS build. I have a little work to do on it and then 1.0.3 will simultaneously release for iOS and Android. Expect that fairly soon.

1.1.0 will include features that I've figured out that I need to pick up based on my own usage; it'll involve a little refactoring along the way that should improve perf a little bit on low-end devices as well.


New Member
Not to toot my own horn too much, but I built this because none of those were super easy to use while trying to be on camera at the same time. The vMix-style deck I'm adding for 1.1.0 is a further refinement of those needs.

Apparently there's a porting path to WPF for this, so we'll see.


New Member
This is great and exactly what I've been looking for.

I purchased it instantly because even if it has bugs I can tell you're passionate about this and will work them out.

I can finally stop alt tabbing every few minutes because I'm not 100% sure OBS is recording.


New Member
Awesome! There are no known correctness bugs in StreamCopilot. There are performance bugs--like, I am unsatisfied with the performance and it should be better--in the audio panel, due to the way that OBS-WS works, but they're on their roadmap to make them better and I provide a way to both mitigate them and disable audio entirely. Which is the setting I use; my own personal setup is Logic Remote for mixing and OBS for video, on an iPad and a Nexus 10 side-by-side, so the audio functionality isn't really something I use directly. But, once that refactor happens in OBS-WS, I'll be incorporating that functionality.



Yes I am aware of those. I was was thinking more along the lines of an adobe air app or java app.
When you say "work on PC", what do you mean? This isn't reasonably portable to a Win32 Windows application but there's a bit I can do as far as Metro goes.

The main concern I'd have is the time investment of a test cycle every time I want to push a release; Windows is a pretty niche platform for touch-based apps.

Not just Windows. Look at my signature ;)


New Member
Not just Windows. Look at my signature ;)

Gotcha. I won't rule out the possibility in the future, but I can't see this being on my radar. If Windows-touch-applications-for-video-mixing is niche, Linux-any-applications-for-video-mixing is extremely niche and the amount of development effort to use something that's as unstable and new as react-native-electron for one platform with little possible market share just doesn't make much sense. Even setting aside the economic arguments, the lack of widely-adopted touch interfaces on non-Android Linux and the necessity of server infrastructure for licensing that's already provided by Play/Apple/maybe-Microsoft out of the box mean that a Linux version would be frustrating to write, frustrating to use, and probably actually cost me money.


New Member
Update - iOS is proving to be a bit annoying, what with needing to get my business verified with Apple and all. Going to fight with that more this week. As I only wanted to open a 1.0.3 release for iOS and bumping the demo timer a bit, I'm thinking that I will roll those changes into a 1.1.0 release with new functionality as soon as I'm able to get that finished.


New Member
TraceComplete updated StreamCopilot for OBS/Android with a new update entry:

v1.1.0: Source visibility management and some UX improvements

Version 1.1.0 has been released to Google Play. One big new feature and some minor refinements:

FEATURE: Source visibility management. You can toggle visibility on and off for sources within your primed scene. If you are in non-studio mode, it will make visibility changes on your selected scene without showing it, unless you have the currently active scene primed, in which case visibility toggles will happen immediately. I'm not yet completely satisfied with how it feels to use this...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
I have been having problems with the Streamcopilot and emailed developer a few times but no reply so perhaps someone else can help. I downloaded the obs-websocket and purchased the pay version. The computer and the app are on the same network. I obtained the IPV4 from the router program, tried to add a connection, put that info the app and clicked but I repeatedly receive error "could not connect to obs". Have worked on this trying everything. Help is greatly appreciated as very frustrated.


New Member
Hey - due to remoteness and poor Internet I haven't been active over Christmas to reply; I don't offer immediate turnaround for emails unless I happen to be at my computer normally, but I received them this morning and replied. Sorry about that. If it's all right with you I'll respond to the problem itself here because this is something a couple folks have run into as of late and, having a fairly clean network, I have trouble with troubleshooting it--so maybe someone else will stumble on this thread and get some help, too.

As described in my email to you, you one hundred pecent do not want the IP address of your router because your router isn't your desktop PC--you want the desktop PC's IP address. (You are correct that you want the IPv4 one--IPv6 may work but almost nobody has an IPv6 internal network so it's something I haven't spent time on.) If you have the correct, desktop PC IP address slotted into StreamCopilot, what jumps out to me is that there may be a firewall limitation on your server (the OBS machine). Have you checked for that? You can make an exception for OBS; port 80 should be enough (though I would try first disabling your firewall, testing it, and then re-enabling it with port 80 excepted).
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New Member
Hey - due to remoteness and poor Internet I haven't been active over Christmas to reply; I don't offer immediate turnaround for emails unless I happen to be at my computer normally, but I received them this morning and replied. Sorry about that. If it's all right with you I'll respond to the problem itself here because this is something a couple folks have run into as of late and, having a fairly clean network, I have trouble with troubleshooting it--so maybe someone else will stumble on this thread and get some help, too.

As described in my email to you, you one hundred pecent do not want the IP address of your router because your router isn't your desktop PC--you want the desktop PC's IP address. (You are correct that you want the IPv4 one--IPv6 may work but almost nobody has an IPv6 internal network so it's something I haven't spent time on.) If you have the correct, desktop PC IP address slotted into StreamCopilot, what jumps out to me is that there may be a firewall limitation on your server (the OBS machine). Have you checked for that? You can make an exception for OBS; port 80 should be enough (though I would try first disabling your firewall, testing it, and then re-enabling it with port 80 excepted).

Hi. I did obtain the IPv4 from the ipconfig this morning and tested it. It did not work, said it could not connect to obs. I checked firewall and obs is enabled for inbound rules (see below), therefore allowed. There is nothing in outbound. . There was nothing associated with your program, no errors, warnings, notifications from the firewall (Windows Defender).
I disabled the firewall and tried once again with the same results, then, of course, re-enabled.