Question / Help Stream laggs


New Member
Week ago my streams for some reason start lagging as hell, in game everything is fine, stable FPS, in OBS everything is fine as well, 0 drops. But on twitch everything is lagging. I streaming almost 1 year and i never saw something like that on my streams.
Here's the logfile from last stream.
I hope someone will help me.


New Member


Active Member
You're overloading your GPU and your encoder. Which in your case is also your GPU.

16:19:25.355: Output 'adv_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 565 (8.6%)
16:19:25.355: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 1725/6543 (26.4%)

16:17:35.516: psycho_aq: true

You can try turning that off for starters. It uses GPU capacity.

16:10:25.184: - source: 'Захват экрана' (monitor_capture)
16:10:25.184: - source: 'Захват окна' (window_capture)
16:10:25.184: - source: 'Захват игры' (game_capture)

It's never suggested to combine these capture types together in the same scene. In particular, sources that expect full screen input, like game and display (monitor) capture should be kept in separate scenes. Even hidden they can interfere and reduce performance.