Source Switcher

Source Switcher 0.4.3


New Member
Also, i have the same issue with the Scene switcher, after a few minutes it locks up my OBS.. not sure what it is, the scenes and sources are chrome windows.. but if i just leave one up, its fine, but once i try and automate it thats when it crashes.


New Member
Hi, is there a method to control with hotkey the switch?
I think my question is the same as the quote, but I'll formulate it in a different way: " Can the plugin be triggered by a manual Hotkey action?"
I would like to cycle through an extensive list of scenes by just the push of a hotkey.



Hi all,
Here is a small video of a "source switcher" setup (typically a split screen) with Loupedeck live panel as a remote controller.
Some explanations :

1 :
For both scenes, import a Source Swicher source and assign as many inputs as you want (INPUT_1, INPUT_2...)

2 :
Create a master "split" scene with 2 sub-scenes (SOURCE_SWITCHER_A and B inside) and arrange visually as a split screen

3 :
Assign keyboard shorcuts for each Source Switcher scene (A and B)

4 :
Assign these keyboard shortcut to the control panel you like to use (StreamDeck, LoupeDeck...)

and that's all !


New Member

strangely enough, i didn-t have the "prev/ and next controls" listed in my hotkey table. Now I do, I guess the update and reboot had something to do with it.


New Member
Is there any manual or instructions about the plug-in? I can't get a sense of the "media sate switch"... doesn't seem to work (specially using gifs).

EDIT: On Windows, I remembered it working. Now, on Bodhi, the Media Sate appears not to work at all for GIFs or MP4s (except for bugging my OBS on some states).
Last edited:


New Member
I'm trying to use the source switcher with 2 cams that are needing to be cropped independently of each other but to the same size. One needs to be cut down towards the bottom left and the other is basically to the top right and it ends with a fairly central location in the end at the same size. I have tried to adjust the source before hand in a scene and then add it into the source switcher and it just opens up as the full size original source. I've tried using a bounding box on the original source size as well to "crop" it where i need it before i add it to source switcher and it still loads the full image. I don't see a way to adjust the source inside the source switcher properties and I don't really know what else to try.

Second thing is one of the cams is flipped in one scene because it is placed on the opposite side as the other scenes. I am unable to load a source into the source switcher that keeps a horizontal flip (on top of it being the wrong size/crop). This is awesome if i could use it for switching my cam on a constant timer and i have another use for it that really simplifies some setup but I just can't seem to get the sources to be the sizes/crop i need for the overlay.

Thanks for the work, your plugins are super helpful!


New Member
I tried to add the cam as a source in a scene, then adjust it using alt mouse drag as well as using the bounding box limits set to inner bounds and the size looked correct as the source in the scene. When i use that source name in source switcher though it just shows up as the entire source.

I have not tried doing it using a scene name, i downloaded auto scene switcher but i wasn't sure it would work since my cam is a nested scene but i'm not actually on that scene so in the original setup it just switched the entire scene and not the cam nested scene.

Now that you mention the crop filter and not in OBS that does make more sense because i believe the filters were showing up on the sources when they were loaded into source switcher. I will try that tonight and see if i can get it to work. Thank you so much for the quick response and a super helpful possible solution!
Hello Exeldro!

I use Source Switcher to run Audio Files as sound curtain for highlight clips. Audio Files are embedded in Media Sources which are switched as I need slower speed for playback of some (too fast) audio files.

I also use your Media Controls plugin to monitor the sources played by Source Switcher.

However, in Media Controls there is no update, once the Source Switcher changes the played Media Source. This can only be achieved by manually setting "Show All Media Sources" in Media Controls and the unsetting it again. Then the playing Media Source is shown on top (see screenshot below).

Maybe its just a small fix to implement this refresh in Media Controls. Is it?



  • Media Controls Update Issue with Scene Switcher.PNG
    Media Controls Update Issue with Scene Switcher.PNG
    32.1 KB · Views: 73


New Member
I've been testing an example all afternoon and I can't get it to work right.

I want to display 3 media sources (one after the other) in order and when I get to the last one it stops completely.

If I set a time interval, and I tell it to show the previous one after x seconds (because it reads it in reverse order), when it reaches the first one, it continues playing the same source over and over again, without end.
The Loop box is unchecked.

If instead of setting the time intervals, I tell it that when it finishes playing a source it stops, now no more sources appear and every time you go back to the scene, it plays again the last source in the list (which it considers to be the first one).

Is there any way to make the sequence play only once and end by itself without continuing the loop of the last source in the list?


New Member
Great plugin, but I can't quite make it do what I want it to do, which is to play a six-second intro video before a multi-minute video and then stop. Here's how I have it configured for debugging:
Source Switcher Debug.png

If I enable Loop, it basically does exactly what I want (only plays 10 seconds of the 3 minute video - I'll increase duration setting once it's working), except it loops, which I don't want.

If I disable Loop, it just plays the 3 minute video (for all 3 minutes - it doesn't stop after 10s). It never plays the 6 sec intro video.

Is it possible to make it do what I want it to do - play both videos in sequence and then stop? Is there a better plugin/solution for this?



New Member
with OBS 27.2.1 I am getting crashes due to this plugin... did a clean install of OBS, and was reinstalling plugins one by one, and starting OBS between each one. Installed Switcher and it crashed, removed the related .dll and the .pdb and OBS is fine.

Tinker Troy

New Member
Crazy suggestion, but would there be a way to extend this so that it can switch N number of sources at the same time?

Say I have 6 video sources, I want to display 5 of them as thumbnails and have the 6th in focus, then use (a version) of this plugin to rotate which source gets the focus. Easy to do with 6 separate scenes, but my god it's tedious to set up.

Other than that, awesome plugin. Looking forward to incorporating it into my content. It'll enable me to show much more information on the screen without it getting totally cluttered.