Source Record

Source Record 0.4.4


New Member
Hello there, Exeldro. Firstly, thank you so much for this plugin, it's extremely useful.

I'm having one problem, and that's that Source Record is not recording one of my sources (elgato 4k60pro mk.2) in the full resolution of 1440p, but is instead recording at 1080p.

*I figured this out myself. In OBS, under video format, it has to be set to 'NV12' for the recording to be 1440p. Otherwise it seems to default to YUY2 (the 'ANY' setting) which for some reason changes the frame size to 1080p, even when the resolution is set to 1440p...*
I just read the whole thread to find this explanation! THANK YOU SIR!


New Member
Hello there, Exeldro. Firstly, thank you so much for this plugin, it's extremely useful.

I'm having one problem, and that's that Source Record is not recording one of my sources (elgato 4k60pro mk.2) in the full resolution of 1440p, but is instead recording at 1080p.

*I figured this out myself. In OBS, under video format, it has to be set to 'NV12' for the recording to be 1440p. Otherwise it seems to default to YUY2 (the 'ANY' setting) which for some reason changes the frame size to 1080p, even when the resolution is set to 1440p...*
actually i was already on nv12, im on obs 30 though, have you updated and found a solution?


New Member
How do you set Output Resolution from Source Record?

Base Resolution: 2560x1440
Output Resolution: 2560x1440

Source Record doesnt have output resolution but outputs at 1080p..
Im definitely missing something right?

Need 1440p output.

Any tips are appreciated


New Member
Hey everyone I am having an audio problem with the plugin. I built a new scene for testing and set the filter to run whenever I record. So the main OBS recording turns out perfectly. The source record plugin output is fine from a video perspective, but the audio contains a lot of static and/or interference type of noise. This happens whether I reocrd to MKV or MP4. Has anyone had this happen to them and if so what is the fix/solution?
Okay I have a further update to this. Now I have gone ahead and tested again, I have done the main OBS recording, and two separate scene recordings using the source record plugin. One of the plugin's recordings was perfect, and the second one once again had the audio static. This development has obviously left me even more confused haha


New Member
Is there a way to turn on the plugin without an obs button? I use virtual camera for a program while streaming and i domt want to create 2 files at the same time due to space with the record button. Same goes for start stream which is normally 3-6 hours and would be very large.


New Member
OBS Crashes once you hit record on Mac M1. Tried with 29.1.2 and 30.0.2, plugin version 0.3.1 and 0.3.2 and results are same. Once you remove plugin recording works. Nothing gets logged. Plugin unusable.



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New Member
Is there a way to turn on the plugin without an obs button? I use virtual camera for a program while streaming and i domt want to create 2 files at the same time due to space with the record button. Same goes for start stream which is normally 3-6 hours and would be very large.
So I'm not sure if this is what you are asking or not, but this is how I do it. I have a Stream Deck and have a button to toggle the filter for source record on and off, while in the settings of Source Record I have it set to capture when I am recording.

I can stream out, make a 1080p recording of the stream, and toggle my source record to capture clean 4k gameplay independent of the 1080p recording. YMMV, it's been pretty stable for me since OBS 30.0.0 and Source Record 0.3.2, but on OBS 29 and 28 I have issues with everything crashing if I toggled the filter and recording on multiple times during stream.

I haven't tested this, but if you set source record to capture as "always" in the option and then toggle the filter on/off it should only capture when the filter is active. If you have a way to setup a hotkey to toggle the filter this might be a way to achieve what you are asking.


Hello @Exeldro! Sorry to bother you: do you think it would be possible to update this great to tool to be able to stream a source to WHIP (WebRTC), like OBS v30+ does natively? Thank you very much.


New Member
Heyo, love the plugin and I'm finding new uses for it all the time. HOWEVER I recently just started having a bug where I will set the source record CQP level, and after I close the filter settings window and open it back up: It's still set as CQP for the Rate Control but the Level changes to Bitrate every single time, as if I had chosen CBR/VBR instead of CQP.

I cannot for the life of me get it to stick to the CQP level. I tried changing it, then turning the eye one/off.
Tried doing the eye on/off, then restarting OBS.
Tried just restarting OBS itself, and all combinations of those three things. Aside from just reinstalling.....maybe I should've done that first. Sorry, am dumb. But others have had the same issue and couldn't find a fix(or at least they didn't post the fix after they got it -_-)
Tried restarting PC after making the changes and no matter what it always changes the CQP level into a Bitrate level of 2500Kbps. I have no idea what else to try so I'm hoping that someone who had the same issue( +possibly fixed it) could help a brother out.

I'm on OBS 30.0.2, and I should say that Source Record has worked flawlessly for me so far, up until today when I hit this little snag. As I said, I found some posts of people having the same issue but they are very sparse and I couldn't find one with a solution for it.
-Thanks ahead of time!! (even if you can't fix it) I know @Exeldro is probably pretty busy, so I'd like to avoid asking him directly if possible and so I'm relying on all of you OBS wizards to hopefully be able to help me
(Oh and i'm on the newest build of Source Record as well)


New Member
Firstly want to say thanks to Exeldro for making this plugin. It has been very useful despite it's caveats.

I have found a solution for those who have latency problems between recordings.

Firstly, identify which sources that have the latencies by doing a test recording.

Once you have identified the sources, add a render delay of 60 milliseconds (ms) before the source record filter.

Whilst the sources will still have skipped frames (a little bit of the time being cut off the master-feed), it should now be in sync.

This plugin does cause quite a few crashes, but it happens less when I've added a "-disable-shutdown-check" parameter on my OBS shortcut.

Unfortunately Exeldro has said himself that to rectify these problems he would need to redesign the whole project, which I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't do it.

So hope this fix is a good one and helps people with their projects!


New Member
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but is there any documentation anywhere?
I cannot figure out how to make this record the Source at all. I actually ONLY want the Source to record, not the Canvas... Is that possible?

To add complication, the source I have is SVHS PAL video via a Blackmagic Decklink card. So its 720x576, interlaced, and non-square pixel aspect ratio...

Thanks for any help.


New Member
OBS 30.0.2, Mac Studio M1, Sonoma 14.3.1
I ran Source Record install successfully (or so it says) but it won't appear on the Effect Filters list even after restarting OBS and also the computer itself. I did not try to install it manually as that looks to be a Windows only thing (?) . I used to run it successfully on earlier OBS versions (~27?) but it disappeared somewhere along the line, presumably from an OBS update (?). Now I want it back in the worst possible way. Anyone got anything on this?


New Member
Is it possible to disable the recording of an audio track in Source Record? I record audio on the main screen and just the video on the source record input with no other audio selected but I still get an empty audio track on that recording. I just want a video only recording from source record.
I suspect it's not possible as it's down to the MP4 encapsulation.


New Member
Hi! I'm having a bit of trouble with the plugin. No matter what I do, after I finish recording, no files show up. I'm trying to record my webcam and gameplay separately and I've tried using 2 different encoders on each of the filters but that didn't seem to make any difference. I've checked where the files are supposed to export at and they arent there.


New Member
Good day. Just a question. Im using a switcher 3 cams - Main CAM at the Center and 2 sidelines. I want to get the replay of the sidelines only. How can I do that in OBS? Thank you!


New Member
Hi, I'm a new streamer and here for need a help.
I had few test to using this lovely plugin and seems almost works.
But sometimes it crashes and having recording resolution problem.

I want to record a file in 4K as same as source without any my chat overlays.
But it's always record in FHD.
So I've chaged OBS settings and it doesn't works.

Here's my log and crash report.
If you need any info, please give me any reply.
And any advice are welcome.
Thank you.


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