Question / Help Skipping Frames help!!!


New Member
Hello everyone, I am new to OBS and streaming to swtich. I just recently built my pc and so for it has been handeling everything I throw at it well. I just completed my first stream and everything had seemed fine but when I took a look at my playback video on Twitch, I noticed it was skipping about every 10 secs. I will post the log for the stream, if someone could help me understand what could possibly be the problem, I would gladly appreciate it!


  • 2018-10-09 23-44-52.txt
    18.8 KB · Views: 39
  • 2018-10-10 01-11-48.txt
    5.5 KB · Views: 37


Active Member
Turn off Windows 10 Game DVR (you also have the Win10 Game DVR Backround recording active) and make sure the games are running with a reasonable FPS cap.

But the main problem is your ISP or your connection to the twitch server:
Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 107904 (47.0%)

This thread might help you at fixing the connection problems: