
New Member
I've been messing around with this for literally days and I've gotten it to work once and never again.

I am using an AKAI EIE pro 4in4out interface with a Shure sm58

I can't get the audio to work reliably at all. If I get it to work even slightly it's only on one end.

I would like to be able to record my microphone and use VSTs on it, I have Vocalsynth 2 and Ozone 9 Elements by iZotope, and in order to set them up I need to hear the monitored audio.

In most cases I get no audio at all regardless of the settings I use. Recently as shown in the images attached I've gotten some volume to show on the in-screen VU meter, but I have no audio in my monitors which is necessary to set up the Vocalsynth 2 settings.

I had another fun issue where my audio was letting me monitor it but it was showing up in the desktop audio VU meter as well with a <15ms delay making any recordings I would've taken completely un-useable.

I've scrolled though miles of pages trying to trouble shoot the issues, I've checked drivers, and windows settings, firm wear, I've updated programs to most recent versions, nothing has fixed the issue, and when something does work even slightly, it's immediately undone when I restart OBS.

I'm about to just give up on OBS as it seems to just not work for me for whatever reason.

Most recent Log File to this issue --> https://obsproject.com/logs/E2EOb_tcKq4HCKB7
Log file for session attempt just prior --> https://obsproject.com/logs/AABP0z5nM4OaW99k


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New Member
So I can use the Audio out on my computer and give exclusive priority to recording audio through my interface but that's still not an ideal solution, though it works


Active Member
Regarding exclusive use of inputs (audio and video) - this is well documented, known, and discussed on this site. And the work-arounds for certain scenarios.
Your log also shows audio at differing sampling rates, also a well discussed no-no. So .... not sure what advice you've been following. I found these helpful
Also, what are you doing to make sure your overall settings, and then the Audio filters/effect aren't overloading your PC? Some plugins require LOTS of CPU

Scrolling further in the log I see recording using CBR, which is NOT advised. CBR for streaming yes, recording no


New Member
Regarding exclusive use of inputs (audio and video) - this is well documented, known, and discussed on this site. And the work-arounds for certain scenarios.
Your log also shows audio at differing sampling rates, also a well discussed no-no. So .... not sure what advice you've been following. I found these helpful
Also, what are you doing to make sure your overall settings, and then the Audio filters/effect aren't overloading your PC? Some plugins require LOTS of CPU

Scrolling further in the log I see recording using CBR, which is NOT advised. CBR for streaming yes, recording no
I'm very much an audio person not a video person and I'm very new to OBS, the only thing I understood from that was the sample rate part and that's odd because my interface should be set to 48KHz as that's about the only thing I do know about video is what my sample rate should be so I'll have to troubleshoot why that's not working as intended.

My computer is beefy enough to run Photoshop with multiple sessions and Reason with multiple instances of Ozone 9 and not see any significant latency so it's not an issue on that end. I could see it being an interface issue as I've had some minor issues with the actual hardware.

I have no idea what CBR means.

Thank you for the links, I'll poke around in those and see if I can find a fix.


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Active Member
So, if you don't know some of those basic acronyms, then you have some homework, so to speak. I mentioned CBR for a reason, ignoring it cuz you didn't look it up would be a bad idea

And as for computing power, Photo editing doesn't even approach to how real-time video encoding is VERY computationally demanding.
I recommend monitoring hardware resource (CPU, GPU, RAM, Disk I/O, etc) utilization [for ex. using Task manager’s Performance tab and/or Resource Monitor] to see if your system is being maxed out with your settings https://obsproject.com/wiki/General-Performance-and-Encoding-Issues and https://obsproject.com/wiki/GPU-overload-issues

As you indicate being new, Here's the quick-start guide: I'd also recommend watching the Nerd or Die tutorial video series: