Recording becoming delayed when I pause it.


New Member
Hello, I am recording gameplay footage for a video I want to edit, and I have been trying to save on diskspace, and my time from having to scrub through footage, by pausing the recording when I am not doing something i necessarily want to record. However, when I do this, the footage becomes delayed! is this just something im going to have to live with, or are there maybe any options in OBS that can help prevent this? In my capture device, I have buffering set to disabled, and it uses hardware encoding.
Delay after pausing my recording (timestamped)
everything past this point became delayed, but before this point it was all fine! I dont understand.
Could it also be due to my capture card? it is not the best, I will admit.

I also noticed a delay caused seemingly randomly when I didnt pause the recording. This is not the first time OBS has put a delay in my recordings, and im really not sure why its doing it, or how to combat it.
Random delay (timestamped)

Any input is very helpful, thank you so much!!!! :D


Active Member


Active Member
1. Audio buffering hit the maximum value. This is an indicator of very high system load, will affect stream latency, and may even cause individual audio sources to stop working. Keep an eye on CPU usage especially, and close background programs if needed. Occasionally, this can be caused by incorrect device timestamps. Restart OBS to reset buffering.
Source affected (potential cause): Desktop Audio
2. It looks like your sources are all 30 FPS so change your output FPS to 30.
3. It looks like you have too many sources
DShow: Run failed (0x800705AA): Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
Disconnect the cameras/video capture devices you are not actively using.


New Member
1. Audio buffering hit the maximum value. This is an indicator of very high system load, will affect stream latency, and may even cause individual audio sources to stop working. Keep an eye on CPU usage especially, and close background programs if needed. Occasionally, this can be caused by incorrect device timestamps. Restart OBS to reset buffering.
Source affected (potential cause): Desktop Audio
2. It looks like your sources are all 30 FPS so change your output FPS to 30.
3. It looks like you have too many sources
DShow: Run failed (0x800705AA): Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
Disconnect the cameras/video capture devices you are not actively using.
So, I think this might just be a sign of my computers age, then. When recording, I always make sure OBS is the only thing open, maybe with the exception of Discord. I have a heavily used 6th gen i5 CPU from 2018, so. I think that explains why my recordings do this (although, i do not stream, just record.)
I do have a cheap capture card, though. that could also be another issue.
Is there any way to test my capture card to see if it's the one messing up rather than my CPU?

Also, I do not use Desktop Audio, it is always muted so that it doesnt pick up any computer noises as I play games on my capture card. I'm not sure how that could be a cause? maybe I need to remove it somehow?

I will admit I have a lot of sources, I have since gotten rid of them. OBS sometimes doesn't recognize my capture card, so i have to make a new source for it and hide the old one, and i generally forget to delete the old ones. I will be better about this now, thank you.

Thank you so much for your input, when I get home I will look around OBS settings and change the FPS values and keep my sources to a minimum. you've been a great help!!