Question about calling a preset when click on the scene - I have that working via the HTTP commands, BUT...I don't want to switch to a scene with camera 1 and the audience sees it swing from one side of the room to the other. I had hoped I could call the scene in Studio mode, have the camera move to where it needs to go, and THEN fade the scene to be live, but calling it in studio mode does not initiate the camera moving to the preset. Is there a way to tell a scene to call a preset and THEN fade into live view? Thanks!
I had the same issue. what I first implemented was use SOURCE DOC plugin to display my PTZoptics camera previews in OBS. Then I put PTZoptics plugin, and docked a view of the preset buttons below each preview (i modified the HTML code slightly to make their default buttons smaller in this view). So the operator just click on a preset, then once the camera is moved to its correct position, click on the preview image above and it automatically goes live.
Subsequently (although the above is simultaneously available) I now use PowerPoint slides to send commands to OBS to move cameras a change scenes as required through .BAT files and OBS websocket plugin.
This code example below make obs to switch to the scene called "Cam1-LIVE"
OBSCommand.exe /server=OBSip1:4444 /password="password1" scene="Cam1-LIVE"
To make a PTZoptic camera move in OBS to a preset, you send it a 'browser' command, with the syntax that something like this
http://IP-ofCAMERA/cgi-bin/ptzctrl.cgi?ptzcmd&poscall&10 "
which would tell whatever ptzopti camera ip you put in there to move to position "10"
Problem is (and if smarter obs people can tell me how to do this that would be awesome) when you activate a scene in OBS, it will want to make that scene go live, messes things up visually. I got around this by installing an instance of OBS on powerpoint that runs in the background strictly to control these camera movements, then put in a delay to allow the .BAT file (2 seconds) between telling the camear to move, and telling OBS to go live with it. Something like this:
OBSCommand.exe /server=OBS-ip1:4444 /password="password1" scene="Cam1 Move Pos 10"
timeout /t 2 /nobreak > NUL
OBSCommand.exe /server=OBS-ip2:4444 /password="password1" scene="Cam1-LIVE"
So first command sends a websocekt command to ip1 (powerpoint computer that has OBS in the background) to activate the "cam1 move pos 10" scene that contains the browser code to move the camera. This OBS isn't live so dont care, its just acting as the mechanism for me to send a move command to the camera. Then it sleeps for 2 seconds and runs the second, then it runs the second command which tells the main OBS computer (on ip-2) to flip to scene "Cam1-Live". Works really well, can do some pretty complicated moves and setups for automatically.