Problems with the software


New Member
Hey, I wasn't completely sure which forum to put this under, but this seems fine.

So.. When I record, my recording randomly stops. I don't know what triggers it, but at first I used to think that it was whenever I did ctrl+z, but I have no idea anymore.
Also, when I go into an editing software, my recording files seemingly cease to exist and I can't find them anywhere. I don't know if this is a problem with OBS or my editing Softwares. Actually, as of making this, I tried to attach my log file and I simply couldn't. I couldn't see the file I recorded for this. And I can go into my files and see that it's still there. So sorry, I couldn't include a log file.
If anyone knows how these things can be stopped, that would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
1. Files location: Settings --> Output --> Recording --> Recording Path:
It is strongly recommended that you set the Recording Format to mkv.
You may already be doing that and your editing software may not recognize those files. To fix that go to Settings --> Advanced --> Recording --> Check box for "Automatically remux to mp4". You can remux previous recorded mkv files by going to File --> Remux Recordings.



New Member
Alrighty! New updates: I can't even record anymore! :D Yay! Whenever I record, do my thing, go back to OBS to stop the recording, look for it in my videos folder it isn't there. And yes, I ran as admin.


Active Member