Performance regression with OBS 30.2 (Gentoo Linux)


New Member
Already posted here and it has been suggested that this is a support request:

Operating System Info​


Other OS​

Gentoo Linux

OBS Studio Version​


OBS Studio Version (Other)​

No response

OBS Studio Log URL​

OBS Studio Crash Log URL​

No response

Expected Behavior​

Running on X11...

With OBS 30.1.2 I could stream to Twitch and record to harddisk at the same time without any problem and with steady 60fps.

This changed with OBS 30.2.0, and I'm not sure if this related to switching from ffmpeg nvenc to native nvenc.

Current Behavior​

Compared to OBS 30.1.2, with OBS 30.2.0 I can no longer record and stream a video at the same time, I'm seeing massive performance drops. Previously, I could record with steady 60fps, now, either the game drops below 10fps, especially if the game streams new textures, or the recording drops below 10fps, sometimes both drop down to 3fps for multiple seconds. If I encode only just one video, the same behavior can be observed but the performance drop eventually recovers after 20-30s can goes back up to 60fps. In the extreme case, even audio playback from the game stutters. This looks a lot like bus bandwidth usage due to VRAM pressure, and by looking at nvidia-smi, I can confirm that OBS probably leaks VRAM somewhere (it used 1.8 GB at which point I had to stop the game and OBS, and restart the stream). OBS usually hovers at around 600-800 MB VRAM.

After some more testing, I've switched from Xcomposite window capture to using the linux-vkcapture plugin to record the game window. This improved things a lot: While I still see performance drops that recover after a few seconds, at least OBS settles at around 800 MB VRAM usage. However, I still cannot properly record and stream at the same time: OBS struggles to go over 40 fps, and this also causes a lot of heavy performance drops.

I also tried using wayland natively and switching to pipewire recording sources: This is unusable, after a short time windows start to flicker or go black. Even the game window itself may become black while I can still see the contents properly recorded in the stream.

This happens with both the flatpak version and the native Gentoo version, but I prefer the native Gentoo version because it has lower CPU usage (0.5% idle vs 3% idle, similar but closer while recording/streaming). I think this is due to flatpak sandboxing.

Since this worked just fine with OBS 30.1, I doubt my system would be underpowered for this setup.

According to nvidia-smi, around 1 GB of VRAM remains free all the time, so this isn't actually VRAM pressure. Maybe render surfaces are allocated from non-device memory sometimes?

Steps to Reproduce​

  1. Install and configure OBS 30.1.2
  2. Record and stream at the same time with 60fps, play with 60fps at 4k (locked via mangohud)
  3. Upgrade to OBS 30.2
  4. Record and stream at the same time
  5. Notice immediate worse performance, OBS struggles to stream/record more than 40fps, game runs at 60fps
  6. Play a little longer, change game scenes, go through loading screens: whole setup drops below 10fps

Anything else we should know?​

I'm not sure if Gentoo disabled ffmpeg nvenc in 30.2 so I cannot test but I realize that the log says "FFmpeg VAAPI H264 encoding not supported" - but this is probably just non non-NVIDIA anyways.

Here's another log from a streaming session:


New Member
Another observation: Restarting OBS during a gaming session and restarting streaming always worked with 30.1 and ffmpeg-nvenc, with 30.2 it always fails allocating cuda memory if the game is already running.


New Member
i think it is the same problem like this i see in compare on my PC too

only on Desktop without Gaming the Load on CPU is much more, i don't know why
here are compare Screenshots form Windows 11 vs Fedora Workstation 40

Screenshot 2024-07-23 153928.png

Fedora Workstation 40
Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-07-23 15-36-56.jpg

here i have one of the last logs, if it can help
15:36:27.285: Using EGL/X11
15:36:27.285: CPU Name: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor
15:36:27.285: CPU Speed: 4850.072MHz
15:36:27.286: Physical Cores: 8, Logical Cores: 16
15:36:27.286: Physical Memory: 64217MB Total, 60001MB Free
15:36:27.286: Kernel Version: Linux 6.9.9-200.fc40.x86_64
15:36:27.286: Flatpak Branch: stable
15:36:27.286: Flatpak Arch: x86_64
15:36:27.286: Flatpak Runtime: runtime/org.kde.Platform/x86_64/6.6
15:36:27.286: App Extensions:
15:36:27.286: - com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.GStreamerVaapi
15:36:27.286: - com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.Gstreamer
15:36:27.286: - com.obsproject.Studio.Plugin.OBSVkCapture
15:36:27.286: - org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.TAP
15:36:27.286: - org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh
15:36:27.286: - com.obsproject.Studio.Locale
15:36:27.286: Runtime Extensions:
15:36:27.286: - org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default
15:36:27.286: - org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-555-58-02
15:36:27.286: - org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264
15:36:27.286: - org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita
15:36:27.286: - org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform
15:36:27.286: - org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QAdwaitaDecorations
15:36:27.286: - org.kde.Platform.Locale
15:36:27.286: - org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default
15:36:27.286: Flatpak Framework Version: 1.15.8
15:36:27.286: Desktop Environment: GNOME (gnome-xorg)
15:36:27.286: Session Type: x11
15:36:27.286: Window System: X11.0, Vendor: The X.Org Foundation, Version: 1.20.14
15:36:27.287: Qt Version: 6.6.3 (runtime), 6.6.3 (compiled)
15:36:27.287: Portable mode: false
15:36:27.325: OBS 30.2.1 (linux)
15:36:27.325: ---------------------------------
15:36:27.325: ---------------------------------
15:36:27.325: audio settings reset:
15:36:27.325: samples per sec: 48000
15:36:27.325: speakers: 2
15:36:27.325: max buffering: 960 milliseconds
15:36:27.325: buffering type: dynamically increasing
15:36:27.327: ---------------------------------
15:36:27.327: Initializing OpenGL...
15:36:27.578: Loading up OpenGL on adapter NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2
15:36:27.578: OpenGL loaded successfully, version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 555.58.02, shading language 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
15:36:27.599: ---------------------------------
15:36:27.599: video settings reset:
15:36:27.599: base resolution: 2560x1440
15:36:27.599: output resolution: 2560x1440
15:36:27.599: downscale filter: Bicubic
15:36:27.599: fps: 60/1
15:36:27.599: format: NV12
15:36:27.599: YUV mode: Rec. 709/Partial
15:36:27.599: NV12 texture support enabled
15:36:27.599: P010 texture support not available
15:36:27.649: Audio monitoring device:
15:36:27.649: name: Standard
15:36:27.649: id: default
15:36:27.649: ---------------------------------
15:36:27.673: No AJA devices found, skipping loading AJA UI plugin
15:36:27.673: Failed to initialize module ''
15:36:27.694: No AJA devices found, skipping loading AJA plugin
15:36:27.694: Failed to initialize module ''
15:36:27.966: [pipewire] Available capture sources:
15:36:27.966: [pipewire] - Monitor source
15:36:27.966: [pipewire] - Window source
15:36:28.009: v4l2loopback not installed, virtual camera not registered
15:36:28.018: [obs-browser]: Version 2.23.5
15:36:28.018: [obs-browser]: CEF Version 103.0.5060.134 (runtime), 103.0.0-5060-shared-textures.2594+g17f8588+chromium-103.0.5060.134 (compiled)
15:36:28.048: NVENC supported
15:36:28.048: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display in vaapi_device_h264_supported
15:36:28.048: FFmpeg VAAPI H264 encoding not supported
15:36:28.048: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display in vaapi_device_av1_supported
15:36:28.048: FFmpeg VAAPI AV1 encoding not supported
15:36:28.048: VAAPI: Failed to initialize display in vaapi_device_hevc_supported
15:36:28.048: FFmpeg VAAPI HEVC encoding not supported
15:36:28.128: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] you can haz websockets (Version: 5.5.2 | RPC Version: 1)
15:36:28.128: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] Qt version (compile-time): 6.6.3 | Qt version (run-time): 6.6.3
15:36:28.128: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] Linked ASIO Version: 103002
15:36:28.132: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_load] Module loaded.
15:36:28.156: [linux-vkcapture] plugin loaded successfully (version 1.5.1)
15:36:28.189: [obs-gstreamer] build: 7dd3e69, gst-runtime: 1.22.12
15:36:28.410: [obs-vaapi] version: 0.4.1, gst-runtime: 1.22.12
15:36:28.411: ---------------------------------
15:36:28.411: Loaded Modules:
15:36:28.411: ---------------------------------
15:36:28.411: ---------------------------------
15:36:28.411: Available Encoders:
15:36:28.411: Video Encoders:
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_svt_av1 (SVT-AV1)
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_aom_av1 (AOM AV1)
15:36:28.411: - jim_nvenc (NVIDIA NVENC H.264)
15:36:28.411: - jim_hevc_nvenc (NVIDIA NVENC HEVC)
15:36:28.411: - jim_av1_nvenc (NVIDIA NVENC AV1)
15:36:28.411: - obs_x264 (x264)
15:36:28.411: - gstreamer-encoder-h264 (GStreamer Encoder H.264)
15:36:28.411: - gstreamer-encoder-h265 (GStreamer Encoder H.265)
15:36:28.411: Audio Encoders:
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_aac (FFmpeg AAC)
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_opus (FFmpeg Opus)
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_pcm_s16le (FFmpeg PCM (16 Bit))
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_pcm_s24le (FFmpeg PCM (24 Bit))
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_pcm_f32le (FFmpeg PCM (32 Bit Float))
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_alac (FFmpeg ALAC (24 Bit))
15:36:28.411: - ffmpeg_flac (FFmpeg FLAC (16 Bit))
15:36:28.411: - libfdk_aac (libfdk AAC)
15:36:28.411: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
15:36:28.456: All scene data cleared
15:36:28.456: ------------------------------------------------
15:36:28.461: pulse-input: Server name: 'PulseAudio (on PipeWire 1.0.7) 15.0.0'
15:36:28.461: pulse-input: Audio format: s32le, 48000 Hz, 2 channels
15:36:28.461: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_output.pci-0000_29_00.1.hdmi-stereo-extra1.monitor' (default)
15:36:28.461: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Desktop-Audio'
15:36:28.461: pulse-input: Server name: 'PulseAudio (on PipeWire 1.0.7) 15.0.0'
15:36:28.461: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 48000 Hz, 1 channels
15:36:28.462: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_input.usb-C-Media_Electronics_Inc._TONOR_TC30_Audio_Device_20220524-00.mono-fallback' (default)
15:36:28.462: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Mikrofon-/AUX-Audio'
15:36:28.462: PipeWire initialized
15:36:28.463: Switched to scene 'Szene'
15:36:28.463: ------------------------------------------------
15:36:28.463: Loaded scenes:
15:36:28.463: - scene 'Szene':
15:36:28.463: - source: 'Bildschirmaufnahme (PipeWire)' (pipewire-screen-capture-source)
15:36:28.463: - source: 'Spielaufnahme' (vkcapture-source)
15:36:28.463: ------------------------------------------------
15:36:28.530: [pipewire] Screencast session created
15:36:28.540: [pipewire] Asking for monitor and window
15:36:28.569: [pipewire] source selected, setting up screencast
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Server version: 1.0.7
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Library version: 0.3.83
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Header version: 0.3.83
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Created stream 0x55afb55686f0
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Stream 0x55afb55686f0 state: "connecting" (error: none)
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Playing stream 0x55afb55686f0
15:36:28.599: [pipewire] Stream 0x55afb55686f0 state: "paused" (error: none)
15:36:28.606: [pipewire] Negotiated format:
15:36:28.606: [pipewire] Format: 12 (Spa:Enum:VideoFormat:BGRA)
15:36:28.606: [pipewire] Size: 2560x1440
15:36:28.606: [pipewire] Framerate: 0/1
15:36:28.626: [pipewire] Stream 0x55afb55686f0 state: "streaming" (error: none)
15:36:29.032: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 21 milliseconds (source: Desktop-Audio)
15:36:29.096: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds (source: Mikrofon-/AUX-Audio)
15:37:00.351: ==== Shutting down ==================================================
15:37:00.419: pulse-input: Stopped recording from 'alsa_output.pci-0000_29_00.1.hdmi-stereo-extra1.monitor'
15:37:00.419: pulse-input: Got 1277 packets with 1532400 frames
15:37:00.419: pulse-input: Stopped recording from 'alsa_input.usb-C-Media_Electronics_Inc._TONOR_TC30_Audio_Device_20220524-00.mono-fallback'
15:37:00.419: pulse-input: Got 1274 packets with 1528800 frames
15:37:00.419: [pipewire] Stream 0x55afb55686f0 state: "paused" (error: none)
15:37:00.424: [pipewire] Stream 0x55afb55686f0 state: "unconnected" (error: none)
15:37:00.462: [linux-vkcapture] destroy
15:37:00.477: All scene data cleared
15:37:00.477: ------------------------------------------------
15:37:00.520: [linux-vkcapture] plugin unloaded
15:37:00.521: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_unload] Shutting down...
15:37:00.521: Tried to call obs_frontend_remove_event_callback with no callbacks!
15:37:00.521: [obs-websocket] [obs_module_unload] Finished shutting down.
15:37:00.525: [Scripting] Total detached callbacks: 0
15:37:00.525: Freeing OBS context data
15:37:00.550: == Profiler Results =============================
15:37:00.550: run_program_init: 1520.06 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣OBSApp::AppInit: 14.023 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┗OBSApp::InitLocale: 3.259 ms
15:37:00.550: ┗OBSApp::OBSInit: 1216.43 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣obs_startup: 1.368 ms
15:37:00.550: ┗OBSBasic::OBSInit: 1176.98 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣OBSBasic::InitBasicConfig: 0.092 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣OBSBasic::ResetAudio: 0.205 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣OBSBasic::ResetVideo: 324.028 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┗obs_init_graphics: 274.196 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┗shader compilation: 21.152 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣OBSBasic::InitOBSCallbacks: 0.004 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣OBSBasic::InitHotkeys: 0.017 ms
15:37:00.550: ┣obs_load_all_modules2: 761.826 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.091 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.048 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 63.731 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.007 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.38 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.002 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 3.94 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.006 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 18.305 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.044 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 21.326 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┃ ┗nvenc_check: 12.404 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.018 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.001 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.003 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.933 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.007 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.003 ms
15:37:00.550: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.011 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 3.826 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.001 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 1.048 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.019 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 0.099 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣obs_init_module( 213.093 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┗obs_init_module( 0.477 ms
15:37:00.551: ┣OBSBasic::InitService: 2.327 ms
15:37:00.551: ┣OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: 0.211 ms
15:37:00.551: ┣OBSBasic::CreateHotkeys: 0.023 ms
15:37:00.551: ┣OBSBasic::InitPrimitives: 0.203 ms
15:37:00.551: ┗OBSBasic::Load: 52.748 ms
15:37:00.551: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=0.062 ms, median=0.075 ms, max=0.312 ms, 99th percentile=0.115 ms, 100% below 25 ms
15:37:00.551: audio_thread(Audio): min=0.002 ms, median=0.018 ms, max=0.226 ms, 99th percentile=0.065 ms
15:37:00.551: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.084 ms, median=0.518 ms, max=90.355 ms, 99th percentile=4.842 ms, 99.7965% below 16.667 ms
15:37:00.551: ┣tick_sources: min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=0.026 ms, 99th percentile=0.006 ms
15:37:00.551: ┣output_frame: min=0.039 ms, median=0.087 ms, max=1.647 ms, 99th percentile=0.149 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┗gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.039 ms, median=0.087 ms, max=1.647 ms, 99th percentile=0.149 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.016 ms, median=0.051 ms, max=1.579 ms, 99th percentile=0.093 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┃ ┗render_main_texture: min=0.012 ms, median=0.045 ms, max=1.566 ms, 99th percentile=0.085 ms
15:37:00.551: ┃ ┗gs_flush: min=0.004 ms, median=0.008 ms, max=0.025 ms, 99th percentile=0.02 ms
15:37:00.551: ┗render_displays: min=0.017 ms, median=0.265 ms, max=43.942 ms, 99th percentile=0.493 ms
15:37:00.551: =================================================
15:37:00.551: == Profiler Time Between Calls ==================
15:37:00.551: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=25.102 ms, median=25.142 ms, max=26.614 ms, 99.8485% within ±2% of 25 ms (0% lower, 0.151515% higher)
15:37:00.551: obs_graphics_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.711 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=90.359 ms, 99.3893% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.305344% lower, 0.305344% higher)
15:37:00.551: =================================================
15:37:00.553: Number of memory leaks: 0


New Member
This is not about CPU usage... It varies depending on your recording session and whether you run it as a flatpak. Without flatpak, idle usage (only preview, no streaming) is at 0.5% for me with a rather complex scene, but when running as a flatpak, idle usage is more like 1.5-2% or even higher. If you're using non-optimal recording sources, this easily doubles or triples. But that's not the problem here.

The problem is OBS starts thrashing the VRAM with the new NVENC encoder when I never had a problem with ffmpeg-nvenc. It starts fighting over VRAM with the game I'm recording. And let's not even try recording and streaming at the same time: Performance is abysmal while it was locked to smooth 60fps with the old OBS.

I was able to get VRAM usage mostly under control by using obs-vkcapture as a record source (instead of XSHM window capture): Now VRAM usage of OBS is not slowly getting higher, it settles at around 800 MB while streaming - instead of going up to 1.8 GB and higher. I'm not sure if this is a leak or the other record sources now just tend to use much more VRAM. Last time I had to quit the stream, reboot, and restart the stream, OBS used 2.2 GB of VRAM. But obs-vkcapture works much better anyways, so it's been a good move for me, I should've done that earlier.

I also got rid of most stutters by removing `_GL_CPMM` from my environment - but only if I add it to `plasma-plasmashell.service` environment instead, otherwise plasmashell eats way too much VRAM. OBS doesn't seem to like the NVIDIA driver cleaning up its idle texture allocations.

The thing is: Performance is still worse and starts to stutter after 2-3 hours of streaming while it didn't with the previous version. My system even used more VRAM before because I didn't do all the new fancy extra optimizations, and still OBS behaves worse.

Ah well, that's not completely true: The new OBS behaves better if everything is started fresh. CPU usage is lower, system is smoother. But let it run for some hours and it will be affecting and will be affected by system performance much worse. Something changed, and it's probably about resource handling. Or whatever the quality knobs and encoder options do, they may do it differently in ffmpeg vs native NVENC.


New Member
AFAIK i was always use NVEnc native, but i can try using ffmpeg.
I think that is after obs studio version 30.1.2 or so, there were freefx is running too (because of the better ffmpeg settings ,streamfx)

i was trying to deactivate preview last momen, that changes nothing
so the load without record and stream is the same, game are running not good if you have more load on cpu like before, they don't need GPU only


New Member
i can change to x264 from nvenc, changes nothing, after closing and start again obs too
it's a thing after the last updates i think
on windows the last version was running with freefx(streamfx) i have a portable version, this version wasn't make problems the time it was the newest ob Ubuntu like this


New Member
I'm using QSV (on my CPU's iGPU) now, it interacts much better with VRAM usage, and the encoder quality seems very good (ICQ bitrate control). Also, the high CPU usage is completely gone. I'm still seeing the desktop, OBS and the game fighting over resources which hasn't been the case pre-30.2.