OK! conclusion. I Tested now on a second machine with a all UpToDate setup. To make it short!
Here is a Tutorial to verify that OBS and NDI is not the Issue.
Make shure you have set the Output and scaling in OBS to 1080p
Plugin: Virtual Camera
start blugin no settings needed!
Plugin: NDI
make shure after you started to plugin to set in the Virtual Input client the video also to 1080 (right bottom corner of your desktop)
Test device: Show Output Picture in VLC the CORRECT way (I use the German version, so maybe the words differ)!
VLC> FILE> open capture device (ctrl+c)> Change video device to NDI/virtual camera> click advanced options> Set ratio from 4:3 to 16:9> OK > Play!
Now you see the Output your Plugin is giving to all other programs.
If anybody needs Service, Add me on LinkedIn ;)