OBS Video Stutters


New Member
I record with Shadowplay just fine with 1080p, 60fps, and 50000 kbps. Although, when I attempt to record with OBS its just choppy and laggy.

11:42:08.083: CoInitializeEx succeeded: 0x00000001
11:42:08.083: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
11:42:08.083: CPU Speed: 3192MHz
11:42:08.083: Physical Cores: 6, Logical Cores: 12
11:42:08.083: Physical Memory: 16308MB Total, 5186MB Free
11:42:08.083: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 18363 (release: 1909; revision: 900; 64-bit)
11:42:08.083: Running as administrator: true
11:42:08.083: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
11:42:08.083: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
11:42:08.083:     Game Bar: Off
11:42:08.083:     Game DVR: Off
11:42:08.083:     Game DVR Background Recording: Off
11:42:08.084:     Game Mode: Off
11:42:08.085: Sec. Software Status:
11:42:08.086:     Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV)
11:42:08.086:     Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)
11:42:08.086: Current Date/Time: 2020-06-13, 11:42:08
11:42:08.086: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
11:42:08.086: Portable mode: false
11:42:09.727: OBS 25.0.8 (64-bit, windows)
11:42:09.727: ---------------------------------
11:42:09.738: ---------------------------------
11:42:09.738: audio settings reset:
11:42:09.738:     samples per sec: 44100
11:42:09.738:     speakers:        2
11:42:09.738: ---------------------------------
11:42:09.738: Initializing D3D11...
11:42:09.738: Available Video Adapters:
11:42:09.740:     Adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
11:42:09.740:       Dedicated VRAM: 3133145088
11:42:09.740:       Shared VRAM:    4255324160
11:42:09.740:       PCI ID:         10de:1c02
11:42:09.740:       Driver Version:
11:42:09.741:       output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=144, name=MSI MAG241C
11:42:09.741:       output 1: pos={-1920, 6}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=60, name=BenQ RL2455
11:42:09.741:       output 2: pos={1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=60, name=DELL P2217H
11:42:09.742: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (0)
11:42:09.785: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000
11:42:09.785: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success
11:42:09.785: D3D11 GPU priority setup success
11:42:10.234: ---------------------------------
11:42:10.234: video settings reset:
11:42:10.234:     base resolution:   1920x1080
11:42:10.234:     output resolution: 1920x1080
11:42:10.234:     downscale filter:  Lanczos
11:42:10.234:     fps:               60/1
11:42:10.234:     format:            NV12
11:42:10.234:     YUV mode:          601/Partial
11:42:10.234: NV12 texture support enabled
11:42:10.235: Audio monitoring device:
11:42:10.235:     name: Default
11:42:10.235:     id: default
11:42:10.236: ---------------------------------
11:42:10.241: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
11:42:10.242: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
11:42:10.301: [AMF] Unable to load 'amfrt64.dll', error code 126.
11:42:10.303: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
11:42:10.303: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
11:42:10.328: [obs-browser]: Version 2.8.6
11:42:10.330: NVENC supported
11:42:10.466: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
11:42:10.526: A DeckLink iterator could not be created.  The DeckLink drivers may not be installed
11:42:10.527: No blackmagic support
11:42:10.534: ---------------------------------
11:42:10.534:   Loaded Modules:
11:42:10.534:     win-wasapi.dll
11:42:10.534:     win-mf.dll
11:42:10.534:     win-dshow.dll
11:42:10.534:     win-decklink.dll
11:42:10.534:     win-capture.dll
11:42:10.534:     vlc-video.dll
11:42:10.534:     text-freetype2.dll
11:42:10.534:     rtmp-services.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-x264.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-vst.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-transitions.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-text.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-qsv11.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-outputs.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-filters.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-ffmpeg.dll
11:42:10.534:     obs-browser.dll
11:42:10.534:     image-source.dll
11:42:10.534:     frontend-tools.dll
11:42:10.534:     enc-amf.dll
11:42:10.534:     decklink-ouput-ui.dll
11:42:10.535:     coreaudio-encoder.dll
11:42:10.535: ---------------------------------
11:42:10.535: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
11:42:10.535: Service '' not found
11:42:10.537: All scene data cleared
11:42:10.537: ------------------------------------------------
11:42:10.570: WASAPI: Device 'MSI MAG241C (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)' [48000 Hz] initialized
11:42:10.570: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Desktop Audio'
11:42:10.583: WASAPI: Device 'Headset Microphone (3- Astro MixAmp Pro Voice)' [48000 Hz] initialized
11:42:10.583: [Loaded global audio device]: 'Mic/Aux'
11:42:11.130: Switched to scene 'Scene'
11:42:11.130: ------------------------------------------------
11:42:11.130: Loaded scenes:
11:42:11.130: - scene 'Scene':
11:42:11.130:     - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
11:42:11.130: ------------------------------------------------
11:42:11.131: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: ModernWarfare.exe
11:42:11.142: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] We're DXGI1.4 boys!
11:42:11.142: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Buffer count: 2, swap effect: 4
11:42:11.213: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d12 shared texture capture successful
11:42:11.219: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] shared texture capture successful
11:43:05.285: Settings changed (outputs)
11:43:05.285: ------------------------------------------------
11:44:33.002: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:44:33.002:     rate_control: CBR
11:44:33.002:     bitrate:      40000
11:44:33.002:     cqp:          10
11:44:33.002:     keyint:       120
11:44:33.002:     preset:       hq
11:44:33.002:     profile:      high
11:44:33.002:     width:        1920
11:44:33.002:     height:       1080
11:44:33.002:     2-pass:       false
11:44:33.002:     b-frames:     2
11:44:33.002:     lookahead:    false
11:44:33.002:     psycho_aq:    true
11:44:33.018: ---------------------------------
11:44:33.018: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
11:44:33.024: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:44:33.024: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-44-32.mp4'...
11:45:17.827: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-44-32.mp4' stopped
11:45:17.827: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
11:45:17.827: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 2679
11:45:17.827: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 2688
11:45:17.828: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
11:45:53.584: Settings changed (outputs)
11:45:53.584: ------------------------------------------------
11:46:09.528: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] ----------------- d3d12 capture freed ----------------
11:46:09.599: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] We're DXGI1.4 boys!
11:46:09.599: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Buffer count: 2, swap effect: 4
11:46:09.671: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d12 shared texture capture successful
11:46:09.686: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] shared texture capture successful
11:46:12.667: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:46:12.667:     rate_control: VBR
11:46:12.667:     bitrate:      30000
11:46:12.667:     cqp:          10
11:46:12.667:     keyint:       120
11:46:12.667:     preset:       default
11:46:12.667:     profile:      high
11:46:12.667:     width:        1920
11:46:12.667:     height:       1080
11:46:12.667:     2-pass:       false
11:46:12.667:     b-frames:     2
11:46:12.667:     lookahead:    false
11:46:12.667:     psycho_aq:    true
11:46:12.678: ---------------------------------
11:46:12.678: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
11:46:12.684: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:46:12.685: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-46-12.mp4'...
11:46:28.712: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-46-12.mp4' stopped
11:46:28.712: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
11:46:28.712: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 953
11:46:28.712: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 962
11:46:28.712: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
11:46:43.031: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] ----------------- d3d12 capture freed ----------------
11:46:43.103: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] We're DXGI1.4 boys!
11:46:43.103: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Buffer count: 2, swap effect: 4
11:46:43.168: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d12 shared texture capture successful
11:46:43.169: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] shared texture capture successful
11:46:52.886: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture stopped
11:46:52.886: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: ModernWarfare.exe
11:46:52.914: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] We're DXGI1.4 boys!
11:46:52.914: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Buffer count: 2, swap effect: 4
11:46:52.982: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d12 shared texture capture successful
11:46:52.986: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] shared texture capture successful
11:46:57.278: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:46:57.278:     rate_control: VBR
11:46:57.278:     bitrate:      30000
11:46:57.278:     cqp:          10
11:46:57.278:     keyint:       120
11:46:57.278:     preset:       default
11:46:57.278:     profile:      high
11:46:57.278:     width:        1920
11:46:57.278:     height:       1080
11:46:57.278:     2-pass:       false
11:46:57.278:     b-frames:     2
11:46:57.278:     lookahead:    false
11:46:57.278:     psycho_aq:    true
11:46:57.291: ---------------------------------
11:46:57.291: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
11:46:57.296: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:46:57.296: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-46-57.mp4'...
11:47:12.142: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-46-57.mp4' stopped
11:47:12.142: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
11:47:12.142: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 882
11:47:12.142: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 891
11:47:12.142: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
11:47:50.129: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:47:50.129:     rate_control: VBR
11:47:50.129:     bitrate:      30000
11:47:50.129:     cqp:          10
11:47:50.129:     keyint:       120
11:47:50.129:     preset:       default
11:47:50.129:     profile:      high
11:47:50.129:     width:        1920
11:47:50.129:     height:       1080
11:47:50.129:     2-pass:       false
11:47:50.129:     b-frames:     2
11:47:50.129:     lookahead:    false
11:47:50.129:     psycho_aq:    true
11:47:50.140: ---------------------------------
11:47:50.140: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
11:47:50.145: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:47:50.145: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-47-50.mp4'...
11:47:59.976: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-47-50.mp4' stopped
11:47:59.976: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
11:47:59.976: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 581
11:47:59.976: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 590
11:47:59.977: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
11:49:53.636: [jim-nvenc: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:49:53.636:     rate_control: VBR
11:49:53.636:     bitrate:      30000
11:49:53.636:     cqp:          10
11:49:53.636:     keyint:       120
11:49:53.636:     preset:       default
11:49:53.636:     profile:      high
11:49:53.636:     width:        1920
11:49:53.636:     height:       1080
11:49:53.636:     2-pass:       false
11:49:53.636:     b-frames:     2
11:49:53.636:     lookahead:    false
11:49:53.636:     psycho_aq:    true
11:49:53.647: ---------------------------------
11:49:53.648: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
11:49:53.654: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:49:53.654: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-49-53.mp4'...
11:50:33.449: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Antone/Videos/2020-06-13 11-49-53.mp4' stopped
11:50:33.449: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
11:50:33.449: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 2379
11:50:33.449: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 2387
11:50:33.449: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
11:50:39.102: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
11:50:39.102: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture stopped
11:50:57.077: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds (source: Desktop Audio)


Active Member
1. The version of Windows you are running has a limitation which causes performance issues in hardware accelerated applications (such as games) if multiple monitors with different refresh rates are present. Your system's monitors have 2 different refresh rates, so you are affected by this limitation.

To fix this issue, we recommend updating to the Windows 10 May 2020 Update. See https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2020/05/27/how-to-get-the-windows-10-may-2020-update/ for info.
2. In Windows 10 versions 1809 and newer, we recommend that "Game Mode" be enabled for maximum gaming performance. Game Mode can be enabled via the Windows 10 "Settings" app, under Gaming > Game Mode
3. Strongly recommended you record to MKV instead of MP4.


Active Member
If you cannot currently update to Windows 10 2004 then:
A. Set all your monitors to the same refresh rate.
B. Disconnect other monitors that do match main monitor refresh rate.