Question / Help OBS Stutters always even though my computer is a beast...


Active Member
GSync breaks things.

I cant use mkv cuz it only allows for 1 audio source
MKV is fully capable of multiple audio tracks.

Not only is MP4 an unreliable format when saving directly to it, but editors aren't compatible with MP4 files that OBS records. (It's fine with remuxed recordings when OBS is recording to MKV)

There are precisely ZERO good reasons to save directly to mp4.


New Member
I am not sure if this is a solution, but I have found that manually dividing your cores/threads between OBS and your Game/Thing your recording in Task Manager with CPU affinity basically gets rid of any stutter. My explanation for this workaround is that it essentially makes it so that OBS and your game do not interfere with each other when sending things to the CPU to process; this especially happens when you have hyperthreading. I think what causes the stutter is that when the game/recording item and OBS fight for CPU cycles, if OBS has to wait for the game's processes to go first, it has to wait until it can send its through. This is what I believe causes the stutter. However, my logic may not be correct although that this seems to fix the stutter, especially when you have high CPU usage.

I hope this is of any use, as I have been searching for a solution for many months. :)