OBS Studio 28.0 Release Candidate

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New Member
I think it's complaining that the stinger is scaled differently than the OBS canvas is. Would you mind sending me a copy of that stinger file so that we can look into it further?
Wait! I got it! I deselected “use hardware decoding when available” and that did the trick!


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Wait! I got it! I deselected “use hardware decoding when available” and that did the trick!
Did you also have to uncheck that option in previous versions of OBS Studio? If you did, then there's probably no need to send me the file. If you didn't, then the file might be interesting to examine, but no pressure.


Active Member
Error with recording to flv and inconsistent behavior if you activate "Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)".
It's not always remuxed to mp4 and not always recorded as mkv. It's all different, according to the chosen output format.
  • if you choose flv as output format in Settings->Output->Recording, recording start aborts with an error "Error opening <file>.flv: Function not implemented". It's started as *.flv and not as mkv. Then a brief remux progress bar appears that does nothing. Expected: recording to mkv and remux to flv or recording to mkv and remux to mp4 and ignore the flv setting.
  • if you choose mp4 as output format, it's recorded as mkv and remuxed to mp4 fine, but the big "don't record to <format>" warning in Settings->Output->Recording is still shown, although there is no risk for choosing an instable output format
  • if you choose mov as output format, it's recorded as mkv and remuxed to mov and not to mp4. The text " ... remux to mp4 ... " could be adapted to mov in this case.
  • if you choose mkv as output format, it's recorded as mkv and remuxed to mp4 fine.
  • if you choose ts as output format, it's recorded as ts and not as mkv, and the file is remuxed to mp4. Fine, but inconsistent with the "(recorded as mkv)". Naively expected: record as mkv and remux to ts.
  • if you choose m3u8 as output format, it's recorded as m3u8+multiple ts and finally remuxed to one mp4. Fine, but inconsistent with the "(recorded as mkv)" text.
  • The warning for unstable output formats could point to "Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)" to automatically make safe recordings instead of recommending manual remux and should not be shown if Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv) is activated
Move setting "Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)" to a collapsible section within Settings->Output->Recording next to Recording format, because the actual recording and remux format is dependent on the chosen recording format. The UI should reflect and display actual recording and remux format according to the combination of both settings.
Some of the not so widely used options from the recording settings can also be moved to this collapsible section, for example "Generate file names without space", "Custom muxer settings" and "Automatic File Splitting".
Simple output mode needs a UI tweak in this case as well, for example an additional entry "mp4 (record as mkv)" in the "Recording format" dropdown list.
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New Member
After doing a clean install of obs 28's second beta, I still can't seem to get VALORANT showing up, I've tried creating a new profile/scene collection to make sure it wasn't something already inside the scene or on the settings, and it still wouldn't work .


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Error with recording to flv and inconsistent behavior if you activate "Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)".
It's not always remuxed to mp4 and not always recorded as mkv. It's all different, according to the chosen output format.
  • if you choose flv as output format in Settings->Output->Recording, recording start aborts with an error "Error opening <file>.flv: Function not implemented". It's started as *.flv and not as mkv. Then a brief remux progress bar appears that does nothing. Expected: recording to mkv and remux to flv or recording to mkv and remux to mp4 and ignore the flv setting.
  • if you choose mp4 as output format, it's recorded as mkv and remuxed to mp4 fine, but the big "don't record to <format>" warning in Settings->Output->Recording is still shown, although there is no risk for choosing an instable output format
  • if you choose mov as output format, it's recorded as mkv and remuxed to mov and not to mp4. The text " ... remux to mp4 ... " could be adapted to mov in this case.
  • if you choose mkv as output format, it's recorded as mkv and remuxed to mp4 fine.
  • if you choose ts as output format, it's recorded as ts and not as mkv, and the file is remuxed to mp4. Fine, but inconsistent with the "(recorded as mkv)". Naively expected: record as mkv and remux to ts.
  • if you choose m3u8 as output format, it's recorded as m3u8+multiple ts and finally remuxed to one mp4. Fine, but inconsistent with the "(recorded as mkv)" text.
  • The warning for unstable output formats could point to "Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)" to automatically make safe recordings instead of recommending manual remux and should not be shown if Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv) is activated
Move setting "Settings->Advanced->Recording->Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)" to a collapsible section within Settings->Output->Recording next to Recording format, because the actual recording and remux format is dependent on the chosen recording format. The UI should reflect and display actual recording and remux format according to the combination of both settings.
Some of the not so widely used options from the recording settings can also be moved to this collapsible section, for example "Generate file names without space", "Custom muxer settings" and "Automatic File Splitting".
Simple output mode needs a UI tweak in this case as well, for example an additional entry "mp4 (record as mkv)" in the "Recording format" dropdown list.
The setting for autoremux is labeled, "Automatically remux to mp4". It does not mention MKV at all, so there are no implications that it forces MKV as the output type. Where are you seeing the label, "Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)"?

Other than the second bullet point, I can record and autoremux just fine in every scenario you described. Are you perhaps running into this Issue regarding "Custom Output (FFmpeg)"?

Regarding the second bullet point, is this unique/new to the OBS Studio 28 Beta, or is this a previously existing issue?

After doing a clean install of obs 28's second beta, I still can't seem to get VALORANT showing up, I've tried creating a new profile/scene collection to make sure it wasn't something already inside the scene or on the settings, and it still wouldn't work .
OBS Studio 28 Beta 2 works fine on my machine. Did you run the installer, or did you extract the zip file to create a portable installation? Is OBS installed to the default install location (C:\Program Files)? Can you verify that the timestamps of the four files in C:\ProgramData\obs-studio-hook match the timestamps of the files in "{OBSInstallLocation}\data\obs-plugins\win-capture"?
2022-08-11 00_42_04-VALORANT 2.png


Active Member
The setting for autoremux is labeled, "Automatically remux to mp4". It does not mention MKV at all, so there are no implications that it forces MKV as the output type. Where are you seeing the label, "Automatically remux to mp4 (record as mkv)"?


However, the "(record as mkv)" vanishes, if I create a new profile. It comes back, if I switch to a profile created with pre 28 OBS. But not all of my pre 28 profiles produce this, with some the added text is visible, with others not. I cannot see what setting will provoke the additional text.

Other than the second bullet point, I can record and autoremux just fine in every scenario you described. Are you perhaps running into this Issue regarding "Custom Output (FFmpeg)"?
After more checks: the error with *.flv is connected with hevc. I was recording 5120x1440, so I used hevc that just became available in advanced output mode. However, *.flv doesn't seem to support hevc, so the error. If I lower the resolution and switch to nvenc h.264, it's recording fine with *.flv.


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View attachment 85510
However, the "(record as mkv)" vanishes, if I create a new profile. It comes back, if I switch to a profile created with pre 28 OBS. But not all of my pre 28 profiles produce this, with some the added text is visible, with others not. I cannot see what setting will provoke the additional text.

After more checks: the error with *.flv is connected with hevc. I was recording 5120x1440, so I used hevc that just became available in advanced output mode. However, *.flv doesn't seem to support hevc, so the error. If I lower the resolution and switch to nvenc h.264, it's recording fine with *.flv.
I see now in the code where the "(record as mkv)" text is supposed to be appended. It shouldn't have anything to do with profiles though. I'll pass this along and see if we can get this looked into.


New Member
OBS Studio 28 Beta 2 works fine on my machine. Did you run the installer, or did you extract the zip file to create a portable installation? Is OBS installed to the default install location (C:\Program Files)? Can you verify that the timestamps of the four files in C:\ProgramData\obs-studio-hook match the timestamps of the files in "{OBSInstallLocation}\data\obs-plugins\win-capture"?
I tried uninstalling obs and installing obs to the default install location, and the timestamps of the four files do match, although they do not match the install date of obs, as I did the instalation today (august 12th) and the files are dated august 11th. Should I try to remove the files from ProgramData, and uninstall obs, then reinstalling it again?


New Member


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New Member
My friends Logs since we have same/ similar settings just quality difference and we both experienced this issue with 7 files of blank screen and 3 audio tracks


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Tonemapping on Spiderman Remastered PC does not appear to be working. I have tried setting to different nits settings (while live, so I don't know if this works) and its desaturated.


Tonemapping on Spiderman Remastered PC does not appear to be working. I have tried setting to different nits settings (while live, so I don't know if this works) and its desaturated.
Please disregard. I did not have the proper color space selected in Game Capture.


New Member

Regarding the stream deck, I sent an email to our friends at elgato.

Regarding the window capture, I still can't on mac although I activate or deactivate manually as on the ARM version before version 28.0

Since the new version 28.0 I can no longer capture my world of warcraft games.

while it works with my playstation...

I even tried to install obs studio 28.0 again, it still doesn't work


Concernant le stream deck, j'ai envoyé un email a nos amis de chez elgato.

Concernant le capture de fenêtre, je n'arrive toujours pas sur mac malgré que j'active ou desactive manuellement comme sur la version ARM avant la version 28.0

Depuis la nouvelle version 28.0 je n'arrive plus a capturer mon jeux world of warcraft.

alors que cela fonctionne avec ma PlayStation ...

Capture d’écran 2022-08-13 à 01.15.27.png

Capture d’écran 2022-08-13 à 01.17.29.png


New Member
I found the solution, I had the same problem as the Pinossaur user, the solution?

OBS on my ARM, I renamed it to OBS2.

I installed a second Beta version in another folder and it works directly.

from the moment you already have an obs, it can confuse the ARM.

Now I removed OBS2 (renamed) and kept the installed version.

Attention screenshot permissions, despite renamed OBS2, it did not work.

You really have to delete everything and redo


My OBS Virtual Camera is crashing when I switch between Breakout Rooms in Zoom on OBS 28 Beta 2 (also happened on Beta 1).

When I try to enter a breakout room Zoom seems to hang for a long time, then once I'm in the breakout room either the "OBS Virtual Camera" no longer shows up in Zoom as a source (Beta 1) or I'm unable to "Enable Video" in Zoom until I quit and restart Zoom (Beta 2).

Here are the relevant log files:
09:00:37.999: User switched to scene 'Main'
09:02:50.932: User switched to scene 'Main (w/ Timer)'
09:11:45.422: Output 'virtualcam_output': stopping //THIS IS WHERE I SWITCH BREAKOUT ROOMS
09:11:45.422: Output 'virtualcam_output': Total frames output: 197278
09:11:45.422: Output 'virtualcam_output': Total drawn frames: 195614 (197278 attempted)
09:11:45.422: Output 'virtualcam_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 1664 (0.8%)
09:11:45.423: ==== Virtual Camera Stop ===========================================
09:11:47.090: NV12 texture support not available
09:11:47.090: P010 texture support not available
09:11:47.094: ==== Virtual Camera Start ==========================================
09:11:56.863: ==== Shutting down ================================================== //THIS IS WHERE I QUIT THE BETA TO RESUME MY MEETING IN OBS 27
09:11:57.015: [ mac-screencapture ]: destroy_screen_stream: Failed to stop stream with error (null)
09:11:57.017: [ mac-screencapture ]: destroy_screen_stream: Failed to stop stream with error (null)
09:11:57.163: [ mac-screencapture ]: destroy_screen_stream: Failed to stop stream with error (null)

Running on a Mac Studio with M1 Ultra in case that's of relevance. Let me know what other information would be helpful.
Thanks for all your hard work!
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I have a question about the audio part of the new Mac ScreenCaptureKit support:
  • Added support for the ScreenCaptureKit Framework on macOS 12.5+, including support for direct audio capture without requiring third-party solutions on macOS 13+ [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering/PatTheMav/gxalpha]
will this finally enable the ability to select audio channels other than the first two from a multi-channel source? That would allow me to eliminate an entire piece of software from my workflow, as I’m currently using a DAW just to set the levels of inputs 1-4 on my Motu M4 and mix them into two channels to send to OBS.

I’ve ordered a new MacBook for my personal use that I’ll try macOS 13 beta on, but for now I only have my production machine, and I can’t risk the beta OS on that.
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