OBS Studio 28.0 Release Candidate

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Suslik V

Active Member
I have a question that wasn't answered here. I think it can solve some misunderstanding.

Is it possible to record HDR content as HDR and stream it as SDR while running only one instance of OBS v28.0.0-rc1 on the same PC?


New Member
Good Morning from Italy
i have installed the OBS RC2 and Bitfocus Companion 2.3.0

no chance to use obs-websocket, the connection between them goes up and down
i don't know if the problem is on OBS or Companion

only to inform you about this


  • Immagine 2022-08-25 143219.png
    Immagine 2022-08-25 143219.png
    235 KB · Views: 133


Good Morning from Italy
i have installed the OBS RC2 and Bitfocus Companion 2.3.0

no chance to use obs-websocket, the connection between them goes up and down
i don't know if the problem is on OBS or Companion

only to inform you about this
You should install the previous version of the websocket plugin. Companion is not compatible with the new version yet.


Wow, rattling through the test versions, by this rate it could be officially out in October (just an uniformed guess). :-)


New Member
sry for my eng

I stream on 1pc, I want to play HDR and stream SDR. I have a few questions:

1. What are the differences between P010 2 planes and P010 3 planes?
View attachment 85828

2. Did I correct set (HDR game SDR stream)?
View attachment 85829

Capture any full screen app
View attachment 85830

3. Do I need to add a filter HDR tonne maping to each game I capture? Earlier it was written about white tuning in the case of RDR2, is it this filter? or general SDR white lvl in advanced?
View attachment 85831

Thank you in advance for your response
I’ve been streaming and playing in HDR and having it tonemapped to SDR. The only you need to mess with is SDR white point increasing the value will make things darker and decreasing it will make things brighter. You can find what looks best to you on your stream. You add game capture and set the color format to pq 2100 in properties it’s the only other option besides srgb and that’s it no filters or anything needed.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I am using a mac how can I Install the new version and keep the old version until I confirm everything works for me…
You can simply install both to your system in different locations or with different app bundle names. However, please keep in mind that macOS application permissions (mic, camera, screen recording, etc.) may not work correctly if you are switching from an x86_64 build of OBS to an arm64 build of OBS or vice versa.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I don’t think it gives me a option where to save it to
When you open the DMG to install the application, you can install it to anywhere, not just the Applications folder. You should, however, install the full release of OBS Studio 28 to the Applications folder when you have confirmed that it works for your use-case.


New Member
Captura de tela 2022-08-27 091750.jpg

I'm still getting a reddish image when I use P010 mode with my Avermedia GC553 on OBS 28 RC2, unfortunately.
When I use Avermedia Recentral 4, everything works perfectly.

I was a hope to have HDR mode in OBS, but this way it will hurt me more than help.
I believe that the problem is exactly in the P010 format of OBS which should not be compatible with all cards that provide an HDR signal like Avermedia GC553.

Suslik V

Active Member
@R4NIERI your log-file may help to the developers. How you see it on your screen not always means it looks the same for others. Previews of OBS adjusted per display, depending on where the OBS preview windows are located - on HDR screens or not.


New Member
Hi All,
Brand new user here, so pardon my ignorance and if this is not the right place to post, please guide me.

I am using 'Macbook Air (M1, 2020)' with 'macOSBigSur Version 11.4'. Downloaded and installed OBS studio '28.00-rc2 (64 bit)'.
I have installed OBS.camera plug-in from here: https://obs.camera/docs/getting-started/ios-camera-plugin-usb/

The plugin is installed in the following folder:
Macitosh HD/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-ios-camera-source.

All my other OBS stuff (including the log files) are here:
Macintosh HD/users/ckakani/Library/Applications Support/obs-studio

My OBS studio does not have an 'IOS Camera' in my Sources. Will this plug-in work with my version of OBS? If so, is my plug-in installed in the right folder, and if not, what is the exact place I need to install the plug-in? Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you in advance!


New Member
@R4NIERI your log-file may help to the developers. How you see it on your screen not always means it looks the same for others. Previews of OBS adjusted per display, depending on where the OBS preview windows are located - on HDR screens or not.

I understand what you are suggesting, but in this case, this is what is being seen on the screen.
The HDR image captured to OBS, using P010 and an Avermedia GC553, appears as if it is reddish.
I'm not looking to record in HDR, I want to do the correct tone mapping to SDR. I don't use HDR monitor where OBS is installed and running. I use HDR just for gaming on my TV.
The capture card can do the correct tone mapping for SRD as long as the P010 format is correctly interpreted. I can use Avermedia Recentral 4 normally to record and stream in SDR, even if the input signal is HDR on the capture card. The software does the correct tone mapping from HDR to SDR format. OBS still can't, even with the support of P010 to this capture card.
This problem didn't just happen to me. Other users also noticed that when the signal is HDR the OBS does not show correctly, even with everything adjusted correctly.
The problem is in the P010 format of OBS.


New Member
@ckakani that plugin is only compatible with the Intel version of OBS and needs to be updated by the plugin developer to support the Apple Silicon version.
In the meantime, you can still download and use the Intel version of OBS 28.


New Member
@ckakani that plugin is only compatible with the Intel version of OBS and needs to be updated by the plugin developer to support the Apple Silicon version.
In the meantime, you can still download and use the Intel version of OBS 28.
Thank you for your response! How can I make the intel version work on my M1? Can you please point me to a post or resource that I can use to do it properly ( like separating the installation folders, etc) without deleting my Apple silicon version?

Suslik V

Active Member
@R4NIERI save the raw HDR fragment from the Avermedia GC553 software bundle and try to import this video fragment as Media Source in OBS. Any changes? Did you even tried to import into OBS any other HDR images or videos?


New Member
@R4NIERI save the raw HDR fragment from the Avermedia GC553 software bundle and try to import this video fragment as Media Source in OBS. Any changes? Did you even tried to import into OBS any other HDR images or videos?
Any other image imported into OBS works correctly, even videos recorded in HDR, including HDR recordings made in Avermedia Recentral.
The problem in my point of view is the interpretation of colors in the P010 format when it comes from the capture card or OBS is unable to enable HDR mode on that card and then capture in P010 correctly.


New Member
Hello there,

I'm new here, and I just installed OBS 28.0 RC. But I'm facin an issue I didn't have with the previous versions :

On some games (especially Assetto Corsa), picture appears to be totally washed in screen capture. I always have to load a game capture to have a clear image.
On the previous versions this worked flawlessly on a screen capture.
Also on the loading screen image is blinking between washed and clear image, and filters won't work. I'll add I've not edited any of my video settings.
Any clue ?
Thanks in advance.

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