
New Member
In OBS I'm running as high quality I can get and it looks great in OBS, but whenever it gets rendered to file it looks bad. For example, when I look back at the video it looks grainy and some spots like the middle of the screen are blurry. I've tried .mp4/.flv, simple/advanced output methods. I've even tried disabling/enabling hyper-threading. I run an i9-9900k, gtx 1070, and 32gb of ram with a 1440p monitor. I'll keep looking at the settings.


  • LogFile.txt
    15 KB · Views: 47


New Member
ahhh, ok. So I decided to run superfast instead of ultrafast and put CRF to 15. Do you have anymore recommendations for higher-quality?


  • LogFile.txt
    4.6 KB · Views: 42


Active Member
As long as you're just going for a set quality, there's no reason (outside of a few edge cases) not to just use NVenc and set a CQP value. The lower the value, the higher the quality. Using ultrafast/superfast are going to be lower quality than what nvenc can provide anyway for the same bitrate.


CRF 15 is incredibly high quality - relatively speaking - you're not going to be anywhere close to that in motion video, but will only be able to attain it on stills. Which will lead to a constant change of sharp vs blur video.
With a 9900k and a gtx 1070 you should only be considering nvidia encoder for most things. Perhaps some cpu encoding for youtube uploads, that u can do renders on overnight. The goal should be consistency in quality. If you do real life painting or digital still work or such, you will be better off with 30 fps stream and maximize quality options to that - to show off your pixels literally. CRF15 and superfast is ridiculous to me. But i guess we all need a good laugh these days. So thanks!

You also need to enable admin mode, consider 720p, 1440p is nuts. You're like asking to have the whole bank and expect it to happen.
Completely unrealistic.

ahhh, ok. So I decided to run superfast instead of ultrafast and put CRF to 15. Do you have anymore recommendations for higher-quality?