
New Member
So I use OBS studio to stream quite regularly and as of only a few days ago I started encountering these issues, as indicated by the title of my post, seemingly out of the blue. I haven't done anything different or new with my computer so I don't understand why this is happening all of a sudden but it's causing me quite a lot of stress because I can't figure out why this is happening or what to do to fix it. I tried changing my settings hoping that less CPU usage would cause less strain while OBS is running but that didn't work, I tried updating but it says I'm up to date, any ideas would be much appreciated. Here are the log files of my last 2 streams, the one with the older date is from before I changed my settings for streaming within OBS. Also if it helps I have also provided the specs of my computer for reference.


  • 2020-11-17 16-03-54.txt
    19.1 KB · Views: 66
  • 2020-11-15 15-37-27.txt
    16.8 KB · Views: 49
  • specs.png
    18.2 KB · Views: 77


New Member
first update windows to newest update
15:37:27.702: Running as administrator: false = Run OBS as Admin
15:37:28.064: D3D11 GPU priority setup failed (not admin?) <- have you read this run ans ADMIN ;)

15:37:28.501: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded = install aac encoder

7:47:19 PM.162: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 458458 (51.5%
check your internet connection did you use wifi or wired ? = DON`T use Wifi

16:03:54.241: Avast Antivirus: enabled (AV) = Deinstall it the Windows Defender make the same job with lower resources

please make a speedtest on speedtest.net
Thank you for suggesting a handful of options. I actually didn't realize my windows 10 wasn't up to date so I'm solving that problem right now, I've also set OBS to run as admin so that shouldn't be a problem anymore either. As for the audio encoder you recommended it seems like I should only get that if I want better audio quality in my streams, meaning it's more of a luxury rather than a fix? (I assume) And as for switching from Avast to windows defender I've read some sketchy things about defender, I've used Avast for over 10 years and I trust it to do it's job, I've never had any issues with it. Can you guarantee me windows defender offers the exact same level of protection or greater? Lastly I've taken a screenshot of my internet speed test, could you let me know if these stats are good enough? or at least not an issue?

As for the act of actually testing OBS streaming I can't right now because I have to go to work but as soon as I get a chance I will test out a stream and tell you if I experienced better results. Thank you for your help and future assistance on the matter.


  • speedtest.png
    124.2 KB · Views: 131