OBS is freezing randomly while streaming


New Member
Hey everyone,

Since 10th Oktober 2022 my OBS freezes randomly when I stream. The Bitrate drops to 0, stream ends and I can only close OBS when I go into the Task Manager. Sometimes my OBS says, that my encoder needs too long to encode (5s) and I have no idea why it do it. Before I didnt had any problems.

I am using OBS 28.0.3 and got installed the tuna plugin and the sprectulizer plugin.

I also run OBS as administrator and tried to change the compatibility to Windoes 8/7 but nothing helps...

I think I have configured everything right but it crashes.

Can you look in my logs? I will give you a few ones from the last streams. Maybe you will find the issue. I dont have any idea what I can do.

Thanks ^^


  • 2022-10-11 23-49-10.txt
    47.8 KB · Views: 405
  • 2022-10-11 17-44-52.txt
    177.3 KB · Views: 110
  • 2022-10-11 21-33-58.txt
    21.7 KB · Views: 66


Active Member
Most probably this is the issue: spectralizer
Remove it. Visit the plugin page and read what it says.

OBS 28 works only for Win10 and up. Changing it's compatibility does nothing good.

A crash report is needed. You only provided log files.
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New Member
Mosty probably this is the issue: spectralizer
Remove it. Visit the plugin page and read what it says.

OBS 28 works only for Win10 and up. Changing it's compatibility does nothing good.

A crash report is needed. You only provided log files.
Okay, I will. Thanks. And to the crash report: It dont generate a crash report...


I have his issue too.

Running Windows 11 and not in admin mode as I have a 2 pc set-up. I don't have to be streaming for OBS 28.1.2 to freeze up and it will crash eventually if I hammer the close window button - Windows generates a crash log, but OBS doesn't.

I don't have Spectraliser installed - I'm running the newer version called Waveform 1.5
I do have
Move 2.7.1
Cornerpin 1.6 (I installed this when I uninstalled StreamFX, but I still have the issue so I installed StreamFX and never got around to switching back entirely)
Shaderfilter 1.21
StreamFX (I'm aware this is alpha but I installed it and still have this issue)

The Graphics card is an RTX 3070, and I have the latest Nvidia SDK for Audio ( and Video (0.7.1)

I have Twitchat set up as a browser dock and I have things connected to OBS websocket


New Member
Same, dealing with this tonight.
The only plugins I have is StreamElements, and StreamFX and NDI

I use NDI to send the game play to my streaming pc. no scenes are using any of the other plugins.


Active Member
Same, dealing with this tonight.
The only plugins I have is StreamElements, and StreamFX and NDI

I use NDI to send the game play to my streaming pc. no scenes are using any of the other plugins.
And why you have them in the first place if you don't use them.
Remove all of them. As always remove the remaining files left by this plugins in %appdata%\obs-studio\

Then uninstall and reinstall OBS just in case streamelements changed anything else.
Finally, anyone using windows 11 should know about the issues the OS itself causes. Isn't OBS, isn't the GPU drivers, isn't any component in your computer, it's windows 11 also known as windows vista reprice. And if you have an AMD CPU the issues are even worst.
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It seems to be just the preview dock that freezes as all the others work fine.
When I try to change the scene, that's when the whole of OBS goes into "Not responding" mode - I left it like that for over an hour to see if it would finally generate a crash log. It didn't, so I had to kill the process.

I recently saw a post where someone disabled preview mode and it worked fine. I need preview mode, so that's not an option.

I'm not sure this is a Windows 11 thing. I updated to W11 months ago and OBS27.x worked fine. Also, I think some people with this issue are running it on W10.

(I don't mind W11 - I googled the vista reprice thing and I just found a bunch of whingers, who like to whinge. The fact of the matter is that a lot of people complained that windows weren't that secure. We all know that hardware firewalls and security are far better than software versions, and when MS defined a minimum hardware requirement, everyone complained about that too. Sure, you can't right-click the taskbar to get the Task Manager, but you can right-click the start button...)

I did a clean install of OBS 28 and re-installed the plugins I needed 1 by 1. The problem here is that sometimes it can be days before I have the issue again.

Next time it happens I'll see if I can disable preview mode.

If that doesn't work, I'll go back to OBS27.x


Yesterday I had OBS open all day.
I wasn't streaming, apart from the evening. ( I did close OBS during dinner).
I had a full-screen projection running on my main monitor of the game I was playing (2 pc set-up).

I had no issues all afternoon.
During the stream, the game froze for a few seconds a couple of times. I happened to glance across at OBS during one of the freezes and the preview was also frozen (my cam wasn't moving).

So it's a bit odd that using the projector stops it from freezing completely?

Still no crash logs.


New Member
I just wanted to say that this is happenening to me as well. I have Windows 11 and no plugins installed. It was happening and I did a complete reinstall of Windows 11 and it still happens. Any help would be appreciated.


I think I found my problem.

I was going through the settings and I noticed that the audio for discord wasn't set to use the NVIDIA noise removal - I added this to both my Mic and Discord when I installed 28.0

I changed the filter and OBS crashed - I got a crash log! yay!
Also, OBS refused to load. Boo!
I uninstalled all the plugins and OBS would load the GUI so far and then crash.
I uninstalled the Nvidia audio SDK - OBS refused to even display the GUI. I reinstalled it and the GUI would load up but I was still no further than before.

I uninstalled OBS (deleting all the settings) and installed it - I used my profile and scene backups to restore.

I didn't try using the NVIDIA
(I did try once but OBS crashed and then luckily it reloaded, but without NVIDIA filter loaded so I took that for the signs and portents that it is!)

I'm currently using RNNoise noise suppression on both my Mic and Discord - not frozen since...

BTW, I am using NVIDIA webcam SDK and that works fine still.



This is the crash log from the last time obs, well, crashed.
I tried adding the NVIDIA noise suppression filter to my mic

I know this seems like an unrelated fault and probably should have its own thread, but given the freezing appears to have stopped (at least so far)...


  • Crash 2022-11-27 15-56-27.txt
    108.3 KB · Views: 118


New Member
Same problem. I found out that i can reproduce the freezing when i open Geforce Expierence and move it directly after window pops up around. Dont get why and dont see a connection to the freeze occuring while streamen cuz i didnt opend geforce expierenceor something simmilar then. Maybe this helps someone to find a solution


New Member
This is the crash log from the last time obs, well, crashed.
I tried adding the NVIDIA noise suppression filter to my mic

I know this seems like an unrelated fault and probably should have its own thread, but given the freezing appears to have stopped (at least so far)...
how to i add nvidia noice supression to my mic?


how to i add nvidia noice supression to my mic?
OBS 28+ only. You need to install the Nvidia Audio Effects for your series of graphics cards (RTX 20 series to 40 series); see the link I posted on Monday at 11:13 above.

Add a filter to your mic input and choose Noise Suppression. In the settings, you should see a selection of Nvidia ones to choose from.

Incidentally, I'm specifically not using it and I have still not had any freezes (on windows 11). :)


I'm still not experiencing the issue - I will try a test at some point installing the Nvidia audio SDK and trying to use it as a filter, just to see if the freeze issue resumes...


It froze again Monday night, but only once just before the stream was about to start...

I'm beginning to wonder if it is using the protector to monitor that is stopping the freeze...


New Member
I have been having this problem for months! It's very frustrating.. the video preview will freeze randomly and inconsistenly (either when I am live streaming or when the software is just open in the background). It's mainly frustrating because I have tried changing around so many settings yet it will continue to freeze and I and it looks like everyone else cannot find a solid solution to this. When I am live streaming, it takes minutes to even realize that it has frozen sometimes cause all other components on OBS are still functioning properly (audio meter bars are moving up and down, Twitch chat is still updating and allowing me to reply back, but once i try to end stream the software starts not responding and needs to be force closed)