
obs-gstreamer 0.4.1



I am posting this here, to concurrently check whether this is an obs-gstreamer issue...

Does anyone have any idea?


New Member
I'm very new to this Gstreamer and I wanted it very badly to work with my OBS because of the issues I'm running into with my low cost PTZ IP cam which I am using via VLC Video Source. On my Windows 10 computer I was able to install the gstreamer-1.0-mingw-x86_64-1.18.2.msi then updated the environment variables (path) copied the .dll files on to my OBS Plugin folder likewise downloaded and copied the obs-gstreamer.dll on the same folder. After that I was able to see the Gstreamer Source on my OBS. Tried adding a Gstreamer Source an IP camera and copied a recommended pipeline:

rtspsrc location="rtsp://<user>:<password>@<cam-ip-address>" latency=0 buffer-mode=auto ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! d3d11h264dec ! video.

but the OBS logs show:

Cannot start GStreamer: no element "videoconvert"

What else do i need to fix to make it work? I searched around but find no answers. Appreciate any help. Thanks!
so we have at least two different pipelines here :

1 (credits Stephanvs)

rtspsrc location=rtspt://url latency=100 ! rtpjitterbuffer latency=0 ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! d3d11h264dec ! video.

2 (my attempt)

rtspsrc location=rtspt://url latency=100 ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! nvh264dec ! videoconvert ! video.

I have no special installation or so, and never had your message. I do use video convert as you see. What happens if you try one of our pipelines ? My camera's are 20 dollar AliExpress surveillance cams 1080p IP , no PTZ.


Cannot start GStreamer: no element "videoconvert"

"videoconvert" is part of the GStreamer Base plugins. If that cannot be found (what does "gst-inspect-1.0 videoconvert" from a console tell you?) then there is something wrong with your GStreamer installation.


New Member
"videoconvert" is part of the GStreamer Base plugins. If that cannot be found (what does "gst-inspect-1.0 videoconvert" from a console tell you?) then there is something wrong with your GStreamer installation.

Thanks for responding Tuna. Appreciate it.

Showed a lot of text when i run that command. Here are the beginning response. Hope this gives us an idea what going on...

Screenshot 2021-01-13 09.12.01.png


New Member
I have installed streamer both the developer files and the runtime. I have added the .so file to the obs app. I might just be missing something?


The prebuild binary is build via a macports installation. Depending on how you have installed GStreamer it probably won't find the correct locations. I recommend building the plugin yourself. There may be more to it by now. I have only tested it once years ago, I haven't followed up with recent macOS changes as I don't have a Mac.


New Member
I'll be completely honest not sure about how to build the plugin myself. Kinda new with all this. So sorry for the ignorance!


Don't feel bad about it. It is not trivial. Unfortunately that is the reason why it may not work out of the box. Best effort is to install GStreamer via the macports packet manager, not homebrew or the official releases. That was the way I chose to create these kind of automatically without having a Mac. For everything else you most likely need some development experience :(


New Member
Probably not the right place but when I run gstreamer through terminal I get no mpeg-4 aac decoder. So obviously same stream won't work on obs.


Iirc when installing with macports there exist these variants where features can be enabled/disabled. Maybe AAC decoder is not part of the default install.


New Member
Ok. I have somehow stumbled my way through and have a stream...and it's only with a 3 second delay...Doing something wrong lol


New Member
So it seems installed. I have no idea why it would throw this error from OBS then..

I figured out the problem. The previous obs-gstreamer.dll was 128kb in size and I could no longer find the link where it came from. I found one from https://github.com/Fabian-Schmidt/obs-gstreamer/releases/tag/v0.0.4-w which is 16kb. Honestly, I can't tell the difference except for the size. It is working now however I have another issue this time with regards to plugins-bad installation on Windows. I couldn't find downloadable pre-compiled plugins for Windows that supports H265 IP cameras including libde265dec. I would appreciate if you can point me to it.

Here's the sample video I'm getting with this sort of default pipeline,
rtspsrc location=rtsp://<ip_address>:554/user=admin_password=<password>_channel=1_stream=0.sdp?real_stream latency=0 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! video.

Screenshot 2021-01-19 09.30.32.png


I found one from https://github.com/Fabian-Schmidt/obs-gstreamer/releases/tag/v0.0.4-w which is 16kb. Honestly, I can't tell the difference except for the size.
Looks like he provided a version linked top the Visual Studio studio release of GStreamer instead of the MinGW one.

It is working now however I have another issue this time with regards to plugins-bad installation on Windows. I couldn't find downloadable pre-compiled plugins for Windows that supports H265 IP cameras including libde265dec. I would appreciate if you can point me to it.
I would think they don't even made a dedicated decoder plugin. Usually the FFMPEG wrapper element exposes a H.265 decoder. But I guess that depends on the feature set of the FFMPEG library and how it has been compiled.

(EDIT: there seem indeed exist a de265 element for decoding, in doubt you have to build it yourself though)