OBS for Mac OS?

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Forum Admin
Jim said:
A usable release is definitely within the next few months.
This has not changed. It will be available within the next few months. There is no hard release date. It will be out when it's ready.

We will let everyone know when it's ready. You do not need to keep asking. You can follow its progress here: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio


New Member
Its great to see that its coming out within the next few months, now I was just wondering if will only work on the iMac or will it work on the Macbook Pro?

Madd the Sane

New Member
Anything branded with the "Macintosh" brand name, including iMacs, Mac minis, MacBook Pros, etc…
I doubt that the current iMacs and MacBook Pros will be that different in hardware or software, except for the retina models.


New Member
I think Kickstarter would be a great way to fund OBS for mac. I myself have donated several times to the OBS project. Although I do not have any Windows OS I am waiting for a Mac release (Patiently unlike most people) and the donations were just my way of saying thanks. Any ETA of OBS for Mac?


Forum Admin
I've already discussed why Kickstarter is a bad idea, and I've already said that it won't be released for a few months. I know you really want it now, and you want to help it come into existence faster, but I'm sorry, you're just going to have to wait.

I'm locking this thread, because all it seems to be doing is inviting people to continue asking when it will be released. An answer has been given, and unless you are a programmer, there's not much you can do to help make it come out faster.

If you want to discuss the OBS rewrite further, then please check this thread: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=7736


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Forum Moderator
No need for kickstarter, though thank you so much for offering, multiplatform OBS is already getting going. The thread is most definitely not needed, it's currently in development as we speak.

We already have display capture going for mac, and just need audio capture. I will create some sort of thread to mark our progress or list of items we're working on or something, because I know you guys are anxious about it.

Rest assured, it's absolutely coming 100%.
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