Happy holidays everybody!
I have a few questions about setting up OBS to record for editing (I'm on version 20.1.3 windows 8.1 x64 btw).
That would mostly mean using a lossless code of the likes of huffyuv, lagareth and utvideo, but in my experience none of the original implementations is available through OBS, since the only alternative I'm getting for Standard recording type is the ffmepg range of codecs (unless I'm missing something). ffmpeg have their own implementations of huffyuv and utvideo, but for the name of dear God I can't find anywhere any docs explaining their command line options, so I can use them in OBS's "Video Encoder Options (if any)" field. Actually I cannot find docs for the options of the original implementations either! If anyone knows, I'd appreciate any poiners.
So I spent almost the whole day today trying to educate myself about H.264 lossless (libx264), only to find out that it (crf=0) always coverts to yuv4:4:4, which my editing software cannot handle (corel videostudio).
So I opted for the "Visually Lossless": preset=ultrafast crf=15
and, setting up OBS's Advanced tab to yuv420.790.full
This seems to work fine in my test runs wih 10sec clips recording just my desktop and hopefully it won't give me any issues when I'll do actual game-recording).
However, since I'm no expert (not even close) I'd like to ask if anyone sees anything awfully wrong in that setup. The goal here is to record really slow-pace games (of the likes of Opensim, and Secondlife) editing in corel videostudio (adding titles, overalys, effects, whatever), then do the final compression for uploading to social media (well ,to youtube mostly).
PS. Is there any way to force OBS to "see" other installed codecs besides the ones supported by ffmpeg?