Bug Report OBS can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!


New Member
Alright, so OBS detects my arcsoft showbiz, but it can't stream directly from it; the screen is just black. I choose capture card option and I get a red screen. And yes, I live stream to test them both out, and still nothing.

Currently I am just doing the "ghetto" way and streaming my entire monitor (1920x1080) and fullscreening my arcsoft capure module.

I would just like to stream my module, at the same reso, that way I can still use my computer without interrupting the live stream. I know a second monitor will help, but I want to use that as a last resort, since technically the way I want it to work SHOULD work!

So help pwease!


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Hauppauge cards currently don't work directly with the app do to their unique design (they output only in a certain encoding). I am going to try to buy a hauppauge soon to try to make them work fortunately.


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Would this include the Happauge Colossus? I've been having a hard time streaming from the colossus because Xsplit has unreliable voice lag.

It could range from me having to put 1 second mic lag to 5 min mic lag. Its rediculous


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

It will hopefully include all hauppauge, as I'm pretty sure they all output the same type of data


Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Seriously Jim. If you can get Hauppauge capture devices like the PVR 2 Gaming Edition, to work directly with OBS, you will have hit a milestone, because at this point in time, I don't think anyone that streams using a PVR, does so without having to use showbiz and screen capping the window, which as we know is a horrible clunky way of streaming.

I don't personally own a PVR (I think they're horrible devices, with their 5 second delays etc) but I have plenty of streaming friends who have one, and who would benefit GREATLY from being able to directly capture from within OBS.

Do it Jim, save all my friends from their streaming nightmares!


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Not yet.. I have to buy one. Wish I could get everything working perfectly for everyone but life is sadly never that simple.


Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Yeah, I understand mate.

Whenever you get round to this, will you update this thread?



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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Well if I don't update this thread I'll make a new thread about it. Will probably need testers when I get to it.


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Just registered, first post :)

I too would be very interested in compatibility with the Hauppauge HD PVR 2 and would be glad to provide testing and feedback. I have a background in CS, so I'm comfortable getting my hands a little dirty if needed.

OBS has been a godsend both for me and my small game streaming community. It has been a huge help in advocating the community's switch away from Livestream.com as our primary streaming service. Keep up the great work!


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Could someone give me a link of which hauppauge to buy? I'm probably going to buy one if I can't figure it out remotely with others


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

There are two models listed on newegg here, but I'm not aware of the generational differences. Seems to just be the same product, but a minor hardware revision perhaps. Not too sure. I checked mine for a model number and was surprised to see it didn't have one marked on either sticker, haha.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLi ... %20edition

If you'd prefer a different vendor, I'd say just search for "HD PVR 2" or "HD PVR 2 gaming edition". Despite the ridiculously generic name, this seems to be a consistent way to find this particular product. There was an HD PVR (first product in the line), but it looks markedly different and was not marketed as "gaming edition".


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

I think the PVR 2 has HDMI ports instead of composite; so you can just record with HDMI cable and not have to use the mess of wires (for 360 at least, ps3 can NOT record with straight HDMI).

It should be the same, I hope, I have the part 1 edition.

Jim, if I can do anything to help, let me know, I have the PVR 1. Though, I have no CS background.
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

I have a HD PVR 1 I could certainly help in testing that. Just let me know.


New Member
Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Jim said:
Could someone give me a link of which hauppauge to buy? I'm probably going to buy one if I can't figure it out remotely with others

I enjoy your program so much since it came out and I'm a laptop user so its so nice to have a tool that is so lightweight on resources. I use a HD PVR 2 with my laptop and find it to work great even though I have to use screen region. Support for this would be amazing and I'll do my best to help in whatever way possible. Whether it be by submitting logs or trying out all the latest builds like I have been doing.

The two models a recent poster mentioned was referring to an upcoming model that isn't released yet but, was announced at CES. It's a small hardware improvement that includes support for full 5.1 recording over s/pidf. This feature was supposed to be on the first generation of HD PVR 2s but I guess there were complications. The update may still come as they have been pretty good about keeping the drivers up to date.

The official Xsplit team has confirmed via their hauppauge sub forums that they received a first gen HD PVR 2 for testing but, like the roxio HD game capture they may not be willing to offer the support to their free users. This was my last stand for trying to support the Xsplit team and hopefully support for this will come eventually for the thousands of people who invested their money into hauppauge.

I appreciate your support and I have been following this development for some time and noticed that you have taken the time to add support for the major capture cards and even recently beta support for the elgato HD which uses USB like the PVR 2. I hope the same support for the HD PVR 2 comes in due time and anything at all that I can do to help will be my pleasure.


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Re: OB can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!

Looks like the PVR 2 is a good bet then, I will take a look, I appreciate it