OBS 28.1.2 Log File Record Settings are not matching what log file shows.


Been running into very strange encoding errors lately; I cannot seem to hold 720p 60FPS @ 4k bitrate steady anymore while streaming with a 2080ti, 32gb 3200 RAM and 10900K CPU. It's driving me BONKERS. So, decided to dive into the logs and do some testing with recording and what settings I have set do NOT match what my log is showing. What the heck? Am I misreading these or is it a known bug? Could this be causing my issues?

Even doing PS5 Gameplay going through a capture card is dropping frames during recording or streaming (and I checked my upload speed just in case and it's 20mbps)

Log attached and screenshot of current settings.


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Both of them, screenshot and log, do say 1080p and 8k@CBR, accordingly.
Yes, but the log file shows:
Codec: H264
Lookahead: true

when my recording is set to:
Codec: NVENC H.264
Lookahead: false

The CQPs don't match for either the recording sources either.


Active Member
Yes, indeed.
But you told /wrote about different resolution and/or framerates, so its difficult to tell what your primary issue might be.

Can you provide a complete log, please?


My issue is what settings I set in OBS are not reflected in the logfile.
Here's a fresh log file from boot of OBS and start/stop of a recording.

Recording stuff at line 2,475


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Active Member
Your Screenshot above implies that you use "standard type" settings. Did you used advanced settings before?
Switch to advanced mode back, if so, and switch off the use of ffmpeg for sound tracks or as muxer.

Personally i think there may be settings involved that couldn't transferred or communicated correctly between OBS and ffmpeg library or what OBS thinks about (these settings) so they aren't reflected correctly as OBS writes the logfile.


Your Screenshot above implies that you use "standard type" settings. Did you used advanced settings before?
Switch to advanced mode back, if so, and switch off the use of ffmpeg for sound tracks or as muxer.

Personally i think there may be settings involved that couldn't transferred or communicated correctly between OBS and ffmpeg library or what OBS thinks about (these settings) so they aren't reflected correctly as OBS writes the logfile.
The only settings I have under "Type" is either Standard or Custom Output (FFMpeg) and I've never used the Custom Output. I have "Advanced Settings" set for the Output Mode.


Update: I used the "Check File Integrity" (awesome feature) last night and did a stream and things went pretty darn near flawlessly. Also checked the log file and everything is now matching my settings. I'm guessing something went wonky during an upgrade or something.
Tonight, however, OBS crashed twice -.- And, unfortunately, I am not as versed in ready crash reports but here it is, just in case.

So, if anyone else is having this issue where OBS Stream/Record Settings are not properly reflected in your log file": run the Check File Integrity tool under the Help menu!


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