Re: 0.60 test build 9
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to say thank you to the devs for adding NvENC support to OBS. I'm very new to streaming and OBS but the NvENC support made it possible for me to get high quality encodes without killing the CPU on my gaming rig. It's getting a little long in the tooth (Intel 9650 Core 2 Quad 3GHz/12MB cache) but with a GTX 680 doing the initial encoding it frees the CPU up quite a bit for the game.
Great work you guys, very appreciative. I am still twiddling with settings but am already getting some pretty good results. Basically have OBS using NvENC, veryfast, 20Mbps bitrate and 7000 buffer size, lanczos downsizing from 1920x1080 -> 1280x720. It passes that on to a Fedora linux server running a custom nginx with rtmp patched in to recompress with ffmpeg (static) to various bitrates (2Mbps, 2.5Mbps, 3Mbps depending which "app" I send OBS's output to) which then streams to Twitch.
One little problem I'm seeing is that things look a lot darker watching it on the bigscreen TV, especially in night scenes of the game, but I think that might be an issue with encoder presets. Will gather a little more info on that before posting in detail. Looks normal watching twitch archived streams on the PC but too dark on the TV (although everything else looks normal). I have a setting in XBMC that flips that to the opposite setting, and if I use it, these dark stream archives look like they should but just about everything else is washed out looking.
There is something I ran into a few years ago doing regular video transcoding about a setting when encoding digital video about matching black levels (luminance?), if its set one way, then 16 (out of a range of 0-255) is considered zero rather than 0 being 0 and if there's a mismatch things come out either too dark or "washed out" looking. Strange, but hopefully I can figure it out. I don't think the first few days' of streams I did with NvENC had this problem and the only real changes I've made with ffmpeg settings on the Linux machine has been presets (medium vs. slow, etc.) and profile (high/main). I probably need to look closer at what settings are clumped together with the different presets. Or something. :)
Thanks for OBS - it's really great.
BTW does anybody know if there is a solid 64-bit version of the CLR Browser plugin? Just curious. I've gotten things working pretty well up to this point with the 64-bit version of OBS 0.60 test 9 but from reading around it looks like I might have to switch to the 32-bit version to get a stable CLR Browser? Not sure though.
Thanks everyone!