New DSLR coming up grainy When full screen in obs studio


New Member
ive been streaming for a little bit now and decided to upgrade camera. i got the Sony a5100 with a Sigma lens. it hooks up to obs studio just fine. it recognizes it fine just like my other camera. one of my main scenes is the camera full screen at 1920 x 1080. when i have the camera downsized at the corner of the screen it looks fine, but when i pull up the full screen scene my face is grainy. i have a way worse camera that works just fine at 60 fps 1080p streaming. i havent changed anything in the settings. the camera shutter speed is set to 1/60, the aperture is F1.4, and the ISO is on 100 or auto. i will say my capture card is kinda old. its an Elgato HD60. not hd60 pro, just the regular hd60. i also play on an ultra wide monitor. im just not sure why the camera output is grainy when full screened, but looks fine if i shrink the window. any idea to why this is happening, and how to fix it? thanks in advance.