Media Sources No Longer Abnormal but eventually Halt


New Member
Previously I posted here with a similar issue that both occurred in SLOBS AND OBS on various machines. The problem at the moment, no longer occurs on my laptop. But this new problem happens here in both SLOBS and OBS. Particularly after the recent update, however rolling back either previous version the problem seem to worse with OBS (which the only solution is to exit the software, ending the stream/and or recording, and relaunching it).

Previous problems with Media files : that included shout outs, sound effects, and video based redeems (like ! commands/redeems, shout outs, and alerts like raids etc).

I followed the solutions to what people posted helped out with and it seemed to fix the issue on my laptop but my PC is still suffering problems. The issue went with SLOBS but OBS is doing this current problem along with SLOBS after the recent update...:

The new problem:

Sound redeems work perfectly fine and have no issue. The problem is on any type media redeem that is a video based one. Such as shout outs, redeems that play clips, and alerts like a raid etc. The media will play as is but eventually, either the following happens:

1 - The video halts but continues to play sound and hangs there. I had to flip off and flip it back on. This eventually happens and problem #4 occurs and stays there *UNTIL* the streaming software is restarted.

2 - The video doesn't play but is followed by giant green block instead like a green screen. Adding Chroma filter somewhat fixes the green block from appearing, but eventually problem #1 happen causing me to restart the software.

The problems usually occur within the first 10 minutes of recording/live streaming.
The alerts and audio WILL still play with no hangs but will no longer display on the screen to the viewers.

Things I've tried:
OBS/SLOBS runs in Admin Mode for all users (this seemed to fix the previous)
Refreshing the cache - sometimes this resets it but not usually. SLOBS seems to not act as much when using it.
Shut Down/Do Not shut down source when active

Disabling Hardware Acceleration (which I've never had to do before) seems to fixed the problem for now but this issue is so very random. The log file is based upon with Accel on. Is it normally recommend to have this option turned off?

SLOBS still happens with the issue after throwing tons of alerts/redeems at but with it disabled not nearly as much.
Has anyone had a similar issue? Thank you for help and reading.




Active Member
Whatever issue with a third party service or products should be asked to that third party service.
OBS do not give alerts services so you have to ask to the service you're using for them to look at it. If they don't answer or sent you somewhere else, change service.

Based on the OBS log file, there's no issue at all on OBS side.
Anyway, it's strange you're recording at 720p 30fps with a computer that can easily record in 2k at 60fps. You should check your hardware is for some reason you can't go for a better quality and resolution.
You should be recording at 1080p 60fps and recording quality set to indistinguishable or lossless.


There's no streaming on the log file either, so nothing to tell on that side. Again, your computer can handle both from the same OBS instance unless a hardware/driver/OS issue is present.