The task is complex.
If only length of the string (
in symbols) needs to be analyzed then Advanced Scene Switcher plugin can do the job:
This plugin will allow you to automate various tasks using "Macros". Macros consist of a list of conditions under which a list of actions will be performed. Examples and guides can be found in the wiki. Feel free to contribute! If you run...
regular expression that matches up to 4 characters in a string:
regular expression that matches 5 and more characters in a string:
Implementation depends on setup and version of the plugin. But in general, you need:
- original text source (that points to the file) and its reference copy (sources placed one above other);
- group one text source and group second source (two groups each with single text source inside: top group named Group Casual, bottom group named Group Scroll);
- the Group Scroll should has filter Scroll with Limit Width at length of the casual text (not scrolled), let's say 150 pixels, so visually scrolled text will cover only casual text area and not more. Make sure that the Scroll filter applied to the group itself, not to the text source;
- in OBS Settings to the scene that has both groups should be assigned hotkeys: Show 'Group Casual', Hide 'Group Casual', Show 'Group Scroll', Hide 'Group Scroll' (different hotkeys for each group***);
- set Advanced Scene Switcher to use 2 macros: 1st for File contents matches 5 and more characters (file is the same as for the text source from the p1); 2nd for File contents matches up to 4 characters (file is the same as for the text source from the p1);
- 1st macros (for File contents matches 5 and more characters) has series of actions: send Hotkey only to OBS to Hide 'Group Casual' -> wait for 2 sec (text update is slow) -> send Hotkey only to OBS to Show 'Group Scroll';
- 2nd macros (for File contents matches up to 4 characters) has series of actions: send Hotkey only to OBS to Hide 'Group Scroll' -> wait for 2 sec (text update is slow) -> send Hotkey only to OBS to Show 'Group Casual'.
***Hotkeys needed to be able to use show transitions for groups (if any, for example 'Swipe in' looks cool).