Bug Report Low FPS in OBS? Frames missed due to rendering lag? GPU problems? Look here.


New Member
Short of removing my second card, which would requiring disassembly of my water loop. Is simply the presence of a second card with SLI disabled going to cause an issue? Mind you i've tested with both SLI and G-Sync disabled in Nvidia control panel and saw no difference.
At first I thought it was the 1440p Gsync monitor causing the issue until I spoke w/ a friend recently who has the same one and has no issue.

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New Member
This problem has become way more common now with the new game Apex Legends, which for some reason im forced to lock it at 100fps, anything beyond that and OBS goes crazy. Im using the new 23.0.0 NVENC with a 1080ti


New Member
This problem has become way more common now with the new game Apex Legends, which for some reason im forced to lock it at 100fps, anything beyond that and OBS goes crazy. Im using the new 23.0.0 NVENC with a 1080ti

Out of curiosity are you capping your frames with Rivatuner? If not how are you capping in game? Ive been playing for a couple days and cant get it to cap @ 100 so my OBS runs smoothly


Active Member
Short of removing my second card, which would requiring disassembly of my water loop. Is simply the presence of a second card with SLI disabled going to cause an issue? Mind you i've tested with both SLI and G-Sync disabled in Nvidia control panel and saw no difference.
At first I thought it was the 1440p Gsync monitor causing the issue until I spoke w/ a friend recently who has the same one and has no issue.


Before doing anything else I would try changing canvas resolution to 1080p.

Depending on your motherboard, just having a 2nd card installed may be reducing PCI bandwidth for your primary card, creating a bottleneck. This may not have been an issue before, but as games try and push your GPU harder, this can start to become a problem.


New Member
I will try setting the base canvas to 1080. As far the mobo goes with the 6950x CPU i can run both cards in x16 with adequate PCIE lanes so there isnt an issue there. Motherboard is the Asus ROG Rampage V 10th anniversary edition.
I thought that the base canvas had to be your display's resolution? With my primary display at 1440, does setting the base canvas to 1080 only capture 1920x1080 of the total resolution?


Active Member
Canvas doesn't have to be the same, but ideally it would be for the sake of maximum quality.

It should be as large as the largest source you're trying to capture, but if you are outputting 1080p anyway it's just a question of where you scale. If you are having rendering lag it can make sense to scale your source before you capture.


New Member
So setting the base canvas to 1080 only captures 1920x1080 worth of the 1440p monitor where my game is running. Obviously this wont work unless i scale down widows to 1080 as well. If you're suggesting also setting windows to 1080 I will try that to test. Setting the output (scaled) resolution to 1080 or 720 has no affect on the render lag issue.


Active Member
Output scaling (as far as I understand) takes places after rendering, so you can't reduce the resolution there to reduce rendering lag, only encoding lag or network lag.


New Member
So i think i might have figured this out (at least for my situation)
First thing I did was remove the overclock of my primary display. This brought it down from 165hz to its base max refresh rate of 144hz.
Second thing I noticed is an application called "Aquasuite" which is linked to my "Aquareo" for my water cooling loop was using more than expected GPU resources. With that application closed, so far OBS has been running well.


New Member
I have a similar Problem

The GPU icreases to 90 or 99%, the FPS in game are fine like usual but
the problem is that the Stream start to LAG or go like really frezzed, but I don't have any performance impact in-game, the obs says that I'm 60 fps and the stream color is green, bu the preview is terribly lagged, if I cap the games at 60 fps obs works fine, my gpu don't reach 90% of usage but I'm literally wasting my new monitor of 144hz

(Just to keep it clear, this happens even without streaming and just seeing the preview)

And before someone comes to say "cap the fps that's how obs works" NO IT'S NOT, because if it is that way WHY this happened all the time before without any problems?

I recently changed my monitor and installed a fresh Windows 10, if before was working why it doesn't now? that's the real question
I'll try to install previus versions of windows 10 and Drivers of my GPU and try

My Specs
CPU: I7-8700K
GPU: Asus Strix 1080 Ti
Memory: 16GB (2X8) Crucial Ballistix 3200Mhz
Internet: 60/10 Mb


Active Member
It's very simple, if there are not enough GPU resources available for OBS, it can't do it's thing. Capping fps is just an easy way to lower GPU usage.


New Member
I used to be able to record my favorite game, Blacklight: Retribution at 60 fps no problem with OBS... then a windows update came along and I could barely do 20 fps. If I even try recording any games, it gives me my normal framerate for about 10 seconds and then it drops to bad. It won't go back up either unless I close OBS, tab out and then tab back in. Now Blacklight: Retribution is being shut down in a month and I can't even record a proper farewell video. Thanks Microsoft!


I used to be able to record my favorite game, Blacklight: Retribution at 60 fps no problem with OBS... then a windows update came along and I could barely do 20 fps. If I even try recording any games, it gives me my normal framerate for about 10 seconds and then it drops to bad. It won't go back up either unless I close OBS, tab out and then tab back in. Now Blacklight: Retribution is being shut down in a month and I can't even record a proper farewell video. Thanks Microsoft!

That's Game Mode, turn it off. See signature.


New Member
It's very simple, if there are not enough GPU resources available for OBS, it can't do it's thing. Capping fps is just an easy way to lower GPU usage.

I understand the logic process, what I don't understand is HOW if this has always been like this BEFORE I streamed and played without any caps or problems, and suddenly ( and coincidentally) after a fresh windows install this starts to happen.

I can't just accept "Yes this is how it is now" and that's it, completely waste the 144hz of my monitor now because it's how it works now you know?
If nothing works I'll try windows 7 and if it works there like some people is saying it works that means that something here in windows 10 is wrong and don't have to be like "yeah cap your shit" the only solution
I'm so frustrated :c


Active Member
I understand the logic process, what I don't understand is HOW if this has always been like this BEFORE I streamed and played without any caps or problems, and suddenly ( and coincidentally) after a fresh windows install this starts to happen.
It may be possible that you unknowingly configured something in your old Windows installation that made the problem not appear, and you didn't do the same thing in the new installation.
It's also possible that your new Windows installation was upgraded to the 1809 version immediately, while your old Windows installation was some earlier Windows version. With 1809 and game mode active, Windows has become very aggressive in monopolizing all system resources to the game, so OBS will starve from resources. Thus every other thread in this forum is about deactivating game mode. I assume you already did that, didn't you?


New Member
It may be possible that you unknowingly configured something in your old Windows installation that made the problem not appear, and you didn't do the same thing in the new installation.
It's also possible that your new Windows installation was upgraded to the 1809 version immediately, while your old Windows installation was some earlier Windows version. With 1809 and game mode active, Windows has become very aggressive in monopolizing all system resources to the game, so OBS will starve from resources. Thus every other thread in this forum is about deactivating game mode. I assume you already did that, didn't you?

of course I deactivated that a long time ago, I did id when I deactiveted DVR

The thing is that back in the other windows (I never capped anything) I got around 90 fps ond BF1 ultra at resolution 200% and I could stream it, because if the resources weren't enough the GAME drop fps, now apparently when It's not enough (always when something is not capped) the obs starts to drop and lag, is nonsense that "before worked" I don't understand how but I't worked.

But anyway, let's asume that OBS always worked like that, how is suposed to play at 144hz ? because I can't use NDI either it doesn't make any change because the OBS in the gaming computer isn't able to procces even just the image to send it to the stream computer, Even If I had a capture card my pc should do some of the encoding and right now isn't able to do even that little encoding without lag the hell out of obs.

So in conclution no matter what setup I have or what I buy I will never be able to play at 144hz and stream? how does the pro streamers do to play at high refresh monitors and stream?


Active Member
If you have a CPU+GPU that can run 144fps while still chilling at <95% GPU load, you should be able to stream just fine. Or use a second PC for streaming and a 144Hz capture card.

By the way, you can still play on a 144Hz monitor and just cap the fps at a more reasonable frame rate (let's say 90fps) and enjoy the benefits of low input lag and perfect picture quality (if the monitor supports freesync/G-sync).


New Member
I rolled back to Windows 10 1603 and thing are a little better, the problem now is, my game runs around 140 - 280 fps, I capped it at 144 that's my monitor refresh rate, but even when is capped and the CPU and GPU are not to the max my OBS can't have 60 fps smooth, like it's says 60 but men it doesn't feel like that, What can I do?