Well, you are scheduling camera devices to be on/off at various times. This is something you are going to have to program yourself.
At the top of my head, I would crank out a quick and dirty VB Windows application
It would be a form application that has a DataGrid on it showing the following:
Start Time, End Time, Camera Name, Hotkey, Status
11:00AM, 12:00PM, Sony Alpha 6000, F5, On
12:00PM, 6:00PM, Canon EOS Rebel T7, F6, Off
This application would run in its own timer loop and have start/stop buttons on the form.
The timer would trigger every 1 minute go into a timer event callback
In the callback, you would parse each row in the grid for start and stop times turning on/off the cameras
You will need to interface with OBS to get at the scene and camera source show/hide state
Easiest way is to send hotkey sequences that you setup in the OBS hotkey config and which relate to the Hotkey for the camera
Something along those lines...