Help, obs crashed


New Member
I'm still kind of new so i don't know if what I'm asking is actually possible: when I ended a recording it crashed, leaving no corrupted file or anything, just the crash log.
Can I repair the recording somehow? Here's the crash log.


  • Crash 2024-10-30 14-59-52.txt
    64.5 KB · Views: 16

Suslik V

Active Member
No recording file? Then, for you - recording likely lost. It is easier and faster to make new one.

A for the crash itself:
Thread 1D00: audio-io: audio thread (Crashed)
Stack            EIP              Arg0             Arg1             Arg2             Arg3             Address
000000A41F2FF4B8 00007FFEBB8636C2 000001BA00000000 0000000200000000 0000000000000020 0000000100000007 obs.dll!os_breakpoint+0x2
000000A41F2FF4C0 00007FFEBB85213E 000001BA0D8B7738 0000000000000067 000001BA0D8B74C0 00007FFEBB85D917 obs.dll!brealloc+0x5e
000000A41F2FF4F0 00007FFEBB7E121F 00007FFEBB86FF10 000001BA07120F00 00007FFEBB86FF10 0000000000000000 obs.dll!circlebuf_ensure_capacity+0x2f
000000A41F2FF520 00007FFEBB7F6C4A 000001BA0D8B74C0 000000A41F2FF640 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 obs.dll!push_back_audio+0x7a
000000A41F2FF580 00007FFEBB7F4A3F 000000A41F2FF760 000001BA07120F00 000000A41F2FF760 000000A41F2FF800 obs.dll!buffer_audio+0x26f
000000A41F2FF620 00007FFEBB7F6D9B 000001BA07148BF8 000001BA07178C88 000000A41F2FF800 0000000000000070 obs.dll!receive_audio+0xab
000000A41F2FF700 00007FFEBB84DC01 000230D18EA13E45 00000003CA231C00 000001BA07148B80 000230D18EA13E45 obs.dll!input_and_output+0x5a1
000000A41F2FF9D0 00007FFEBB84D604 000000000000002A 0000000000000000 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 0000000000000000 obs.dll!audio_thread+0xc4
000000A41F2FFA30 00007FFED04E78B6 000001BA0709B790 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 w32-pthreads.dll!ptw32_threadStart+0x126
000000A41F2FFAE0 00007FFEDA299333 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ucrtbase.dll!0x7ffeda299333
000000A41F2FFB10 00007FFEDB49257D 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 kernel32.dll!0x7ffedb49257d
000000A41F2FFB40 00007FFEDC6EAF08 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll.dll!0x7ffedc6eaf08
OBS likely run out of the memory (RAM) to operate safely. You may use Windows Task Manager to monitor RAM usage during OBS sessions.